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"Wattkyuki" Rating Score by みめっと

Wattkyuki ▶︎ Deck 《Wattkyuki》
japan みめっと
2023/06/20 15:44
Yugioh Icon
Watt's new fighting force that appeared in the 12th term, the S monster, is characterized by strict S material restrictions that make it hard to believe that it is a monster from the 12th term.
Its true identity is a designer combo that uses the effects of Wattuna and Wattcobra, and he is a monster that is supposed to Special Summon.
For the time being, you can use a combination of Giraffe or Cobra and Tuna to summon properly, Thunder's non-tuner with self-SS ability, and Kaminari Attack, which allows him to Special Summon with Instant Fusion.
That's how he Special Summoned this monster attacked directly, and in order to Special Summon this card, he used the tuna and cobra sent to GY to use Wattchimera and Watthydra. It is designed to perform a continuous direct attack with Special Summon.
Unlike Tuna, he doesn't need to match the level of the monster he wants to return to the Deck with the level of the Watt S monster, so it's nice to be able to select a level 6 Chimera and a level 7 Kilim on the same line.
Both Chimera and Kirimu have direct attack effects and effects that lead to numerical advantage triggered by inflicting battles damage on the opponent with direct attacks, but Chimera has higher priority in terms of immediate effects. It looks like it will.
Well, what should I say, Special Summon: It's a shame that the other parts can only attack directly, but I think it's not a bad thing because it's consistent in what it should do. increase.
URL https://en.yugioh-list.com/reviews/view/175254

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