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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck List > Plaguespreader Zombie Deck List > ADIF test Deck and Deck Instructions

"ADIF test" Deck 2016

 Deck List Image

Deck Introduction/Deck Commentary

Deck Category / how to win
Key Card
Plaguespreader Zombie
Deck commentary


Hands: Alive, Dagre, Demon, Beetle
Alive ef Air ssef Diavo A Search, Dagre efss Diavo A GY, Dagre ef Beetle Zongkari GY
Zoncarri efss, Daemon A Top, Zoncarrier Coral, Diavo Aef Diavo Bss, Diavo B Coral Taxi
Coral ef Top Demon Assef Demon B Search, Demon A Dagure de Niarra ss Azato efss, Taxi ef Crystal ss
Taxi Asato De Noutos ssef Demon Bssef Gun Search ef Beetle Demon Assef Demon C Search,
Demon B Nutos at Abyss ss, Demon Cns, Archfiend BC at Fresia, Diabo Bef Diabo Css, Beetle Diabo at Ogadra ss
Location: Crystal, Ogadora, Abyss (Nuthos), Fresia




Deck Maker
Yu-Gi-Oh! Icon マーズ〈Hoh-K〉 ( Total 1 decks )
Posted date : 2016/11/03 15:08
Main Deck (26 Types・40)
monster (11 Types・19)
NumNameAttributeLevelTypeATK / DEFcheapest price
3 List of decks using this cardDestiny HERO - Malicious DARK 6 Warrior 0800 / 0800 ¥50
1 List of decks using this cardElemental HERO Shadow Mist DARK 4 Warrior 1000 / 1500 ¥30
3 List of decks using this cardInfernity Archfiend DARK 4 Fiend 1800 / 1200 ¥60
3 List of decks using this cardDark Grepher DARK 4 Warrior 1700 / 1600 ¥30
1 List of decks using this cardStygian Street Patrol DARK 4 Fiend 1600 / 1200 ¥10
1 List of decks using this cardArmageddon Knight DARK 4 Warrior 1400 / 1200 ¥10
1 List of decks using this cardElemental HERO Stratos WIND 4 Warrior 1800 / 0300 ¥29
1 List of decks using this cardArchfiend Heiress DARK 3 Fiend 1000 / 0000 ¥33
3 List of decks using this cardInfernity Beetle DARK 2 Insect 1200 / 0000 ¥20
1 List of decks using this cardPlaguespreader Zombie DARK 2 Zombie 0400 / 0200 ¥5
1 List of decks using this cardGlow-Up Bulb EARTH 1 Plant 0100 / 0100 ¥58
spell (11 Types・17)
1 List of decks using this cardOne for One - - - - ¥18
1 List of decks using this cardFoolish Burial - - - - ¥30
1 List of decks using this cardReinforcement of the Army - - - - ¥19
1 List of decks using this cardSoul Charge - - - - ¥5
1 List of decks using this cardMonster Reborn - - - - ¥50
1 List of decks using this cardHarpie's Feather Duster - - - - ¥50
3 List of decks using this cardAllure of Darkness - - - - ¥30
3 List of decks using this cardA Hero Lives - - - - ¥10
1 List of decks using this cardInfernity Launcher - - - - ¥10
3 List of decks using this cardBook of Moon - - - - ¥10
1 List of decks using this cardMask Change II - - - - ¥60
trap (4 Types・4)
1 List of decks using this cardTreacherous Trap Hole - - - - ¥50
1 List of decks using this cardBottomless Trap Hole - - - - ¥19
1 List of decks using this cardInfernity Break - - - - ¥70
1 List of decks using this cardInfernity Barrier - - - - ¥50
Extra Deck (15 Types・15)
1 List of decks using this cardMasked HERO Dark Law DARK 6 Warrior 2400 / 1800 ¥10
1 List of decks using this cardElder Entity N'tss LIGHT 4 Fairy 2500 / 1200 ¥30
1 List of decks using this cardPSY-Framelord Omega LIGHT 8 Psychic 2800 / 2200 ¥60
1 List of decks using this cardCrystal Wing Synchro Dragon WIND 8 Dragon 3000 / 2500 ¥160
1 List of decks using this cardVoid Ogre Dragon DARK 8 Dragon 3000 / 3000 ¥120
1 List of decks using this cardAncient Fairy Dragon LIGHT 7 Dragon 2100 / 3000 ¥40
1 List of decks using this cardVulcan the Divine FIRE 6 Beast-Warrior 2000 / 1600 ¥19
1 List of decks using this cardBlackwing - Nothung the Starlight DARK 6 Winged Beast 2400 / 1600 ¥38
1 List of decks using this cardCoral Dragon WATER 6 Dragon 2400 / 0500 ¥40
1 List of decks using this cardUltimaya Tzolkin DARK - Dragon 0000 / 0000 ¥30
1 List of decks using this cardOuter Entity Azathot DARK 5 Fiend 2400 / 0000 ¥55
1 List of decks using this cardDiamond Dire Wolf EARTH 4 Beast 2000 / 1200 ¥19
1 List of decks using this cardOuter Entity Nyarla EARTH 4 Fiend 0000 / 2600 ¥50
1 List of decks using this cardTraptrix Rafflesia EARTH 4 Plant 0300 / 2500 ¥20
1 List of decks using this cardAbyss Dweller WATER 4 Sea Serpent 1700 / 1400 ¥80
Main deck minimum construction amount ¥2007

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view num 1810 Score num 2 Score 20

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