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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Magic Ruler > Rush Recklessly

Rush Recklessly Used Deck

Rush Recklessly
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Quick-Play Spell - - - - -
Target 1 face-up monster on the field; it gains 700 ATK until the end of this turn.
Average Rating Score 6.3(36)
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  2. Card Reviews (36 rating scores)
  3. Decks with Rush Recklessly (23 Decks)
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  5. Products in Japan
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"Rush Recklessly" card reviews and rating scores

2% (1)
50% (18)
38% (14)
5% (2)
2% (1)

japan ブルーバード
2023/03/08 9:31
Yugioh Icon
A card that could be in the starter deck.
Forbidden Lance》is fine for combat tricks unless there are special circumstances that require additional attacks or 《Maiden with Eyes of Blue》to affect yourself. Over there he can remove other effects such as the Equip Spell, so it's even more reliable for combat tricks.
japan みめっと
2023/02/16 11:10
Yugioh Icon
It is one of the Quick-Play Spells, which is a new category of spell cards that was born at the same time as entering the second period. of combat assistance, LP acquisition, and effects that are conditional on being above or below a certain ATK can be applied or deviated from it.
The greatest strength of this type of Quick-Play Spell is that it can be activated even from your hand on your own turn. It used to be inferior in many situations, but now, due to the rapid increase in monsters that are resistant to spells and effects that specify targets, effects that affect your monsters are better as battle support effects than your opponent's monsters. It is often said that
japan ねこーら
2021/01/30 13:28
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: It can be said that this is a card that can be said to be the basis of combat tricks, but its enhancement value is low, and as expected, it cannot keep up with the environment.
It would be better to weaken the opponent's monsters with "Shrink", but there is room to use this in an environment where resistance is increasing and ATK is around 3000 and it is easy to compete.
However, there are many monsters that can be greatly strengthened or weakened, and 700 is not a range that can be compensated for.
Even if you can avoid removal when attacking, it's easy to attack without worrying about it if you have resistance, so Back-Up Rider might be a good attack.
If it's an interception, 《Prideful Roar》is more reliable.
japan wairo
2021/01/22 9:42
Yugioh Icon
A Quick-Play Spell paired with The Reliable Guardian
It's great that it's a Quick-Play Spell that can be used for damage, and it's mutually compatible with contraction.
As a single card, it's not very good, and since Honest and Shrink aren't being used in this day and age, it's not keeping up with inflation.
japan ああ乙乙
2020/10/19 6:45
Yugioh Icon
Combat aid for Quick-Play Spells. It is an advantage that it can be used immediately, but it is compared with shrinkage.
japan ザーク
2020/09/08 17:22
Yugioh Icon
It's not bad to use, but there are plenty of other excellent cards out there.
One piece like that.
japan サンパイ
2020/05/23 13:09
Yugioh Icon
It's a Quick-Play Spell, but if it's a combat aid, shrinkage is more suitable.
It's not weak, but honestly it's lacking in the current environment.
japan プンプン丸
2019/06/20 8:17
Yugioh Icon
Quick-Play Spell with RBI up.  Unlike "Shrink", the RBI is higher, so it is advantageous in the damage race.
Because of its very simple effects, such as "RBI increase", "damage calculation", "timing to use ka card", etc. "Teaching material card" to learn the basics of Yu-Gi-Oh!
japan お空は青い
2019/06/19 19:04
Yugioh Icon
It's neither good nor bad. It's a very basic card. Phantom Sword and Phantom Wings are available, so it will not be adopted.
japan シエスタ
2018/10/22 8:50
Yugioh Icon
It's a card that enhances the Quick-Play Spell, so it's very convenient, but there are many cards that have a higher increase value. I feel that the performance is a little harsh.
japan 備長炭18
2018/06/20 2:26
Yugioh Icon
