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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Magic Ruler > Maha Vailo

Maha Vailo Used Deck

Maha Vailo
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster - 4 Spellcaster 1550 1400
Gains 500 ATK for each Equip Card equipped to this card.
Average Rating Score 4.9(33)
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  2. Card Reviews (33 rating scores)
  3. Decks with Maha Vailo (78 Decks)
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  5. Products in Japan
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"Maha Vailo" card reviews and rating scores

3% (1)
3% (1)
57% (19)
33% (11)
3% (1)

japan セツナ
2023/03/24 21:57
Yugioh Icon
A gorilla monster who has a habit of using spells and has a very muscular brain. If you have 《United We Stand》, 《Mage Power》or 《Power of the Guardians》, it will be difficult (in terms of firepower)
Since it was recorded as normal from the beginning, it seems that many children in elementary school environments used this card as their ace.
japan ブルーバード
2022/10/16 19:07
Yugioh Icon
Equipped with 《Axe of Despair》, he is a monster famous for hitting 3050 points that can defeat Blue-Eyed.
Equipped with 《Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce》, his RBI increases by more than 1000 points, and he can reach one-kill firepower just by equipping two Equip Spells. Equipping this with 《Shooting Star Bow - Ceal》will establish a one-kill with 2 direct attacks with 4050 firepower.
A monster that can still be used as long as there is love.
japan みめっと
2022/01/17 14:28
Yugioh Icon
Since it only appeared in Season 2, even though it originally had a total stats of level 5, it became level 4, and on top of that, it gained a monster effect that could turn any equipment card into its own power. His Spellcaster monster that made a lot of money.
Invader of the Throne》, which was recorded in Super Rare, also falls under this category, but it was popular among duelists at the time due to its low rarity due to its simple yet straight-forward effect.
He can defeat Blue-Eyed just by equipping 《Axe of Despair》, but above all, he has a catchphrase, and if you look closely, his face is quite handsome.
Even with Malevolent Nuzzler, which is also a normal card, he is enough to surpass the RBI of Bramage with ATK 2500, Archfiend, and the three demon gods.
If the number of equipment cards increases, the effect will overlap, and not only Equip Spells, but also monsters and trap cards that have been turned into equipment cards will power up properly.
In the anime, Yugi Omote made Black Magician a card that resembles Yami Yugi, while he said that this card is similar to himself, but "Huh?" Isn't there a lot of viewers who thought, "That's right?"
japan ねこーら
2021/01/24 17:17
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: 《Morphtronic Videon》has many better points.
If you equip a large amount of equipment cards, it's easier to use those with higher enhancement values.
This one can be revived with 《Spellbook of Life》because of his Spellcaster, but then 《Maha Vailo, Light of the Heavens》has higher explosive power.
If you use a lot of equipment cards to strengthen, there is also the existence of 《Armed Samurai - Ben Kei》, and it can be said that it is a halfway position.
japan サンパイ
2020/05/23 13:20
Yugioh Icon
It's a card that specializes in combat, which is rare in Spellcaster, but as it's often said, Matza and Benkei are easier to use in equipment beats.
japan ブラマジbotさん
2019/07/05 11:21
Yugioh Icon
Favorite monster of Maha Soku. Mahachoku is still reprinted without permission, but recent Mahachoku writes quite interesting articles. Anyway, equip Axe of Despair and you'll get his ATK to beat Blue-Eyed!
japan もも
2018/12/15 6:46
Yugioh Icon
I think it's a brain muscle card that relies on equipment cards, but in Yu-Gi-Oh, where the value often changes drastically by chance, I think it's a card that has potential.
japan シエスタ
2018/12/14 17:36
Yugioh Icon
Equipping an equipment card will strengthen him by 500 points, and just by equipping Axe of Despair, he will surpass Blue-Eyed, and his explosive power will be moderate.
However, recently, removal and deployment power tend to be prioritized, and enhancement equipment itself is on the decline. As with all cards like this, it's easy to lose a lot of money if it's removed with a lot of equipment.
Even if you equip them, priority is given to those with continuous attacks such as Matasa and Benkei. It is no longer an era where you can live with just a simple high RBI, and you can prepare a high RBI + α from EX without using equipment.
If you look at it from the current era, it will be a card that lacks power.
japan デルタアイズ
2018/09/07 10:47
Yugioh Icon
Played an active role on the battle front along with the reputation damage monster "Axe of Despair"
I can't forgive you anymore mahahaya, huh?
japan 備長炭18
2018/09/03 21:59
Yugioh Icon
With a magic combo with Axe of Despair, he was able to score more RBI than Blue-Eyed, one of the innovative monsters at the time.
Right now, it will be difficult to play an active role because it requires a simple 500-up and an equipment card that is generally unsatisfactory, but there must be a lot of people who have been indebted.
japan はわわ
2018/03/21 17:26
Yugioh Icon
Axe of Despair》Card that can kill Blue-Eyed when equipped
But now I'm underpowered
japan アルバ
2018/03/21 2:11
Yugioh Icon
A card with a bit of a romance because the lower rank is equipped with 《Axe of Despair》and the RBI is over 3000.
His Equip Spell, which is only for the purpose of increasing RBI, is easy to add, and if you specialize in this kind of tactics, Sudden Attack Matata and Benkei are stronger.
japan ミシガン州知事
2016/06/24 0:55
Yugioh Icon
"Give me an equipment card!!!"
A man who can't get along without equipping an equipment card.
