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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Magic Ruler > Tailor of the Fickle

Tailor of the Fickle Used Deck

Tailor of the Fickle
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Quick-Play Spell - - - - -
Switch 1 Equip Card equipped to a monster to another correct target.
Average Rating Score 1.8(19)
  1. Card Info
  2. Card Reviews (19 rating scores)
  3. Decks with Tailor of the Fickle (1 Decks)
  4. Card Category and Effect Category
  5. Products in Japan
  6. Ranking and View Num

"Tailor of the Fickle" card reviews and rating scores

0% (0)
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15% (3)
84% (16)

japan みめっと
2023/02/27 16:47
Yugioh Icon
I quite like the idea of using a card name or illustration for a normal effect that someone will always come up with at some point, such as replacing an equipment card equipped on a monster with another monster.
It's a tough card because it can only be used in a limited number of situations, but it's a relief to have some versatility and combo potential because it's a Quick-Play Spell.
If you want to use it seriously, it's difficult if you don't show up with his unreasonable spell cards and monster effects, such as equipping one of his Equip Spells on a monster on the deck and searching for this card by name. I guess.
japan ブルーバード
2022/08/22 11:02
Yugioh Icon
You can do some interesting moves such as pressing a used Giant Growth or 《Unstable Evolution》for a combat trick, pressing 《Axe of Fools》to interfere with Friche, or handing over an equipment card of a monster that has finished attacking to another monster.
It's subtle when asked if it's useful, but you like this kind of combo, don't you? I like it too
In fact, it is also a valuable card with his spell card icon written in the text. It suggests that there were still many parts that were still unexplored in this era.
japan ねこーら
2021/01/30 1:06
Yugioh Icon
Overall Rating: The only time it's useful is when you use his Equip Spell to power it up.
United We Stand》can be reused, but I think it would be better to put in a second one.
And he is difficult to handle because he is often an equipment card that cannot be equipped by rules other than Equip Spell and Union.
Cards equipped with Union Carrier cannot be stolen.
japan アルバ
2020/08/19 23:35
Yugioh Icon
Its uses are terrifyingly limited.
If you can relay United We Stand to your own monster, it might make you feel a little better.
japan サンパイ
2020/02/28 12:45
Yugioh Icon
It's pretty roundabout. Basically, it's a combo premise, but do you bother to consume one card?
japan シエスタ
2019/09/09 9:45
Yugioh Icon
Since it is a Quick-Play Spell, you can do tricky moves such as stealing the opponent's equipment, strengthening it with equipment and equipping it to the monster after attacking.
However, Psych is far more versatile in terms of equipment meta, and it is unstable because it has a lot of combos and tends to be affected by the situation.
As already mentioned, it's an interesting stop and probably not very practical.
japan お空は青い
2019/06/24 12:40
Yugioh Icon
When it first appeared, 《Axe of Despair》and Devil's Kiss were often used, so there was a use for it.
japan 備長炭18
2018/03/12 15:37
Yugioh Icon
The usage is infinite, but it is too plain and subtle. such a card.
japan かのん
2015/02/14 12:00
Yugioh Icon
It's relatively good to transfer the hand cost like Trice
If you just want to raise your firepower and fight, you'd be better off with Collected Power, where you can transfer everything...
japan まぐ
2014/10/07 19:31
Yugioh Icon
After attacking with a monster equipped with an equipment card, you can pass the equipment card to the next monster, or pass the equipment card to the attack target when attacking the opponent and return it. It's fun when it's decided.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/05/22 5:28
Yugioh Icon
It's an interesting effect, but it's often just fun. It would be nice to be able to conveniently replace 《United We Stand》with your own monsters, but that doesn't work. "Cyclone" is more versatile and easy to use.
japan ファイア野郎
2013/05/20 23:09
Yugioh Icon
A card that redirects the target of an Equip Spell.
Equip Spell is currently not used unless it is a special deck,
Needless to say, it is faster to remove it with a cyclone.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2012/09/20 8:38
Yugioh Icon
A little while ago, you could transfer the Hornet and use the Dansel effect one more time, right? I thought so, but there was no such need!
Unrestricted Cyclone is enough to use against his opponent's Equip Spell.
japan ゼロ
2012/03/31 12:10
Yugioh Icon
Wouldn't it be nice to have a cyclone...
japan とき
2011/12/22 1:01
Yugioh Icon
A Quick-Play Spell that redirects equip cards to other valid equip targets.
It's attractive to have the possibility of making your opponent's Equip Spell your own, but in the first place, you have to think about your opponent using his Equip Spell, and this card is an ability-enhancing ability that demonstrates its power. The problem is that the adoption rate of Equip Spell is low. You also have the option of destroying it with a Cyclone card.
There are also operations that aim for combos by switching your own cards, but how many cards can do such combos?
japan m
2011/08/27 20:46
Yugioh Icon
Transfer an infrequently used Equip Spell to another target...mystery card.
Since it's a Quick-Play Spell, it can be used to transfer a card equipped to a monster that is likely to be destroyed by the enemy to another target...
japan NEOS
2011/05/17 14:37
Yugioh Icon
Equip Spell itself is not used that much, and even if there is, there are many exclusive Equip Spells.
Gigantism and cohesion are semi-limiting, but rare.
Cyclone for Equip Spell.
japan SOUL
2010/09/04 20:25
Yugioh Icon
A situation where another correct target exists is not something that can be done so often, and it would be a waste to use one card just by moving it.
japan 愛佳
2023/07/20 21:00
Yugioh Icon

Decks with "Tailor of the Fickle"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 BE1-JP026 2004-06-24 Normal
Magic Ruler MR-42 2000-04-20 Normal
BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 (7th period) BE01-JP022 2011-05-14 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 12,034 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 11,732


Japanese card name 移り気な仕立屋

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