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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck List > NekrozDeck List > Nekroz Impcantation ( Shaddoll Nekroz ) Deck and Deck Instructions

"Nekroz Impcantation ( Shaddoll Nekroz )" Deck 2018

Nekroz Deck List Image

Deck Introduction/Deck Commentary

Deck Category / how to win
"Nekroz" / Beatdown
Key Card
Nekroz of Trishula
Deck commentary


Nekroz's strong point, search, was further strengthened by his Impcantation, and Kageyori's visit increased his ability to break through on the second attack.


Nekroz ≒ EX meta, excluding Trishula, and it is thanks to his Nekroz category's search power that he can consistently do that.
If you search for an Impcantation monster, you can bring 2 monsters to the field and a ritual-related card in your hand. This can compensate for the weakness of card consumption associated with the Ritual Summoning theme.
Kageyori's business trip is for simple breakthrough power, as well as dropping the Releaser from his Deck to GY and using the Releaser to Ritual Summon.
Other uses include 《Shaddoll Fusion》→ Dragon and Valve GY → Shekinaga ss → ss with Valve effect → Hari Fiber ss with Shekinaga and Valve → 《Spore》ss with Hari Fiber effect → 《Linkuriboh》ss using 《Spore》as material → 《Spore》removes Valve, then 《Spore》ss → 《Spore》and 《Linkuriboh》and Borrel ss with Halyfiber, and 《Shaddoll Fusion》makes a variety of moves.


Compared to other themes, he has a lot of search cards, but since he has a lot of decks, you can't expect to draw only one card.
Shaddoll Fusion》can only be searched if Chimera Fresia is dropped to GY, so basically you have no choice but to skip 《Shaddoll Fusion》.


Customization points, advice, etc. Thank you!

Deck self-score
deck score
Each item description
Deck Maker
Yu-Gi-Oh! Icon こわくまだいすき ( Total 10 decks )
Posted date : 2018/09/18 19:51
Main Deck (27 Types・45)
monster (18 Types・30)
NumNameAttributeLevelTypeATK / DEFcheapest price
2 List of decks using this cardImpcantation Talismandra DARK 6 Plant 0000 / 0000 ¥10
1 List of decks using this cardImpcantation Bookstone DARK 5 Spellcaster 0000 / 0000 ¥5
2 List of decks using this cardImpcantation Candoll LIGHT 4 Pyro 0000 / 0000 ¥15
1 List of decks using this cardShaddoll Dragon DARK 4 Spellcaster 1900 / 0000 ¥20
3 List of decks using this cardManju of the Ten Thousand Hands LIGHT 4 Fairy 1400 / 1000 ¥50
3 List of decks using this cardShurit, Strategist of the Nekroz WATER 3 Warrior 0300 / 1800 ¥10
1 List of decks using this cardImpcantation Penciplume LIGHT 3 Psychic 0000 / 0000 ¥5
1 List of decks using this cardDjinn Releaser of Rituals DARK 3 Fiend 1200 / 2000 ¥10
3 List of decks using this cardMaxx "C" EARTH 2 Insect 0500 / 0200 ¥380
1 List of decks using this cardSpore WIND 1 Plant 0400 / 0800 ¥20
1 List of decks using this cardGlow-Up Bulb EARTH 1 Plant 0100 / 0100 ¥58
1 List of decks using this cardNekroz of Decisive Armor WATER 10 Dragon 3300 / 2300 ¥70
2 List of decks using this cardNekroz of Trishula WATER 9 Warrior 2700 / 2000 ¥10
1 List of decks using this cardNekroz of Valkyrus WATER 8 Spellcaster 2900 / 1700 ¥90
1 List of decks using this cardNekroz of Gungnir WATER 7 Spellcaster 2500 / 1700 ¥70
2 List of decks using this cardNekroz of Brionac WATER 6 Warrior 2300 / 1400 ¥5
1 List of decks using this cardNekroz of Unicore WATER 4 Spellcaster 2300 / 1000 ¥20
3 List of decks using this cardNekroz of Clausolas WATER 3 Warrior 1200 / 2300 ¥30
spell (9 Types・15)
3 List of decks using this cardPreparation of Rites - - - - ¥20
1 List of decks using this cardReinforcement of the Army - - - - ¥19
1 List of decks using this cardDark Hole - - - - ¥30
3 List of decks using this cardShaddoll Fusion - - - - ¥60
1 List of decks using this cardHarpie's Feather Duster - - - - ¥50
1 List of decks using this cardExtra-Foolish Burial - - - - ¥15
2 List of decks using this cardNekroz Kaleidoscope - - - - ¥15
2 List of decks using this cardNekroz Mirror - - - - ¥30
1 List of decks using this cardNekroz Cycle - - - - ¥140
Extra Deck (14 Types・15)
1 List of decks using this cardEl Shaddoll Shekhinaga EARTH 10 Machine 2600 / 3000 ¥20
1 List of decks using this cardEl Shaddoll Anoyatyllis WATER 9 Fiend 2700 / 2000 ¥20
1 List of decks using this cardEl Shaddoll Construct LIGHT 8 Fairy 2800 / 2500 ¥50
1 List of decks using this cardPredaplant Chimerafflesia DARK 7 Plant 2500 / 2000 ¥22
1 List of decks using this cardEl Shaddoll Winda DARK 5 Spellcaster 2200 / 0800 ¥90
1 List of decks using this cardShooting Quasar Dragon LIGHT 12 Dragon 4000 / 4000 ¥470
1 List of decks using this cardStar Eater LIGHT 11 Dragon 3200 / 2800 ¥30
2 List of decks using this cardHerald of the Arc Light LIGHT 4 Fairy 0600 / 1000 ¥50
1 List of decks using this cardTrue King of All Calamities DARK 9 Wyrm 3000 / 3000 ¥50
1 List of decks using this cardBorreload Dragon DARK - Dragon 3000 / ¥28
1 List of decks using this cardBorrelsword Dragon DARK - Dragon 3000 / ¥30
1 List of decks using this cardNephthys, the Sacred Flame FIRE - Winged Beast 2400 / ¥50
1 List of decks using this cardCrystron Halqifibrax WATER - Machine 1500 / ¥20
1 List of decks using this cardLinkuriboh DARK - Cyberse 0300 / ¥33
Main deck minimum construction amount ¥3455

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view num 6057 Score num 12 Score 104

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