Equipping this card with Axe of Despair gave him an ATK of 3050 and he was able to beat Blue-Eyed.
Originally her ATK was 1550, did you realize that you could equip 《Axe of Despair》and beat Blue-Eyed?
It is ◎ that it is a lower class monster.
Equipped beat Deck can be active.
japan げおんぬ
2016/06/24 0:46
Yugioh Icon
Just equipping 《Axe of Despair》will surpass his ATK of 3000 with 《Blue-Eyes White Dragon》. In the past, he was a card that some people had in their decks.
japan ハセ
2016/02/15 19:30
Yugioh Icon
I think many people used to love it because of its easy-to-understand strengthening effect.
just that
2015/08/29 14:57
Yugioh Icon
I have a good memory of hitting Honda over 4000 RBIs with "Axe of Despair" and the devil's kiss. Does he still have room in a spell deck?
japan カンノーネ
2015/05/28 17:43
Yugioh Icon
Axe of Despair》3050 seems to be very strong with one copy, but that doesn't mean I'll use it.
If you're old enough to want to equip yourself, reincarnate as a Warrior.
japan 真の仲間
2015/03/11 4:30
Yugioh Icon
A long time ago, many duelists were saved by this guy.
Now I have no choice but to use it for memory correction, but it's still not weak
japan かのん
2015/02/14 13:07
Yugioh Icon
I still use it. Equipped deck ace.
His own ATK increase is strong enough, but since it's LIGHT, it also supports Honest.
Well, he loses to Videodon...
japan よしべー
2014/03/24 19:56
Yugioh Icon
A memorable piece for old players.
Malevolent Nuzzler》is 2750!
There is no place to play an active part now, but I think it would be interesting to put it in Benkei and aim for the opening.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/05/23 7:31
Yugioh Icon
If you add 《Axe of Despair》, it becomes ATK 3050, and as an early card, it can be used reasonably well. However, in the current environment where Equip Spell itself is a little difficult to use, it is hard to say that it is a strong card with 500 up per card. He'll be using Spellcaster's support if he does.
japan ファイア野郎
2013/05/20 22:51
Yugioh Icon
A card that can be strengthened by the number of equipped cards.
It was once a famous card as a monster whose ATK surpasses that of Blue-Eyed's White Dragon. Recently, although he has increased the number of Spellcaster-only Equip Spells,
Compared to other cards, the current situation is that it is difficult to adopt unless you can make use of the attribute race.
japan ファナナス
2013/02/10 5:42
Yugioh Icon
A variety of fun monsters to put in his Equip Spell-based deck. It's interesting and strong to get 2550 just by equipping a Wonder Wand.
However, he has no merit other than brain muscle, and Spellcaster doesn't benefit from support as he beats with Equip Spell and he isn't even a deck. When it comes to equipment beats, D and Warrior inevitably come to mind...
japan みかんゼリー
2012/11/01 21:25
Yugioh Icon
At the beginning of its appearance, this monster attracted attention at once as a monster that surpasses Blue-Eyed.
Partly due to the fact that he appeared at the same time as 《Axe of Despair》, he was the one who created his equipment-based Deck.
He's kind of underwhelming now, but it's not bad since he has spell support.
He's not bad, but there's a strong tendency for equipment to be a warrior, so...
japan ドラゴンX
2012/10/20 12:12
Yugioh Icon
It's a Warrior to equip it.
4050 is the maximum limit. What a cheat card...
Moreover, Equip Spell is a tough job.
But there is a way to use magic. It looks like it can be used in a combo with Necro Magic.
japan ゼロ
2012/03/30 20:56
Yugioh Icon
Equipping 《Axe of Despair》increases it by 1500,
ATK is 3050!
surprisingly strong...
japan ユウ
2012/02/05 18:32
Yugioh Icon
I think the combination with 《Fighting Spirit》is good.
japan m
2011/08/27 20:08
Yugioh Icon
With the equipment card, he has an easy-to-understand effect of increasing ATK, "Spellcaster".
It may have been powerful when it first appeared, but...
Now when it comes to equipment cards, Warrior...
If I had been a Warrior, I might have gotten a lot of attention, but...
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/11/08 8:22
Yugioh Icon
A long time ago, he had a deck called Equipment Vairowankill, and it was pretty fun.
Currently, the number of cards that seem to be upwardly compatible has increased, but since it uses spells, it can receive support such as dimension magic,
After all, when it comes to equipment, Warrior...
japan NEOS
2010/10/08 0:29
Yugioh Icon
Spell use lowers the rating a little.
If it's equipment, Warrior, oh, it's kind of complicated...
japan とき
2010/08/12 7:40
Yugioh Icon
Former childhood friend. On normal, which is readily available, he has a simple yet scary tactic to unleash massive firepower from his Equip Spell armament.
Equip Spell has the effect of increasing his ATK by 500 points.
Now, unless you can make use of your race and attributes, the additional benefits of equipment pale in comparison to Morphtronic Videon and Ben Kay. Since these guys are also normal, there is not much difference in the difficulty of obtaining them.
A vairo without an equip spell is just a vairo.
japan 愛佳
2024/05/02 23:27
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/10/14 0:55
(Using secondary Equip Spells such as Mage's Power) Strengthen your Her Deck (Monster's ATK)! "Let's start with this!"
Caspak dies in a big explosion.

Decks with "Maha Vailo"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 BE1-JP009 2004-06-24 Normal
DUEL TERMINAL - Viron Descends! - DT09-JP007 2010-05-01 Normal
Magic Ruler MR-12 2000-04-20 Normal
BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 (7th period) BE01-JP008 2011-05-14 Normal
Deck Custom Pack 01 DC01-JP006 2014-04-19 Normal
Duelist Entry Deck VS. VS15-JPS09 2015-03-21 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 8,882 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 45,975


Japanese card name マハー・ヴァイロ

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