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HOME >  Card Rating List  > ファナナス's Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List  > Skull Conductor

"Skull Conductor" Rating Score by ファナナス

Skull Conductor ▶︎ Deck 《Skull Conductor》
japan ファナナス
2013/01/21 14:56
Yugioh Icon
I want to make good use of the second half of the effect. Since it's up to 2, he can be a Vampire Lord (even better if he's with Mrs. Wight), and synchronizing with and is also good.
However, this card is discarded from the hand, and the monster that SS is also from the hand, so the consumption of the hand is very intense. I want to cover it with 《Recurring Nightmare》.
URL https://en.yugioh-list.com/reviews/view/30567

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