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HOME >  Card Rating List  > まじっく's Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List  > Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon

"Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon" Rating Score by まじっく

Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon》
japan まじっく
2018/05/28 22:54
Yugioh Icon
A new Ritual Monster of [Blue-Eyed]. Compared to Chaos MAX, which appeared earlier, it has the effect of changing the battle position of the opponent's monster and setting the offense and defense to 0 in exchange for the decrease in ATK.
However, in order to obtain the effect, it is necessary to use "Blue-Eyed White Dragon" as a material, and the timing is a little later than when the attack is declared, which is a drawback.
Other than this effect, it is almost the same as resistance, defense penetration and chaos max. In addition, the support received is almost the same, so I have a feeling that this card, which is inferior to ATK, will not be prioritized even if it is a ritual axis.
Although it has the ability to interfere with the opponent, its combat ability is considerably inferior to Chaos MAX, so if you want to use it, you should build it so that you can use "Blue-Eyed White Dragon" as a material.
URL https://en.yugioh-list.com/reviews/view/110663

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