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HOME >  Card Rating List  > みめっと's Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List  > Salamangreat of Fire

"Salamangreat of Fire" Rating Score by みめっと

Salamangreat of Fire ▶︎ Deck 《Salamangreat of Fire》
japan みめっと
2023/05/24 16:09
Yugioh Icon
A new Salamangreat monster that didn't write "Salamangreat" for the first time in Salaman.
Many people expected that it would be a monster with a special design related to the development of the anime, similar to the new ones released at the end of the other two themes, such as the design being conscious of Phenigia. However, the name of this card and the appearance of "Achichi @Ignister" were truly unexpected.
It is also characterized by the fact that the two effects it possesses have almost the same properties as those of Atichi.
The first half of the ability is a very simple summon trigger effect that searches for low-ranked Salamans other than cards with the same name, but after activation, he can only Special Summon FIRE monsters, which is rare for this kind of effect these days. restrictions are imposed.
However, while searching for "Salamangreat Gazelle" with this card and link summoning "Salamangreat Balelynx" with this single card, I was able to create "Salamangreat Pyro Phoenix" and "Salamangreat Raging Phoenix" that were reincarnated from this single card. It is quite excellent that it can be the first move that can be put out.
In the process, you can normally set up a rower, and a card that can do that from a single card shouldn't be weak.
In the latter half of GY, the effect of self-destructing your own Cyberse, which fights at the start of the damage test, is activated at the damage test, so if the opponent attacks, it will effectively cancel the battle, and Raging will change from GY to Special Summon. It's not a bad ability as a bonus to the first half of the effect, as it can also trigger the effects that are affected.
Instead, due to the restriction that the SS after the activation of the effect in the first half is bound by FIRE, if you start with this card, you will not be able to borrow the power of Link Monsters that become Cyberse's assets such as 《Splash Mage》, 《Update Jammer》, and 《Accesscode Talker》. In addition, it becomes difficult to Link Summon 《Decode Talker Heatsoul》with the Salaman Deck due to link material restrictions.
Also, although there is no Salaman name in the Salaman Deck, there is a history of 《Lady Debug》, which plays almost the same role as this card and can also play his Link Monster as mentioned above.
Well, rather than saying that the Raging that comes out of this card is strong, in order to use this card strongly, you need to be able to clear the restrictions after activation, and at the same time, the ability that is the most suitable as a goal point given the current situation. It's an impression that they need each other to make each other's place in the deck, where raging is indispensable.
The ability of this card itself is strong enough as an initial move, just like the Debugger, but I can't deny that the existing FIRE Link members alone are not enough, and after the effect activates, his FIRE bindings in SS feel quite tight. Shall we?
That said, except for the fact that SS is tied to FIRE, it's still a complete first move following Gazelle and Debugger (+ Mining). There is no doubt that further stability has been brought to , so it feels like there was a new, capable main at the very end.
URL https://en.yugioh-list.com/reviews/view/173999

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