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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > INVASION OF VENOM > Darktellarknight Batlamyus

Darktellarknight Batlamyus Used Deck

Darktellarknight Batlamyus
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Xyz Monster
Effect Monster
- 4 Warrior 2600 550
2 Level 4 "tellarknight" monsters
All face-up monsters on the field become DARK. You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card and discard 1 card; Special Summon from your Extra Deck, 1 LIGHT "tellarknight" Xyz Monster by using this face-up card you control as the Xyz Material, also you cannot Xyz Summon other monsters for the rest of this turn. (This is treated as an Xyz Summon. Xyz Materials attached to this card also become Xyz Materials on the Summoned monster.) This effect can be activated during either player's turn, if you have 7 or more "tellarknight" monsters with different names in your Graveyard.
Average Rating Score 8.8(19)
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"Darktellarknight Batlamyus" card reviews and rating scores

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japan 超弩級スライム
2022/03/13 10:24
Yugioh Icon
2 "Terranite" Rank 4 monsters
With the introduction of this card, just arranging two "Terranite" can lead to Delta Telos and Triveil.
The effect of ① is subtle on its own, but if it can be used as a material by Super Fusion, or if it can be lined up with Constellar and Diamond, it will create a board surface with high suppression power for "Terranite".
If you have 7 or more types of "Terranite" in GY, you can use Free Chain to Triveil, but the monsters in the main deck are currently small and elite, so there are almost no chances to activate it.
Also, if you use a removal chain to your own effect, you will be in a tight spot because you will only be restricted and you will not be able to get a successor.
It's not the savior of the theme, but it's a card that makes up for what "Terranite" lacks.
japan シエスタ
2019/08/22 10:39
Yugioh Icon
As the successor to Putre, compared to over there, the targets that can be specified as materials are also limited to Terranite, and a reasonable adjustment has been made.
The required materials are 2 bodies, and due to its effect, delta and try, which are originally required to be 3 body materials, can be completed with 2 bodies. As for the hand, it's easy to earn thanks to Deneb, so it should be lighter than bare.
If the conditions are met, it will turn into a flitch, but the number of terranites that can be heavily prioritized is also limited, so it's almost a bonus.
The ability to turn into DARK has a strong combo property, and it is mainly used in combination with diamond and super fusion. Since it can also be stuck in a deck that demonstrates its effect by referring to its attributes, depending on the situation and the opponent, there is significance in maintaining or reviving it.
The difficulty is that due to the material restrictions, it is difficult to cooperate with other categories and the attributes are different. You can't move from Sanctuary to Link.
Also, after the new rules, super fusion and cooperation with diamonds will take even more effort.
It doesn't go well with the new rules, and it's getting a headwind, but I think it's still an excellent existence for Terranite to connect to Ace.
japan なす
2017/11/18 9:54
Yugioh Icon
Rank 4 with 2 Terranite as material.
The effect of changing monsters on the field to his DARK works well with Diamond and Super Fusion, making it easy to interfere with your opponent.
Also, although it requires a hand cost and can block Xyz afterward, it can stack LIGHT's Terranite on itself, so Triveil's entire bounce and diamonds can be connected to Main Phase 1.
If the conditions are met, it is also powerful that it can be activated during the opponent's turn, and it will be possible to activate Triveil's entire bounce during the opponent's turn.
japan マジックチェーン
2017/03/08 0:05
Yugioh Icon
People tend to think of it as an adjusted version of Ptole, but this card is strong as it can connect to Triveil with 2 Terranite monsters. Honestly, thanks to this guy, I think it's good that Putre doesn't come back.
The effect that makes all field monsters dark is also compatible with super fusion. (Ignore the new rules)
If it wasn't for the demerit effect of stacking Terranite monsters on top, it would have been a perfect 10.
japan アルバ
2016/10/05 2:33
Yugioh Icon
I didn't really feel like a Terranite ace card that was thrown into prison with haste, doing as much violence as possible, such as going on business trips and taking control of the environment because the adjustment was too loose (personally, the HERO card has a strong impression). A card like a tweaked version of
This time, the material is bound with Terranite, so it will be difficult to travel and it will surely become an ace of Terranite.
With the re-appearance of Terranite Xyz, which can be played with two bodies, it has a high RBI, so you can use Altair, which was not possible with a low-RBI Putre, and go to punch as an attacker.
The effect of 1 is that his DARK limited DNA transplant surgery has a considerable effect on removing elemental support, so it is a useful effect, but be careful that your own Terranite cannot use his LIGHT support.
The 2 effect requires a hand cost, but with 2 Xyz + 1 card, you can Triveil or Main 1 Diamond.
