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"Salamangreat Spinny" Rating Score by ソリティアマスター

Salamangreat Spinny ▶︎ Deck 《Salamangreat Spinny》
japan ソリティアマスター
2021/12/06 19:44
Yugioh Icon
One initial move of Salamangreat. Gazelle has higher card power, but it can be used to increase the number of links, and if it is a build with Despheny, you can go to Anaconda with one card, and you can also drive Bail Links into his GY. . It has a particularly high synergy with Gazelle, and there is also a route to drop it with Gazelle and connect it to Mirage, or go from Splash Mage to Heat Soul. Conversely, he can also trigger Gazelle, so he is the core of Deck and the Armadillo Lizard that is the engine of Salamangreat.
URL https://en.yugioh-list.com/reviews/view/154710

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