The impression that it often appears as a teaching material that makes the early status up cards a thing of the past and teaches how to deal with duplicate status changes in Yu-Gi-Oh.
Nowadays, even if you increase it by 700, you can't catch up, and in the first place, it's mainstream to remove monsters with effects, so I think it's already tough compared to the past.
japan なす
2017/08/29 16:53
Yugioh Icon
A Quick-Play Spell that strengthens RBI by 700.
It has a resistance that does not work against contraction, raises the firepower of direct attacks, and is effective for breaking through defense monsters.
japan げおんぬ
2016/06/19 21:16
Yugioh Icon
not bad card. I have his high-end Quick-Play Spell cards like Holy Spear, Shrink, etc., but if you don't have them, you can still fight with this.
japan kyo
2015/11/16 0:31
Yugioh Icon
700up is surprisingly not to be underestimated. It is inferior to contraction in the correspondence range, but it is enough to support monsters with ATK 2000-2500. Since it is often used on your own cards, you can also break through resistance such as "cannot be targeted by effects".
It can also be used casually on your opponent. The opponent will be surprised if you use it when achieving the 3000 damage quota of Hell Tempest. Unlike shrinking, it is possible to add 700 damage by using it on your own monsters during a direct attack. Surprisingly, this point may be the strongest point.
Recently, a completely backwards compatible version called "inspiring" has appeared. This is about the only card that suddenly became completely upward compatible without any performance changes. Ah, there were "reinforcements"...
japan カンノーネ
2015/09/11 23:14
Yugioh Icon
A card that is easy to understand and strong for beginners like starters. It just becomes a combat trick. Also, the amount of damage is increased by 700, so there are times when I stop it.
japan アルバ
2015/09/03 16:29
Yugioh Icon
A card that can be said to be a semantic standard that is a fast-acting spell that increases ATK.
Sacred spear and contraction have a wider range of support as support, but the advantage of this is that it doesn't depend on the opponent.
It is also an advantage that you can prevent follow-up attacks because ATK will keep rising.
japan 風鼠
2015/04/01 21:52
Yugioh Icon
With an ATK of 700, it's a modest but excellent card, and if you can master this card, you'll be able to understand Yu-Gi-Oh's combat to some extent.
Unlike contraction, it is mainly used on your own monsters, so it is superior in that it is difficult to interfere.
japan ジュウテツ
2015/03/23 16:53
Yugioh Icon
As a battle support card, I think it's a convenient one. Since you use it against your own monsters, I think it's good that it's easy to use against monsters that aren't targeted by effects.
japan かのん
2015/02/16 0:33
Yugioh Icon
It was said that it was weaker than contraction for a while, but monsters that can't be symmetrical increased.
Not bad. But it's because I've increased a lot. I like it though~
japan こまつほうせい
2015/01/17 13:41
Yugioh Icon
Might be weaker than contraction, but with Quick-Play Spell RBI plus 700 isn't bad
Rush stronger than reinforcements...
japan 雲黒斎
2014/02/16 19:48
Yugioh Icon
Recently, there are quite a few monsters that are resistant to targeted effects, so in some cases
You can also adopt here. It is less likely to be disturbed when defending, and is useful when attacking.
It's an old card, but it could still do just fine.
japan たたた
2013/07/10 12:27
Yugioh Icon
The biggest point of differentiation is that Shrink is a card that is often used against opponents, and this card is often used against yourself.
The advantage of being able to handle battles with monsters that are not targeted by cards without any problems is not small.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/05/22 5:20
Yugioh Icon
The 700 increase is a reasonable number for attacking, and it can also be used to increase the amount of damage when attacking directly. However, since it doesn't reach the range of "Holy Spear" or "Shrink" when it comes to dealing with opponents, it feels a little bad, even if it depends on the Deck.
japan ナル参照
2013/05/17 16:00
Yugioh Icon
"Recently, more and more people are throwing spears, clothes, and using lenses, and their use has decreased... I wonder if 700 is too sweet..."
