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HOME >  Card Rating List  > るうぃる's Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List  > Salamangreat of Fire

"Salamangreat of Fire" Rating Score by るうぃる

Salamangreat of Fire ▶︎ Deck 《Salamangreat of Fire》
japan るうぃる
2023/05/30 17:43
Yugioh Icon
It's a very attractive new monster that can reach raging with one card and strengthen the movement of raging.
SS restrictions other than fire attributes are much more severe than restricting the activation of effects with heaters and mirror austario, and you can't even connect to Decode Talker Heatsoul.
Also, in the environment at the time of the review, 《Droll & Lock Bird》was the main input, and if you get a doroba after searching for this card, the sanctuary search and raging search won't pass at all, so this card's rating has been lowered. increase. In addition, even the adoption of 《Lady Debug》, which is an unrestricted comparison target, is in danger.
It's strong as a card that can be called from Mirage Stalio, but since it's often called Jaguar, there's very little reason to spend it on this card.
It's a card that changes its evaluation depending on the environment, but it's not a card that can be said to be super strong.
URL https://en.yugioh-list.com/reviews/view/174396

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