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"Dissolverock" Rating Score by みめっと

Dissolverock ▶︎ Deck 《Dissolverock》
japan みめっと
2022/12/12 6:53
Yugioh Icon
His normal EARTH Rock, which appeared in the first period, includes magma elements, but he is neither Pyro nor FIRE.
The magma element is utilized in the fact that it is the named fusion material of the Flame Ghost, but the Flame Ghost has almost no change in status from this monster, and he is neither Pyro nor FIRE...
The name of the card is too much like it was named in seconds, but the name is unexpectedly catchy with a good sense of language.
In the game work, Summoned Demons can be summoned by Flame Demons, Fusion of Rock and Flame Demons with ATK less than 900, and in True DM2, they can burn up cards in mountainous terrain, making use of their own characteristics.
URL https://en.yugioh-list.com/reviews/view/167477

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