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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Magic Ruler > The Forceful Sentry

The Forceful Sentry ForbiddenUsed Deck

The Forceful Sentry
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Normal Spell - - - - -
Look at your opponent's hand. Select 1 card among them and return it to his/her Deck. The Deck is then shuffled.
Average Rating Score 9.7(40)
  1. Card Info
  2. Card Reviews (40 rating scores)
  3. Decks with The Forceful Sentry (9 Decks)
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  5. Products in Japan
  6. Ranking and View Num

"The Forceful Sentry" card reviews and rating scores

95% (38)
2% (1)
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2% (1)

japan かどまん
2023/01/25 9:40
Yugioh Icon
One of the 3 Sacred Treasures of Handes
As a handicap card, you can look into your opponent's hand and return any card to his deck.
At the time when 9 of these Sacred Treasures were packed, there was a spectacle that the duel was destroyed by the preceding handicap.
It's a card that you can tell at a glance that it's dangerous from the perspective of a modern duelist, where trigger environments have become commonplace, and you can use it in any situation.
Even the backward compatible "Trap Dustshoot" is prohibited, so I don't think there will be a chance for this card to come out again.
japan ブルーバード
2022/11/05 14:37
Yugioh Icon
When it first came out, it had the drawback of not being able to land a final blow on a card that was handicapped, but even such a flaw was removed and banned, so you can see how dangerous it is. In modern times, he doesn't even allow the use of GY.
Undoubtedly the most evil of the three Sacred Treasures of Handes.
japan プンプン丸
2022/08/10 9:38
Yugioh Icon
Upward compatibility of 《Confiscation》, troublesome hand triggers like 《Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring》can be hunted with haste, and the opponent's first move card can also be hunted. "If it's used first, it's over."
japan 絶望の使徒
2022/06/20 2:13
Yugioh Icon
Even the almost backward compatible "Confiscation" is limited and evil personified "Crossout Designator" at the point of laughable performance.
It crushes all the triggers other than 《Proliferating G》, and when the G is chained, it just returns the initial move...
japan ねこーら
2021/01/30 8:49
Yugioh Icon
Overall evaluation: A terrifyingly strong handicap card.
You can check the opponent's hand without any cost, and you need to draw again or search to reuse the cards returned to the Deck.
Its performance surpasses even 《Confiscation》, and it can be easily destroyed after overlooking the opponent's strategy.
It was not a good performance to do with one.
japan みめっと
2020/04/29 11:30
Yugioh Icon
A card that allows you to check all the cards in your opponent's hand, pull out the most unpleasant initial cards with triggers and returns, and then start developing.
Since it's a Normal Spell, it can only be used during the main phase of your turn, but it's unconditional and cost-free.
Unlike the seizure, he is not sent to GY, so it's a genuine bullshit card that doesn't even care about effects that activate in GY.
If you let your opponent attack first, it will be very difficult to win unless your opponent's other hand is very bad, or you don't have the strongest hand, or you don't have a strong top.
japan サンパイ
2020/02/16 6:54
Yugioh Icon
Returning cards to his deck unconditionally is really bad. Even though the advance draw has been abolished, it is terrifying to think that the trump card will be returned without being able to do anything from the selection process.
japan お空は青い
2019/08/18 20:36
Yugioh Icon
best handicap card
japan あっきーらん
2019/06/13 8:48
Yugioh Icon
too forceful.
I want to question what KONAMI was thinking when they made a card with such performance.
He can't even use GY because he can peep at no cost and put one back in his deck. A card that is almost lost when it is issued in advance. will never be released.
japan もも
2019/01/06 0:37
Yugioh Icon
One of the three Sacred Treasures of Handicap, the most brutal card.
japan シエスタ
2018/12/21 17:21
Yugioh Icon
A card that can be said to be a higher version of seizure.
In addition to being a no-cost, he will return it to the deck, so I won't even let him use GY. In this day and age where GY is often used, this point is a very big advantage.
Even the seizure of it is prohibited, so you can see how dangerous this card is.
Since it is an effect that matches the current environment, there is no prospect of returning.
japan プラント・プラン
2018/12/20 22:21
Yugioh Icon
One of the three Sacred Treasures of Handicap, which has no cost, peeping, and handicap, and has a very powerful effect. Moreover, unlike confiscation, it bounces to the Deck, so it can't be put out on the field with 《Monster Reborn》or the like. Since the backward compatible Dust Shoot is also a prohibited card, it is impossible to return to the limit.
japan 京太
2018/08/15 0:09
Yugioh Icon
Peeping Handes embodies a strict konmai. On the other hand, it is easy on expensive search cards.
2018/08/14 23:59
Yugioh Icon
No-Cost Peeping Handes is a card with meaning☆taste☆unclear☆as others have said.
Not only is Deck's barre tactics broken, but even GY use is not allowed. Furthermore, the only salvation hand of the second attack is crushed by 6 cards.
When this guy comes back, I think it will be around the 32nd season of Yu-Gi-Oh.
japan 備長炭18
2018/03/12 15:43
Yugioh Icon
Peeping and Deck handicap card. In the early days, he felt that even if he returned it to the deck, he could draw it again, so unlike the seizure, there was no cost. To be frank, this one is stronger now.
japan アキ
2018/02/28 7:49
Yugioh Icon
< The Forceful Sentry > "Forcibly check your hand and return one troublesome card to his deck. I won't let you use GY."
One of the three sacred treasures of handicap, which is a banned card. Since it can be activated at no cost, if you activate it early in the game, the opponent will be able to figure out what kind of deck it is. It's a good ban card because it doesn't have one. It's really pushy.
japan なす
