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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck List > SpellcasterDeck List > Heaven Chaos Deck and Deck Instructions

"Heaven Chaos" Deck 2013

Spellcaster Deck List Image

Deck Introduction/Deck Commentary

Deck Category / how to win
"Spellcaster" / Beatdown
Key Card
Gravekeeper's Spy
Deck commentary


It all starts with Raikou or Scout.
Thunder King Rai-Oh》is enough control.
The ideal is to bring the light and darkness to the GY and bring it to the finish as it is.
It is often a pattern to control the field and push it out with a high RBI.


The part where you can fight without choosing an opponent.
Scout Reversal → Guard → Xyz → Chain → Drop Raikou
→ Summon Junk Ron → Catch Raikou → Synchro → Librarian
→ Exclusion of Light and Darkness → Beginning
Many similar patterns.


Skidre and dimensions are somewhat troublesome
It is OK with a shocker on the side.
After that, it's like Kaiku and Crow.
The challenge is finding a way to get a hand add.


Depending on whether you prefer Synchro or Xyz, you can see various possibilities.
I think there's a lot of room for strengthening since it's a composition that doesn't rely on new cards as much as possible.
I intentionally left the extra frame.

Deck self-score
deck score
Each item description
Deck Maker
Yu-Gi-Oh! Icon ダゼル ( Total 7 decks )
Posted date : 2013/04/24 02:55
Main Deck (29 Types・41)
monster (15 Types・23)
NumNameAttributeLevelTypeATK / DEFcheapest price
1 List of decks using this cardBlack Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning LIGHT 8 Warrior 3000 / 2500 ¥50
1 List of decks using this cardGorz the Emissary of Darkness DARK 7 Fiend 2700 / 2500 ¥180
1 List of decks using this cardDark Armed Dragon DARK 7 Dragon 2800 / 1000 ¥9
1 List of decks using this cardCaius the Shadow Monarch DARK 6 Fiend 2400 / 1000 ¥10
1 List of decks using this cardChaos Sorcerer DARK 6 Spellcaster 2300 / 2000 ¥18
1 List of decks using this cardGravekeeper's Guard DARK 4 Spellcaster 1000 / 1900 ¥50
1 List of decks using this cardSummoner Monk DARK 4 Spellcaster 0800 / 1600 ¥5
1 List of decks using this cardBreaker the Magical Warrior DARK 4 Spellcaster 1600 / 1000 ¥10
2 List of decks using this cardThunder King Rai-Oh LIGHT 4 Thunder 1900 / 0800 ¥30
3 List of decks using this cardGravekeeper's Spy DARK 4 Spellcaster 1200 / 2000 ¥30
1 List of decks using this cardLyla, Lightsworn Sorceress LIGHT 4 Spellcaster 1700 / 0200 ¥18
3 List of decks using this cardJunk Synchron DARK 3 Warrior 1300 / 0500 ¥10
1 List of decks using this cardPlaguespreader Zombie DARK 2 Zombie 0400 / 0200 ¥5
3 List of decks using this cardRyko, Lightsworn Hunter LIGHT 2 Beast 0200 / 0100 ¥5
2 List of decks using this cardEffect Veiler LIGHT 1 Spellcaster 0000 / 0000 ¥120
spell (8 Types・10)
2 List of decks using this cardPot of Duality - - - - ¥50
1 List of decks using this cardPot of Avarice - - - - ¥49
1 List of decks using this cardHeavy Storm - - - - ¥99
1 List of decks using this cardMonster Reborn - - - - ¥50
1 List of decks using this cardDark Hole - - - - ¥30
1 List of decks using this cardCharge of the Light Brigade - - - - ¥20
2 List of decks using this cardMystical Space Typhoon - - - - ¥10
1 List of decks using this cardBook of Moon - - - - ¥10
trap (6 Types・8)
2 List of decks using this cardBottomless Trap Hole - - - - ¥19
2 List of decks using this cardDimensional Prison - - - - ¥10
1 List of decks using this cardMirror Force - - - - ¥5
1 List of decks using this cardTorrential Tribute - - - - ¥5
1 List of decks using this cardSolemn Warning - - - - ¥40
1 List of decks using this cardSolemn Judgment - - - - ¥35
Extra Deck (11 Types・12)
1 List of decks using this cardStardust Dragon WIND 8 Dragon 2500 / 2000 ¥20
1 List of decks using this cardScrap Dragon EARTH 8 Dragon 2800 / 2000 ¥20
1 List of decks using this cardArcanite Magician LIGHT 7 Spellcaster 0400 / 1800 ¥18
1 List of decks using this cardBlack Rose Dragon FIRE 7 Dragon 2400 / 1800 ¥18
1 List of decks using this cardFlamvell Uruquizas FIRE 6 Pyro 2100 / 0400 ¥30
1 List of decks using this cardT.G. Hyper Librarian DARK 5 Spellcaster 2400 / 1800 ¥25
2 List of decks using this cardAlly of Justice Catastor DARK 5 Machine 2200 / 1200 ¥10
1 List of decks using this cardNumber 50: Blackship of Corn DARK 4 Plant 2100 / 1500 ¥50
1 List of decks using this cardMaestroke the Symphony Djinn DARK 4 Fiend 1800 / 2300 ¥29
1 List of decks using this cardLavalval Chain FIRE 4 Sea Serpent 1800 / 1000 ¥30
1 List of decks using this cardGachi Gachi Gantetsu EARTH 2 Rock 0500 / 1800 ¥1
Main deck minimum construction amount ¥1572

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view num 2632 Score num 1 Score 10

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