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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > THE DUELIST GENESIS > Krebons

Krebons Used Deck

Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster
Tuner Monster
- 2 Psychic 1200 400
When this card is targeted for an attack: You can pay 800 LP; negate the attack.
Average Rating Score 7.7(26)
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  2. Card Reviews (26 rating scores)
  3. Decks with Krebons (270 Decks)
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"Krebons" card reviews and rating scores

30% (8)
46% (12)
23% (6)
0% (0)
0% (0)

japan アルバ
2023/05/11 22:49
Yugioh Icon
A tuner that was used in the early days of synchronization due to the existence of Kintele.
The effect of stopping attacks works well with Synchro, and it can be used by Monarch's release personnel, and since it is Level 2, he was in a good situation to be able to create a Level 8 Synchro by using it as a Synchro material with Monarch.
As expected, I can't deny the feeling of lack of power now.
japan ねこーら
2022/08/27 11:44
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: It is possible to special summon during the opponent's turn and play a role as a wall.
It is useful in that it can prevent attacks in exchange for 800 LP, but there is a high possibility that even if you use it normally, it will be targeted for removal by an effect or negate.
If you play from Emergency Teleport during your opponent's Battle Phase to block attacks, it's hard to remove.
It works as a tuner on its own, and its ATK is decent.
japan ブルーバード
2022/02/25 21:31
Yugioh Icon
For an early tuner who had many cards with miserable performance, he is doing quite well. Excellent combat resistance, high RBI for a 2-star, Psychic, so it's strength is that it can be called in a tense tele and immediately connected to synchro. Another reason for its popularity is that you can access powerful synchros such as Goyo and Bryu alongside 4 stars.
japan 金平糖
2022/02/03 18:12
Yugioh Icon
A tuner that appeared soon after Synchro Summoning was implemented. It was quite a spec by the standards at the time.
At that time, there were few removals by effects, and he survived by negate the battle with his own effect, and on the return turn, he became a Synchro material and became a Tribute for high-level monsters.
It's been 14 years since its first appearance, and it's almost like vanilla, so it's no longer used preferentially, but if you pull out an old game and play it, you'll see the brilliance of those days again.
japan サンパイ
2020/02/29 20:41
Yugioh Icon
The image of an uncle and psychic heaven is strong. As for unique effects, since removal is rampant in this era, there are fewer opportunities to use it than in the past. He can still be used as a DARK Tuner, but as a Level 2 Psychic Tuner, he has Esper Girl who can earn extra money, so his position is quite tough.
japan シエスタ
2020/01/06 15:52
Yugioh Icon
It's not bad, but I have the impression that it's not capable enough to give such a high score.
It works well with Kintele and is easy to connect to Khalifa and S summons, and you can also summon it in a surprise attack to prevent attacks, but it's not very reliable if you just stop the attack, and there are rabbits when it comes to interfering.
As a tuner, there is a Reflector that can connect up to level 8S with the same Darkness alone, even though the level is different, and there is also a Girl that can connect to Natubi even though it is an effect that is highly dependent on combos even if it is the same level.
There are pros and cons, such as deck slots and being useful in an emergency, but I think it's a card that can be given special priority.
japan 88
2020/01/05 13:05
Yugioh Icon
I don't understand why this card is rated so highly. 《Krebons》Teaching?
Mundane stats, run-of-the-mill DARK psychic tuner. If you use this guy, the Psychic Reflector that can be synchronized with one is overwhelmingly stronger. DARK is a psychic, so it can be used in the same way as 《Krebons》and can bring out almost any Synchro Monster you like.
Vanilla is also natural for battle negate and modern Yu-Gi-Oh that speeds up
japan 長靴で吐いた猫
2020/01/05 12:58
Yugioh Icon
A tuner that has been around since the beginning. Simple and powerful effect. He's a highly versatile DARK tuner and can be a stopper in tense tele, so he's a monster you'll want to have one in your Psychic Synchro Deck.
japan もも
2017/08/01 13:27
Yugioh Icon
His versatile Psychic tuner.
japan なす
2017/05/24 23:18
Yugioh Icon
A Tuner Monster with an excellent effect that negates attacks for 800 LP.
Due to her blessed race and attributes, she also has plenty of support.
japan ヒコモン
2017/02/22 13:00
Yugioh Icon
A Psychic tuner that can be used as a wall and also supports urgent tele. These days, it lacks reliability as a wall, but you can use it to surpass an attack by putting it in the opponent's battle phase with Kintele.
japan AB ZERO
2016/10/20 16:43
Yugioh Icon
An excellent tuner among Psychic.