2017/07/20 23:17
Yugioh Icon
One of the forbidden cards with handicap effect.
It's free, you can check it, and he puts it back in the deck, so you don't even allow him to fertilize GY. The most heinous of the Handes.
japan ヒコモン
2016/03/01 20:22
Yugioh Icon
One of the Three Sacred Treasures of Handes. A broken card that does peeping handicap at no cost. Unlike confiscation, there is no cost and no increase in GY ad. Even 《Trap Dustshoot》, which can be said to be an adjusted version, is prohibited, so there is no chance of returning.
japan カンノーネ
2015/09/11 23:12
Yugioh Icon
Peeping Handes. I am not weak. Isn't there an LP cost or something? what are you doing
japan アルバ
2015/09/03 17:05
Yugioh Icon
Virtually upward compatible with dust chute.
A brutal handicap card that returns one card to his deck after looking at his hand.
A card that is too one-sided.
japan かのん
2015/02/14 14:04
Yugioh Icon
One of the three Sacred Treasures of Handes.
There is no cost, you can check your hand and choose + return it to his deck instead of throwing it away
japan キキ
2014/01/21 9:54
Yugioh Icon
It is a villainous card that does not allow peeping at no cost and GY usage.
Tactics will be exposed when you look at your hand, and it is unlikely that you will return to the limit.
japan みりり
2013/11/23 1:06
Yugioh Icon
Because it was a predecessor game, rock-paper-scissors game more than now
The hand became 0 before the turn came with the preceding player "Greed Pot → Twin Devil → Twin Devil → Guard"...
Unlike "seize" which has a cost and drops to GY, it is difficult to reuse when returned to the Deck, and in the case of a combo Deck, it can be destroyed with this one.
japan ナル参照
2013/07/07 17:00
Yugioh Icon
Seal the key card with the first hand. opponent dies.
No cost is first out of the question, and even more out of the question to put it back in the deck.
Even the dust shoot is that bad, but there's no way this guy is weak
japan ファイア野郎
2013/05/20 23:05
Yugioh Icon
One of the three Sacred Treasures of Handes.
Not just a no-cost handicap, but a brutal card that is hard to reuse and returns to his deck.
As long as the backward compatible Dust Shoot is a prohibited card, there is no way to restore the restriction.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/04/29 13:12
Yugioh Icon
In some ways, it's a worse card than "confiscation". The strongest handicap that doesn't even allow GY to be used because it doesn't drop to GY. It is unlikely that I will return.
japan ゼンマイ
2013/01/21 21:09
Yugioh Icon
japan オンリー・MARU氏
2013/01/08 20:41
Yugioh Icon
level anymore.
It's misleading to have it returned to the Deck instead of the handicap. If activated with the first attack, the opponent's hand will be 4 cards.
It's a card that erases tactics, and it doesn't cost anything, so it's natural to ban it.
japan 降衣
2012/11/14 19:46
Yugioh Icon
Once the ban on this card is lifted, you can quit Yu-Gi-Oh!
! ………cheat………!
A card that makes you want to surrender if you get hit.
japan そうだ、ロリコンだ
2012/07/14 16:43
Yugioh Icon
One of the Three Sacred Treasures of Handes.
Peeping Handes that doesn't even cost. It goes without saying that it is powerful.
The back-to-deck effect is also plain annoying and doesn't add to the GY ad.
A card worthy of banning. I will never come back from a ban.
japan 天帝リッチ
2012/05/13 23:52
Yugioh Icon
It's super powerful to be able to do Peeping Handes at no cost.
it would be reasonable to ban
japan ゼロ
2012/03/31 12:08
Yugioh Icon
Ability to reduce hand is strong
japan とき
2011/12/22 0:59
Yugioh Icon
Head of the Three Sacred Treasures of Handes. It's scary even if it's seized, but it's almost upward compatible...
It has the effect of checking the opponent's hand and returning one of them to his deck.
It has the outrageous effect of stealing one card from the opponent's hand at no cost and returning it to the Deck. He doesn't even allow the opponent's GY to increase his ad, and takes away the opponent's ad.
There was a time when it was possible to get multiple cards like this in the first hand, so this card game was well established.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2011/12/18 17:11
Yugioh Icon
One of the Three Sacred Treasures of Handes.
First of all, it's strange at the point of no-cost peeping, and there are many cases where it's harder for him to return to the deck these days, so this handicap is pretty tough.
There's no way a card like this will come back, as you can see from the backward compatible dust chute sitting on the limit.
japan m
2011/08/27 20:52
Yugioh Icon
It's a pretty brutal card because it's harder to reuse than sending it to GY.
Furthermore, it is possible to check the hand.
The ban will probably never be lifted.
japan NEOS
2011/05/14 23:48
Yugioh Icon
It's harder to reuse than throwing it back.
japan SOUL
2010/09/03 19:38
Yugioh Icon
When you successfully activate this card, your chances of winning will be significantly higher.
It's a very heinous card, so it's unlikely that the ban will be lifted.
japan あまちょこ
2024/03/23 2:37
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/09/06 21:52
Activate 《The Forceful Sentry》!
opponent's hand
Shaddoll Fusion》・Copy・Shaddora・Shadfal・Shadhog
japan 2014/03/17 0:59
Because his GY at that time was not treated as a second hand card now, but was his GY in the true sense.
There was a time when it was said that "confiscation" was stronger because there was a possibility that it could be recovered with a search card (both Kuromori and Sangan were unlimited at the time).
…But even so, it is undoubtedly the strongest class of handicap card as it can be discarded at no cost.
I personally like this card, but I don't think it will return to restrictions.

Decks with "The Forceful Sentry"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 BE1-JP029 2004-06-24 Rare
Magic Ruler MR-45 2000-04-20 Super
BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 (7th period) BE01-JP025 2011-05-14 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 487 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 39,843


Japanese card name 強引な番兵

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