Jicha said that 700 up is not worth it.
It might be interesting to think about how various monsters rush.
japan ファイア野郎
2013/05/03 19:03
Yugioh Icon
A Quick-Play Spell that raises ATK.
Contraction is excellent because it is easier to defeat the opponent, but this is against your own monster.
Since it is often activated, it has the advantage that it is difficult for the opponent to interfere.
If you want reliable combat assistance, it is effective to give priority to this.
japan 夜の帝王
2013/04/29 16:14
Yugioh Icon
The text is short, and even I, who has an IQ below Minoru, can use it, so I find it useful. (Male employee, Tokyo metropolitan area)
japan SOUL
2013/04/20 18:14
Yugioh Icon
It's inferior to Shrink and Forbidden Lance, but it has its own advantages and it's simply not a bad card.
japan ファナナス
2013/01/25 18:14
Yugioh Icon
Basically, contraction is excellent because the range that can be defeated is wider. However, unlike contraction, this has the advantage of being less likely to be negate because it targets your own monsters. A combat trick card with a powerful effect called Holy Spear has also appeared, and there is a feeling that it is somewhat buried in new cards. Old-fashioned plain card, but performance is excellent
japan みかんゼリー
2012/10/16 23:44
Yugioh Icon
Shrink's strength is that it can deal with large opponents that are out of reach, but this is useful when you want to crush opponents whose spells are not effective or defensive monsters.
After all, a Quick-Play Spell that can surprise attack is good.
japan ゼロ
2012/03/31 12:11
Yugioh Icon
Since it is a fast-acting spell, it is good that it can be activated even during the battle phase.
japan m
2011/08/27 20:49
Yugioh Icon
ATK 700 rise, simple and plain but powerful card.
Even if you put it in the Deck, it will be very active.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/11/15 20:26
Yugioh Icon
It is often compared to contraction, but this is also a candidate for use in a deck that attacks aggressively.
The strength here is that it works as it is against people who are resistant to "targeting" and "spells",
It is also useful for attacking defense monsters.
Somehow it's an old card but it's still active.
japan とき
2010/08/30 10:26
Yugioh Icon
A representative card that goes the royal road of battle correction cards.
It has the effect of increasing her ATK of 1 monster by 700 until the end of the turn.
Shrinkage, both of which are cards that represent combat correction, are his spells for opponents, so there are some opponents that are ineffective. Since this strengthens itself, it works effectively against almost all monsters.
If you want certainty over contraction intensity. The up width is quite good.
However, his Forbidden card, which has combat correction plus alpha, and 《Concentrating Current》, which can further improve the correction value, have appeared, and it seems that it is somewhat buried in the times.
japan NEOS
2010/08/21 14:38
Yugioh Icon
Even though it is inferior to contraction, it is plainly strong.
japan 想夢
2010/08/17 13:04
Yugioh Icon
Shrinking would be better when defending
I wonder if this is the time to attack... 700 up can't be underestimated...
japan 2014/09/06 21:46
A good card for beginners. If you can handle the technique of increasing by 700 during battle, you will have understood the concept of battle.

Decks with "Rush Recklessly"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 BE1-JP027 2004-06-24 Normal
DUEL TERMINAL -Champion of Chaos! - DT05-JP041 2009-04-01 Normal
STARTER DECK(2007) YSD2-JP023 2007-03-22 Normal
STARTER DECK(2009) YSD4-JP022 2009-03-14 Normal
Magic Ruler MR-43 2000-04-20 Normal
BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 (7th period) BE01-JP023 2011-05-14 Rare
Duelist Box 2012 (Deck) DB12-JP028 2011-11-26 Normal
Duelist Entry Deck VS. VS15-JPS17 2015-03-21 Normal
Duelist Entry Deck VS. VS15-JPD18 2015-03-21 Normal
STRUCTURE DECK - Malik hen - SDM-048 2004-03-25 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 6,791 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 28,835


Japanese card name 突進

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