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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck List > SpellcasterDeck List > Tried to make it! Charmer Deck and Deck Instructions

"Tried to make it! Charmer" Deck 2013

Spellcaster Deck List Image

Deck Introduction/Deck Commentary

Deck Category / how to win
"Spellcaster" / Meta-Control
Key Card
DNA Transplant
Deck commentary


Deck that changes attributes with transplant surgery and steals monsters with his Charmer while preventing attacks.


street above.
GY's Charmer was hoisted with debris and synchronized.
Door + scarecrow.


Since the defense is only permanent, it is often broken in the current environment.
Stumbling》, if you're not good at it, you'll end up strangling me.
Nobleman of Crossout》, Dakumug pardon me.


Please tell me the correct number of Charmers and Familiar-Possessed to put in the Deck.

Deck self-score
deck score
Each item description
Deck Maker
Yu-Gi-Oh! Icon オーシャン ( Total 6 decks )
Posted date : 2013/05/12 10:48
Main Deck (27 Types・40)
monster (11 Types・20)
NumNameAttributeLevelTypeATK / DEFcheapest price
2 List of decks using this cardDebris Dragon WIND 4 Dragon 1000 / 2000 ¥3
2 List of decks using this cardFamiliar-Possessed - Wynn WIND 4 Spellcaster 1850 / 1500 ¥30
1 List of decks using this cardHomunculus the Alchemic Being LIGHT 4 Plant 1800 / 1600 ¥20
2 List of decks using this cardFamiliar-Possessed - Aussa EARTH 4 Spellcaster 1850 / 1500 ¥15
2 List of decks using this cardFamiliar-Possessed - Eria WATER 4 Spellcaster 1850 / 1500 ¥25
1 List of decks using this cardMist Valley Falcon WIND 4 Winged Beast 2000 / 1200 ¥30
2 List of decks using this cardFamiliar-Possessed - Hiita FIRE 4 Spellcaster 1850 / 1500 ¥15
2 List of decks using this cardHiita the Fire Charmer FIRE 3 Spellcaster 0500 / 1500 ¥10
2 List of decks using this cardWynn the Wind Charmer WIND 3 Spellcaster 0500 / 1500 ¥25
2 List of decks using this cardAussa the Earth Charmer EARTH 3 Spellcaster 0500 / 1500 ¥20
2 List of decks using this cardEria the Water Charmer WATER 3 Spellcaster 0500 / 1500 ¥20
spell (7 Types・10)
1 List of decks using this cardPot of Avarice - - - - ¥49
1 List of decks using this cardMind Control - - - - ¥10
2 List of decks using this cardThe Shallow Grave - - - - ¥20
1 List of decks using this cardStumbling - - - - ¥38
1 List of decks using this cardThe Dark Door - - - - ¥160
1 List of decks using this cardArcane Barrier - - - - ¥10
3 List of decks using this cardOne-Shot Wand - - - - ¥5
trap (9 Types・10)
1 List of decks using this cardNo Entry!! - - - - ¥1
1 List of decks using this cardScrap-Iron Scarecrow - - - - ¥6
1 List of decks using this cardWaboku - - - - ¥30
1 List of decks using this cardGagagashield - - - - ¥10
1 List of decks using this cardMirror Force - - - - ¥5
1 List of decks using this cardUltimate Offering - - - - ¥5
1 List of decks using this cardWall of Revealing Light - - - - ¥39
1 List of decks using this cardRed Screen - - - - ¥10
2 List of decks using this cardDNA Transplant - - - - ¥1
Extra Deck (15 Types・15)
1 List of decks using this cardGungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier WATER 7 Dragon 2500 / 1700 ¥18
1 List of decks using this cardAncient Fairy Dragon LIGHT 7 Dragon 2100 / 3000 ¥40
1 List of decks using this cardBlack Rose Dragon FIRE 7 Dragon 2400 / 1800 ¥18
1 List of decks using this cardEvigishki Merrowgeist WATER 4 Aqua 2100 / 1600 ¥470
1 List of decks using this cardNumber 106: Giant Hand EARTH 4 Rock 2000 / 2000 ¥140
1 List of decks using this cardNumber 39: Utopia LIGHT 4 Warrior 2500 / 2000 ¥25
1 List of decks using this cardEvilswarm Ouroboros DARK 4 Dragon 2750 / 1950 ¥20
1 List of decks using this cardGem-Knight Pearl EARTH 4 Rock 2600 / 1900 ¥30
1 List of decks using this cardGagaga Cowboy EARTH 4 Warrior 1500 / 2400 ¥25
1 List of decks using this cardMaestroke the Symphony Djinn DARK 4 Fiend 1800 / 2300 ¥29
1 List of decks using this cardDaigusto Emeral WIND 4 Rock 1800 / 0800 ¥70
1 List of decks using this cardWind-Up Zenmaines FIRE 3 Machine 1500 / 2100 ¥10
1 List of decks using this cardLavalval Ignis FIRE 3 Warrior 1800 / 1400 ¥30
1 List of decks using this cardMelomelody the Brass Djinn LIGHT 3 Fiend 1400 / 1600 ¥30
1 List of decks using this cardNumber 17: Leviathan Dragon WATER 3 Dragon 2000 / 0000 ¥30
Main deck minimum construction amount ¥1791

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