If you meet the conditions, you can transform with Flice like Ptore, and even Ptore can't do it. you can ignore it.
japan ヒコモン
2016/10/04 12:58
Yugioh Icon
Terranite's savior who was unable to use 《Satellarknight Skybridge》due to the ban on putre. By calling it a 2-body Terranite, it became easier to get it out from the first turn. The only disappointing thing is that it became difficult to mix with H · C because it was tied to teranite. Where it is thought that if it is a Warrior designation. In order to forcibly change the monsters on the field to her DARK, lining up with Constellar and Diamond will be a meta against powerful monster effects. Also, it is possible to connect to Triveil with the effect of ②. However, the fact that it requires a hand cost is a bit of a pain. Having 7 or more types of "Terranite" monsters in GY makes it possible to activate it during your opponent's turn, but as expected, 7 types is tough, so I'd like to think of it as a bonus.
japan ジュウテツ
2016/07/29 8:53
Yugioh Icon
I am grateful that the effect of (2) makes it easier to get 3 "Terranite" X monsters out.
The effect of (1) can interfere with attribute-dependent effects, and his ATK is also the highest at rank 4X of two materials with no disadvantages, so he does not use the effect of (2). I think it's good.
There are restrictions on the materials, but I think it's easy to put out with the "Terranite" Deck because it has the resurrection effect of "Star Factor Altair" and the additional summoning effect of "Star Factor Vega".
japan れい
2016/07/16 2:10
Yugioh Icon
strong points
First and foremost, it is a great attraction that it is a Terranite X monster that can be assembled with two materials. It can be easily connected from Altair, and it has become possible to move flexibly by dodging restrictions such as ceilings. Constellar diamonds are also overwhelmingly easier to put out.
Also, you can't miss the effect that you can cut your hand and materials to access 3-body X monsters such as Delta Telos and Triveil.
Although it consumes the same number of cards, it can be said that it is easy to aim for a comeback because it leads to the above-mentioned heavy card with two actual materials, and it can be said that it has raised the power of Altair at once.
Even if you have 3 Terra Knights on the field, you can dare to go through Vatraimus and deploy while leaving 1 low-grade Terra Knight, and you can also play to protect against the opponent's 《Solemn Judgment》and so on.
The effect of changing the attribute to darkness is interesting because it can be devised such as binding to his deck with attribute binding and removing it with super fusion + Starve Venom.
weak point
It doesn't have any conspicuous weaknesses, but basically it's strength is based on evolutionary effects, so even if it's standing still, it doesn't have much influence. I want to play around with caution so as not to interfere with the effect. There are few situations where it will be a problem, but let's keep the restrictions in mind.
japan mcts1994
2016/07/15 8:08
Yugioh Icon
The long-awaited 4x2 that Terra Knight has been waiting for. Even just being able to fully insert the ceiling is good news for Terranite in that the accident rate has decreased.
The effect of (1) is the attribute meta and his Constellar/Dia support. It's an ability with a lot of potential, but if you use it normally, it's not something you'll be conscious of first.
The main effect of (2) is the ability to transform into Veil Deltero. Both of them are Xyz bodies that have three powerful effects, and they actually have the removal ability that allows you to choose between universal destruction and whole bounce, and they demonstrate sharp performance in terms of cleaning the opponent's field. By the way, he can't achieve immediate triggering with 7 types of GY unless he aims, but the veil of the opponent's turn is romantic.
Successor to Ptolemy San of a certain heinous card. In exchange for sacrificing flexibility and versatility, it can be said that it is a performance specialized exclusively for Teranite. In that sense, it would be ironic to say that Terranite's role is better than that of Putre, who was constantly traveling and enhancing other Decks.
japan くろゆき
2016/07/14 4:52
Yugioh Icon
When I first saw him, I thought he was a Shaddoll enhancement. But really, the Nephilim are resurrected over and over again.
The contents are firmly reinforced with Terranite. Performance is bad when it comes to deterioration of Ptore, but since the original is broken, it is normally strong even if it is weakened. As a Terranite, I'm really happy with the Terranite Xyz, which can be played with two.
……He should also give Shaddoll such precise enhancements.
japan とき
2016/07/10 12:29
Yugioh Icon
It's been hijacked... it's too late...
I'm curious about the illustration that accelerates the darkness of the terminal world, but as a card it's an adjusted Ptolemaios.
Is it a seasoning that it is quite mild and still strong just because it was adjusted to the worst class Xyz card in the history of Yu-Gi-Oh?
Because of its high ATK, it can also be used as an attacker, but its effect of dyeing the field in darkness can drive the opponent's Synchro and Xyz out of order, but it also has the potential to blow its fangs. That said, if he intentionally keeps the LIGHT support down, he'll be fine.
