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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > DUEL TERMINAL - Invasion of the Invels! -LIMITED EDITION 1 > Evigishki Soul Ogre

Evigishki Soul Ogre Used Deck

Evigishki Soul Ogre
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Ritual Monster
Effect Monster
- 8 Aqua 2800 2800
You can Ritual Summon this card with any "Gishki" Ritual Spell Card. Once per turn: You can discard 1 "Gishki" monster to target 1 face-up card your opponent controls; shuffle that target into the Deck.
Average Rating Score 7.4(17)
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  2. Card Reviews (17 rating scores)
  3. Decks with Evigishki Soul Ogre (52 Decks)
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"Evigishki Soul Ogre" card reviews and rating scores

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88% (15)
11% (2)
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japan ブルーバード
2023/05/18 11:44
Yugioh Icon
A convenient monster that will always fill the needs of Gishki's level 8 ritual.
It's a deck bounce that doesn't allow reuse and doesn't involve destruction, and it's still an excellent removal. At first glance, the hand cost seems heavy, but in fact he is Aquamirror and he can salvage Gishki Ritual Monster, so you can use the effect without hesitation. RBI also contributes to one kill in the middle of the day.
Above all, the level 8 is what makes this card stand out. As a train cost that can be pulled from Gishki Vision or his Aquamirror, you can combine it with Gishki Abyss, which tends to stand still, to make a Gigas or Manas Tribute.
japan シエスタ
2020/12/04 10:12
Yugioh Icon
8-axis Gishki ace.
Compared to the 6 axis, it has become aggressive with removal and high RBI.
However, as has already been said, even though he is a Gishki, if it is a costly ritual with a hand cost requirement of 1:1 exchange removal, it still looks inadequate.
japan アルバ
2020/12/03 23:28
Yugioh Icon
At the time of the first recording, he is a card that seems to be Gishki's ace position.
Deck bounce is strong, but his hand cost is a little heavy for his Gishki in the Ritual category, even though it's made to reduce consumption.
It's not bad, but the impression is undeniable that it's unsatisfactory.
japan プンプン丸
2014/09/06 16:36
Yugioh Icon
Mind Orgus is his GY, Gust Krake is his hand
And this card's job is to put it on his Gishki and destroy the opponent's field.
The RBI is also high at 2800, so it is strong.
japan たたた
2013/07/02 2:28
Yugioh Icon
Elimination factors for 8-axis Gishki
It's powerful to return it to the Deck, but the hand cost is unexpectedly ridiculous, and you can only remove face cards, giving the impression that it's out of reach.
japan ファナナス
2013/02/10 14:01
Yugioh Icon
The main monster of 8-axis Gishki. His hand cost is limited and his removal cards are limited, but his deck bounce is strong. Furthermore, his stats are consistently high, so Gishki can be said to be the easiest to use among the 8 axes. Gishki has a valuable removal effect, but it is difficult to maintain for several turns because it does not have resistance.
Will the appearance of Mulan Grace restore the 8th axis?
japan みかんゼリー
2012/11/12 19:01
Yugioh Icon
It's a pity that it doesn't support Preparation of Rites since it's an 8 star, but it's pretty powerful, so if you can get it out, it's a great card.
Even though it requires a hand cost, his deck return bounce is quite troublesome, and it is strong against destruction resistant cards.
With 2800 RBIs, he is Gishki's go-to ace attacker.
japan tni
2011/10/30 19:05
Yugioh Icon
By returning it to your hand, you can deal with 《Sangan》and marshmallows,
A very useful card with high ATK.
japan とき
2011/01/09 11:03
Yugioh Icon
It is his Gishki style that Mind Orgus cuts down the opponent's GY's ad and aims for a finish or a comeback with this card.
With a high RBI of 2800 and a strong removal effect of deck return, the specs are quite high. If you use Shadow Grandpa, you don't have to worry about the cost of the ritual.
However, the cost of this card itself is not negligible, and as Gishki's only finisher, once per turn is a little unsatisfactory.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/11/12 21:52
Yugioh Icon
Unlike Mind Orgus, it's painful that it doesn't support 《Preparation of Rites》.
The removal effect is also strong, although not as much as the removal effect, but his deck return is troublesome.
Even though he's a newcomer to the same level, I wonder if this power is his trump card for Gishki...
japan 想夢
2010/08/05 23:20
Yugioh Icon
Although it is a Ritual Monster and summoning it consumes a lot of cards,
Once out, offense and defense are the same and there are few openings
Being able to turn one Gishki in his hand into his Spell Compulsory Evacuation Device is pretty strong!
japan フッキー
2010/08/05 1:23
Yugioh Icon
If you use it in your hand, you need to consume at least 3 cards to summon it, then discard another card to activate the effect, but once it appears, it's quite powerful.
It's nice not to be beaten by the moon's book eater because of its high defensive power.
It would be a good idea to dare to summon it in the Defense Position and make it live longer.
japan 超弩級スライム
2023/08/12 0:40
Yugioh Icon
japan ねこーら
2023/08/11 23:02
Yugioh Icon
japan かどまん
2024/01/02 16:21
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/09/06 14:42
It is one that is easy to compare with Levi.
They are often given preferential treatment for RBI, but I evaluate them based on their defensive ability.
Since Levi is an attack-specific ability, a mirror is essential. This one aims to keep the field with defensive power and effects. This is the card that can be used most effectively in Forbidden Mysteries.
Gishki himself is good at monkey page, so sometimes the hand cost is not a cost. It is safe to attack and defend with multiple stacks with Levi.
japan 2012/07/04 12:17
An indispensable monster in level 8 axis Gishki that can be removed in exchange for your hand.
The effect is powerful, and the big advantage is that it's hard to reuse because it returns to the Deck. Also, it is an advantage that you can get out of Stada and Staro. If Salvage isn't enough, Gishki's Rebellion is also a possibility.
In addition to the level 6 axis, it is important to leave the level 8 axis in the field for a long time.
He should be a deck composition that can't be removed once ritual summoned.

Decks with "Evigishki Soul Ogre"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
DUEL TERMINAL - Invasion of the Invels! -LIMITED EDITION 1 DT10-JP035 2010-08-03 SecretUltra

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 4,845 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 31,145
Card Type "Ritual Monster" Best Card Ranking 66th
Type "Aqua" Type Best Monster Ranking 79th


Japanese card name イビリチュア・ソウルオーガ

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