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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > THE DARK ILLUSION > Metalfoes Adamante

Metalfoes Adamante Used Deck

Metalfoes Adamante
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Fusion Monster - 5 Psychic 2500 2500
1 "Metalfoes" monster + 1 monster with 2500 or less ATK
Average Rating Score 8.2(10)
  1. Card Info
  2. Card Reviews (10 rating scores)
  3. Decks with Metalfoes Adamante (144 Decks)
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  5. Products in Japan
  6. Ranking and View Num

"Metalfoes Adamante" card reviews and rating scores

60% (6)
20% (2)
20% (2)
0% (0)
0% (0)

japan 京太
2022/09/24 2:52
Yugioh Icon
It is suitable as a double caster material with the highest RBI for simple 《Ready Fusion》.
japan 備長炭18
2018/07/23 0:13
Yugioh Icon
Gofu has passed away, but it's still excellent in the sense that it's easy to absorb with 《Instant Fusion》and Super Fusion.
If a level 5 psychic has meaning, it's enough to differentiate it from Arcaest.
japan なす
2018/01/18 22:35
Yugioh Icon
A Fusion Monster from Metalfoes.
In addition to being able to be used from 《Instant Fusion》, it is compatible with Super Fusion due to its loose material specification, and since it has no effect, it can be revived with 《Daigusto Emeral》without being hindered by 《Fiendish Chain》.
japan 福人ズッコケ
2016/11/14 17:10
Yugioh Icon
At first glance, it's just vanilla, but if you consider super fusion, it's worth it just because it's a fusion monster with loose materials.
Also, there is a miracle combo with Goufu as a privilege that Cardinal does not have. He's the same level as the tuner Goufu and he's a Fusion Monster that can be sent to GY, so it's a key card to bring out Tziolkin with Goufu. Quite an oddity among Metalfoes fusions.
japan Closedays
2016/11/04 20:03
Yugioh Icon
At first, I was incompetent when I thought that such a card would be useful. It can be played with 《Instant Fusion》, and it can also be used for Super Fusion. And above all, the ability to call a red taxi with Goufu and this is the secret to the strength of the suppressive Metalfoes.
japan カンノーネ
2016/05/17 13:40
Yugioh Icon
The common effect of Metalfoes itself is strong if you put in something that is compatible with destruction.
This guy, who has the looseness of a fusion material that is obviously strange, raises the underlying strength of the theme.
Those who are compatible with that destruction can be reused as they are as fusion materials. Fusion can also be used quite a number of times. It seems that it doesn't matter, but the point of level 5, which is quite nice, is not a bad hit.
It's kind of funny, isn't it?
Becoming Goufu and Tziolkin, or being used as a material for the Hyper Psycho Gunner ().
japan ABYSS
2016/04/10 10:54
Yugioh Icon
2500 vanilla with strange material looseness.
Because of its laxity, it becomes possible to use the tactic of stealing the opponent's monsters and using them as fusion materials, and of course super fusion, you can use monsters that you have stolen with 《Mind Control》or his deck-friendly Gradle as fusion materials.
It is also compatible with 《Instant Fusion》, and can be shared with Sausaku and put out as a fusion material.
Under 《Metamorformation》, it becomes a completely resistant 2800 RBI, making it a fairly powerful card.
Although it has no effect, it is a very good monster that can expand his deck and expand the range of tactics due to the looseness of the material.
japan とき
2016/04/09 16:41
Yugioh Icon
Adamantine Fusion Monster.
The fusion material is surprisingly loosely bound, suggesting future fusion's eternal imprisonment.
With his pure Metalfoes, there will be many occasions where he will yield to Orichaluk, but the lower the ratio of his Metalfoes in the deck, the more scenes where this loose material will come to life.
Of course, it is also excellent as a super fusion factor. You can easily absorb opponent monsters with Metalfoes.
It is also compatible with 《Instant Fusion》, so if you are sending Metalfoes or Refining Fusion on a business trip, there is a possibility that you can incorporate it without difficulty.
japan エイプリル
2016/04/09 10:50
Yugioh Icon
2500 RBI that can be issued with 《Instant Fusion》. You can also use super fusion.
japan かどまん
2024/05/10 12:34
Yugioh Icon

Decks with "Metalfoes Adamante"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
THE DARK ILLUSION TDIL-JP043 2016-04-09 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 3,234 / 12,858 Cards
View Num 32,017
Type "Psychic" Type Best Monster Ranking 67th


Japanese card name メタルフォーゼ・アダマンテ

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