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HOME >  Card Rating List  > ABYSS's Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List  > Yang Zing Unleashed

"Yang Zing Unleashed" Rating Score by ABYSS

Yang Zing Unleashed ▶︎ Deck 《Yang Zing Unleashed》
japan ABYSS
2014/04/21 4:07
Yugioh Icon
The forced combat effect is effective not only for Yang Zing, but also for Gusto and Aztec.
Another effect is that Yang Zing and others each have an Accel Synchro effect, but it is an effect that further strengthens it, making it possible to use "Urgent Tuning" and Accel Synchro using monsters other than Yang Zing.
Synchronization with the opponent's monster is impossible, so it's not bad.
URL https://en.yugioh-list.com/reviews/view/53493

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