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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > BOOSTER3 > Castle Walls

Castle Walls Used Deck

Castle Walls
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Normal Trap - - - - -
Increase a selected monster's DEF by 500 points during the turn this card is activated.
Average Rating Score 1.3(20)
  1. Card Info
  2. Card Reviews (20 rating scores)
  3. Decks with Castle Walls (1 Decks)
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  5. Products in Japan
  6. Ranking and View Num

"Castle Walls" card reviews and rating scores

0% (0)
0% (0)
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10% (2)
90% (18)

japan みめっと
2022/12/24 19:57
Yugioh Icon
A trap card that strengthens the defense of a single monster that appeared in season 1.
It's a card that seems to have been made as a pair of reinforcements, but I don't quite understand the sense of balance in assigning castle walls to human reinforcements.
Basically, it does not lead to the acquisition of an advantage by interception, so it feels less than a reinforcement.
japan ブルーバード
2022/08/22 18:45
Yugioh Icon
It's strange if you give it to a girl! What are you doing?
japan ねこーら
2020/07/28 21:56
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: There is no significance of adoption because there are more useful cards.
D2 Shield》《Rise to Full Height》wins in most situations.
japan サンパイ
2020/01/26 5:25
Yugioh Icon
As expected, increasing defense power by 500 is subtle now. In front of the link it becomes a piece of paper.
japan シルキン
2019/12/30 17:20
Yugioh Icon
At the beginning of the game system, it will be back defense at first. Therefore, the timing of activating this card becomes very late.
Initially, the back defense is only monsters that are too hard or some reverse effect monsters with low stats. Easily destroyed Flip Monsters don't even need to be activated. If it could be summoned with Defense Position like the original, this card might have a way to live.
japan シエスタ
2019/03/25 10:40
Yugioh Icon
A castle wall that gives the impression of being fragile, as it could be broken even by a rushing wild boar, not to mention a guardian. Are the people and boars of this world just non-standard?
Strengthening the defense compared to ATK is less meaningful in this era where we can't afford to put up walls with the exception of Aztec and his Superheavy Samurai, and there are a huge number of better strengthening cards. there is It's practically useless.
japan 備長炭18
2018/07/16 2:03
Yugioh Icon
Considering that I'm not as flexible as that unreliable guardian in many ways...
japan アルバ
2017/12/14 0:41
Yugioh Icon
It's not a game where defensive power is important, and there are many cards that are easier to use than this card, and those cards aren't that highly rated.
It's a card that came out early in the early days, so I feel like I can understand that such a card can be made as long as there are reinforcements.
japan 迷走の聖刻印
2016/03/05 21:49
Yugioh Icon
i liked it when i was in elementary school
The Reliable Guardian》, D2 Shield, 《Stronghold Guardian》deterioration card, recently with the appearance of 《Rise to Full Height》, the card has been further attacked
Being used by Team Taiyo is the only salvation
It's not a card that can't be used...should be
japan かのん
2015/01/27 12:13
Yugioh Icon
A reliable defender and so on will appear later, but I used to use it in the past.
But it was better to have reinforcements at this time because it might be possible to destroy it.
japan たたた
2014/10/06 6:51
Yugioh Icon
When he was in elementary school, he was in the deck...he was doing things like "Giant Soldier of Stone" (2500 defense).
Now there are too many upward compatible cards...
japan SOUL
2013/08/03 16:28
Yugioh Icon
Nearly downward compatible with 《The Reliable Guardian》, 《Stronghold Guardian》, and 《D2 Shield》.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/04/16 1:27
Yugioh Icon
It can be said that it is backward compatible with 《The Reliable Guardian》. Well, I think he was a decent Trap when he first appeared.
japan ファナナス
2013/01/29 17:46
Yugioh Icon
Even though it's a castle wall, it's disposable. You can see how fragile the wall is (
japan ファイア野郎
2012/12/28 21:42
Yugioh Icon
The Reliable Guardian》has a higher increase.
japan とき
2012/08/21 10:55
Yugioh Icon
Normal Trap with the effect of increasing the defense power of one monster by 500 until the end of the turn.
The Reliable Guardian》with a higher value of defense enhancement with Quick-Play Spell is more useful.
Please consider this card as well as the evaluation of "The Reliable Guardian".
If you want to raise your defense and intercept it, you need a monster called D2 Shield...
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/12/28 11:26
Yugioh Icon
No, why not use a poor but reliable guardian?
japan NEOS
2010/12/28 10:16
Yugioh Icon
There is more 《The Reliable Guardian》than the walls.
It's meaningless like wearing reinforcements...
japan フッキー
2010/08/04 1:29
Yugioh Icon
Team Poverty: "You bastard who only uses rare cards!!"
japan 2014/04/24 20:01
strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong

Decks with "Castle Walls"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
STARTER DECK(2006) YSD-JP033 2006-03-23 Normal
BOOSTER3 --39 1999-07-01 Rare
EX --047 1999-12-16 Normal
EX --097 1999-12-16 Normal
EX-R EX-47 2000-11-23 Normal
Booster R2 B2-45 2000-09-09 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 12,471 / 12,858 Cards
View Num 7,304


Japanese card name 城壁

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