It also plays the role of a wall that negates attacks at a low cost of 800,
Easy Synchro Summon on the next turn.
Give me 《Krebons
japan 風鼠
2014/10/17 19:49
Yugioh Icon
An excellent tuner who has supported Psychic since its debut. Along with Emergency Teleport, Psycho Commander and this card have made many trips to his deck.
800 LP is modestly large, but the ability to negate attacks is powerful. As a psychic, he is a DARK, and when he designates a DARK tuner, he appears before the other two tuners when he plays a Synchro Monster.
japan パの字THEグレート
2014/02/09 21:57
Yugioh Icon
An excellent card that can be summoned with 《Emergency Teleport》. With an LP cost of 800, it can negate an attack, so it's not only a good place to play, but recently, with the existence of 《Demon King Dragon Beelze》, the presence of this card is increasing day by day.
japan ナル参照
2013/06/14 21:19
Yugioh Icon
bons bons. It seems to be about clairvoyance. Huh.
It sounds good to say that you can negate a battle with only 800, but that 800 hurts plainly. If you get hit 3 times, you will definitely get 2400. It's certainly better than being direct, but you'll still receive 800 damage even in a battle with a 1300 opponent, so don't be overconfident.
Also, psychics who use a lot of LP can be hurt even at 800.
However, being a dark psychic, it's also attractive that it can become a DS system or a cost of seduction.
Psychic loses to ✪ Saiga in terms of illustration and effectiveness, so its presence is somewhat weaker.
japan SOUL
2013/03/13 11:37
Yugioh Icon
Aggressive, he doesn't mesh well with deck-prone psychics, but it's an effect that can be used as a stopgap measure.
Of course, if you use Emergency Teleport in his non-psychic deck on business trips, you'll use it instead of Esper Girl, which he uses in his psychic combo.
japan ファナナス
2013/02/10 11:13
Yugioh Icon
The LP cost is by no means light, but it's almost certainly not destroyed in battle, so it's a very useful tuner.
With the appearance of 《✪ Saiga》Le, the original Psychic tends to lose its turn, but since it works on its own, if you don't care about attributes, I would like to give priority to 《Emergency Teleport》as a travel agent.
japan ゴミ人間
2012/12/12 23:20
Yugioh Icon
No matter how much you try to destroy it, you won't know unless you use the annoyingness of being negate with only 800 LP.
The goodness of the place is perfect for a tuner.
japan みかんゼリー
2012/11/05 23:04
Yugioh Icon
An excellent psychic tuner, and a good place to be.
It also supports 《Emergency Teleport》, making it a highly versatile card that can be called for in various Decks as well as psychics.
Welcome to Deck dedicated to synchro.
japan ペイン
2012/06/14 19:54
Yugioh Icon
Just pay 800 to negate the attack.
Then you can aim for a Synchro Summon next turn.
japan ブレイド
2012/01/26 17:28
Yugioh Icon
If you pay 800 LP, it becomes a wall and if you use 《Emergency Teleport》, you can synchronize immediately.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/11/10 21:40
Yugioh Icon
Versatile psychic tuner.
Something is different at the point of level 2 that not only has combat destruction resistance but also corresponds to urgent tele.
Of course, it goes without saying that this card is convenient for synchronizing.
With the emergence of excluded psychic forces, the push has weakened just by being a mere emergency telephonist, but there are some things that DARK tuners can do.
japan とき
2010/09/02 10:24
Yugioh Icon
A card that supported the early days of Synchro as a tuner that can be summoned with 《Emergency Teleport》.
It is attractive that it has a very good listing holding effect and is easy to connect to synchro.
It's a fairly standard card that can be in any of his decks, but it's a tuner that works better in no-cost combat negate under Brain Research Lab or psychic with Telekinetic Power Well.
As for the maintenance effect, it's not overly reliable in the current situation with accelerated expansion and removal, but even so, it's a highly versatile card for level 2 psychic tuners, so if you use Emergency Teleport, he will be a candidate for the Psychic Deck.
japan NEOS
2010/08/09 21:42
Yugioh Icon
An excellent monster as a wall.
He has a high ATK for his level, and is an excellent support for Junk Warrior.
It is also surrounded by attributes.
japan 想夢
2010/08/05 0:10
Yugioh Icon
The effect of being able to negate an attack with 800 LP is excellent.
It has a good shelf life and can be used for release
Because it is a tuner, synchronization is also possible.
japan 一時休戦中クリムゾン・ノヴァ
2023/11/20 0:16
Yugioh Icon

Decks with "Krebons"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
THE DUELIST GENESIS TDGS-JP018 2008-04-19 Normal
DUEL TERMINAL - Invasion of the Invels! -LIMITED EDITION 1 DT10-JP012 2010-08-03 Normal
DUELIST EDITION Volume 3 DE03-JP007 2012-08-11 Rare

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 4,258 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 96,724
Type "Psychic" Type Best Monster Ranking 83rd


Japanese card name クレボンス

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