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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > YU-GI-OH DUEL MONSTERS 5 EXPERT 1" Strategy Book > The Mask of Remnants

The Mask of Remnants Used Deck

The Mask of Remnants
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Normal Spell - - - - -
When this card is activated: Shuffle this card from the field into the Deck. While this card is equipped to a monster by the effect of "Masked Beast Des Gardius", take control of that monster.
Average Rating Score 5.1(15)
  1. Card Info
  2. Card Reviews (15 rating scores)
  3. Decks with The Mask of Remnants (23 Decks)
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  5. Products in Japan
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"The Mask of Remnants" card reviews and rating scores

6% (1)
6% (1)
60% (9)
26% (4)
0% (0)

japan かどまん
2023/04/11 20:51
Yugioh Icon
Cards used with the effect of Masked Beast Des Gardius
It's a strange effect that if you use it directly, he just returns to the deck.
Although it is a disadvantage, consideration has been given to prevent accidents even if it is withdrawn, and it is clever for an old card.
japan ミドラ
2021/06/24 12:16
Yugioh Icon
A special spell that only works when used in conjunction with Deathgardius.
It's a card you don't want in your hand, but the good thing is that even if it does, you can return it to his Deck.
Consideration can be seen for an old card.
japan ねこーら
2021/04/13 13:19
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: 《Masked Beast Des Gardius》is a card that must be used as a set and will not spoil even if it is used alone, but I don't want to draw it as much as possible.
If you draw it, it becomes a card that just shuffles the Deck, and although it doesn't spoil, the return is low.
I would like to take measures such as ways to return it to other decks and reduce the number of cards to make it easier to reuse.
japan みめっと
2020/12/07 17:05
Yugioh Icon
A masked spell that requires Deathgardius to be asleep in his deck in order to use the powerful effects he exerts when he is buried.
Even if you draw it, you can return it to the deck on your own. It is a necessary card for you to work, and I would like to appreciate that you are doing the minimum self-care.
japan シエスタ
2018/04/09 14:33
Yugioh Icon
A souvenir of Deathgardius.
By itself, he only has the effect of returning it to the deck, and it will only cause a loss, but as already said, it is essential for the operation of Death Gardius, and its effect is also excellent.
Unlike Buster and Metal, the return effect should be appreciated as much as it can be returned.
japan アルバ
2018/02/15 0:03
Yugioh Icon
Deathgardius is a dedicated card with a robbery effect, but this card alone has no meaning.
It's a card that you want to be in his deck if you can't draw it, but if you draw it, you can return it with your own effect, even if it's an add loss, but it's a nice point.
japan なす
2018/02/10 17:41
Yugioh Icon
A card that needs to be in the Deck, but turns into a powerful Equip Spell of him that takes control with Death Gardius.
It is indispensable when dealing with Death Gardius. /Unlike Buster, etc., even if it comes to your hand, it can be returned to his deck on its own, so it is less likely to misfire.
japan かのん
2015/06/13 10:23
Yugioh Icon
A card that really bothers you when it comes to your hand. Especially when you have multiple copies.
I also wrote about Deathgardius, but Deathgardius itself has this card's effect.
Since it is not written, the effect of "The Mask of Remnants" is
People who don't know may be surprised when monsters are suddenly stolen.
Also, when I played it with the Kamen Deck, there was a duel that took a very long time.
No way, with this card's effect to return it to his Deck
I never thought the day would come when I would use it to avoid running out of deck.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/04/14 15:13
Yugioh Icon
It's certainly strong when equipped with the effect of "Death Guardian", but otherwise it's the biggest bottleneck when building a "Death Guardius" Deck, as it completely causes accidents. It is good to be able to return it with its own effect, but it will be an add loss.
japan とき
2013/01/22 15:31
Yugioh Icon
A mask card that becomes the reason for the existence of Deathgardius.
When activated, he has the effect of returning it to the Deck, and the effect of gaining control of the equipped monster if it is activated as an equipment card by the effect of Death Gardius.
Death Gardius says he can only Equip Spell this card from the Deck, but it's a nice touch that he can return it to the Deck so that it doesn't bother him if it comes to his hand.
It's a card that can make you hesitate to remove Deathgardius, but this card itself is treated as his Equip Spell, so it's not very strong against removal. I would like to turn the stolen monsters into some sort of material.
Death Gardius itself is a card that requires a dedicated Deck, so it will inevitably have a place to play an active role.
japan ファナナス
2013/01/21 14:25
Yugioh Icon
A no-disadvantage robbery that activates on the Deck. However, the activation timing is a little passive, and it is still a factor of accidents by itself. It's nice to have the effect of returning to the Deck and being able to fulfill the activation conditions of Gardius on its own.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2012/08/03 20:26
Yugioh Icon
When Deathgardius dies, he leaves a mask in his will...
Its presence can discourage removal of Deathgardius.
Conversely, if you remove it with Braho or something, it's meaningless, and in the first place, this card itself is just an unnecessary piece of paper...
japan meno
2010/09/02 22:33
Yugioh Icon
You can return it to his deck with its own effect, but it will be an add loss.
I want to return it to the Deck by making ends meet or 《Card Trader》.
japan パンピー
2024/01/29 2:51
Yugioh Icon
japan 2011/05/22 11:18
Deck never runs out. Although it will be a draw hindrance.
Without Deathgardius, it will completely rot.

Decks with "The Mask of Remnants"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
YU-GI-OH DUEL MONSTERS 5 EXPERT 1" Strategy Book G5-B1 2001-07-05 Ultra
Duelist's Glory -Fragments of Memory- side: Yugi Muto 15AX-JPM44 2015-01-10 Normal
DUEL ROYALE Deck Set EX ROUND2 DR02-JPD19 2022-04-29 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 8,569 / 12,858 Cards
View Num 24,642


Japanese card name 遺言の仮面

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