Rather, there is also the merit that his own dark mirror and his Constellar diamond will continue to rampage. It's also an excellent card as a base for his Constellar Diamond, so it's pretty powerful if you can use it side by side.
Another effect is the transformation into Terranite, and it becomes an activation effect that reduces the number of targets.
Above all, I'm happy to have Teranite X, which comes out with two materials, and the sky-flying star factor and Altair regain the brilliance of the Putre era. An intense piece that recreates the brilliance of Terranite.
japan 怪盗七夜月
2016/07/09 23:29
Yugioh Icon
Degraded version of Putre.
A permanent effect in which the front side becomes all or body.
Blocking the included Ritual Spell, Sealing Honest?
It seems that there was a lot of restrictions on rank up due to overdoing the putre
japan 究極
2016/07/09 23:24
Yugioh Icon
The long-awaited exclusive 2-body Xyz for Terranite users!
There is an impression that it is an adjusted version of Ptolemaios, but since the monsters that can be summoned are different, Terranite is mutually compatible.
Rather, I think that it is easy to use, such as being able to easily call an ace that could not be called with a putre, and having 2600 RBI.
japan 宵闇の変態
2016/07/09 22:26
Yugioh Icon
Te (ye) la night?
That Ptolemy has fallen into darkness and returned. When will the DT world become peaceful (confused)
It is a Terranite X monster that can be made with 2 materials, and the fact that it has become easier to use Tenkake, which has become difficult to handle since Putre was imprisoned, is significant in itself.
The effect of indiscriminately making enemies and allies fall into darkness not only transforms diamonds into simple crystal wings, but it also has a great influence because it can completely rot away cards that refer to the opponent's attributes.
Being able to transform into Delta Telos or Triveil in exchange for one card in your hand can be said to be an excellent effect that can solve the situation where it was easy to fall behind when Altair was the only deployment card.
In general, it can be said that it has the specs suitable as a successor to Putre. What is he, Shaddoll, a savior!?
japan カンノーネ
2016/07/09 21:33
Yugioh Icon
A child who can put out 2 bodies and use his hand to force 3 bodies to Terranite. Well, it's strong, but I can't deny the feeling
If you sacrifice yourself, you can use the strongest removal called super fusion (unless you have a Link Monster), and it's difficult, but if you line up with Constellar Diamond, Diamond will negate the monster effect of the field without turn 1.
japan アルティメット
2016/07/09 19:53
Yugioh Icon
Recently he came to Satellarknight new. His 2 Satellarknights have a strong effect of becoming a Tri-Vale.
japan ABYSS
2016/07/09 15:08
Yugioh Icon
No matter how you look at it, it's a Nephilim...
Terranite X, which can be put out with two bodies since Ptolemaios, which was banned.
Various adjustments have been made, the material is limited to Terranite, the transformation effect has a hand cost, and only LIGHT Terranite X has heavy activation conditions to use in the opponent's turn, but it is still powerful.
It would be terrifying if it could transform into Triveil on the opponent's turn.
Also, the effect of turning the monsters on the field into darkness is to interfere with attribute support, super fusion to Starve Venom, or put it next to Constellar Diamond to block it?
A card that greatly saved Terranite, such as Tensho's injury rising to the adoption range and being able to attack normally because it has 2600 RBI.
I really thought he was a Shaddoll by the looks of it
japan たなぼた
2016/07/09 12:05
Yugioh Icon
The effect of 1 is excellent compatibility with the magic mirror that absorbs the darkness. I would like to think that this guy's effect is permanent. You can also send super fusion to starve, and AOJ's catastle is no longer scary.
2 effect. Until now, the effect of shining light on Terranite, which had been unfavorable due to the disadvantages of flying in the sky. You can stably put out a monster with high meta performance called diamond for the first time.
In terms of status, the point that it corresponds to the launch and the firepower equivalent to the shark are eye-catching. It is a unique monster that can be expected in the future
japan 光芒
2016/07/09 10:29
Yugioh Icon
Welcome back Ptolemy, it seems that the darkness has fallen. By the way, Vatraimus is the Arabic reading of Ptolemy.
Possibly taking advantage of Ptolemy's remorse as a banned card, he is now only LIGHT and "Terranite" Xyz Monsters who can Xyz Change. The effect of 1 turns all the opponent's monsters into his DARK, so it works great with Constellar and Diamond, so I definitely want to use it together. By the way, since Ptolemaios has exactly the same offense and defense values, he has a certain amount of fighting power compared to Ptolemaios.

Decks with "Darktellarknight Batlamyus"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
INVASION OF VENOM INOV-JP051 2016-07-09 SecretUltimateUltra

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 2,030 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 29,413
Rank 4 Best Xyz Monster Ranking 48th


Japanese card name 煉獄の騎士 ヴァトライムス

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