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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Booster SP-Wing Raiders > Super Quantal Mech Beast Aeroboros

Super Quantal Mech Beast Aeroboros Used Deck

Super Quantal Mech Beast Aeroboros
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Xyz Monster
Effect Monster
- 4 Machine 2200 2400
2 Level 4 monsters
Cannot attack unless it has Xyz Material. Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 other face-up monster on the field; change it to face-down Defense Position. This effect can be activated during either player's turn, if this card has "Super Quantum Green Layer" as Xyz Material. Once per turn: You can attach 1 "Super Quantum" monster from your hand or field to this card as an Xyz Material.
Average Rating Score 7.7(14)
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  2. Card Reviews (14 rating scores)
  3. Decks with Super Quantal Mech Beast Aeroboros (85 Decks)
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"Super Quantal Mech Beast Aeroboros" card reviews and rating scores

21% (3)
71% (10)
7% (1)
0% (0)
0% (0)

japan アルバ
2019/03/12 20:51
Yugioh Icon
As a general purpose, it is a level 4 designation and is the best place, and it has no resistance, but it has a hit point, and it is unsatisfactory, but it is not unusable.
However, Castel is mostly enough, so there is no turn first.
When used in Super Quantum, it becomes a free chain and becomes a book of the moon, so the green layer itself is easy to use and competent.
japan シエスタ
2019/03/12 17:08
Yugioh Icon
There is no material specification and the effect of 2 can be handled regardless of Super Quantum, but although the hit point is lower than this, there is a castel that has the same effect and has a highly versatile Deck bounce. Now that Link is prevalent, the Moon Book limited to Main 1 is shoddy and unreliable, so it's difficult to adopt it for general use, putting aside other excellent Rank 4.
If you use the green layer as a material, it will become a Friche, and if that happens, the check power will increase greatly, and it will be effective against the opponent who uses the link if you put it first, so it is a card that should be handled in Super Quantum.
However, compared to Riker and Pulse, you can't get direct ads, so the quality of simple effects looks inferior.
Still, it's rank 4 compared to Riker, so it's easy to normal summon even with Super Quantum, and the desirable green layer itself is an easy card to use in combination.
For Magnus, I think I would like to have one Super Quantum card.
japan ヒコモン
2017/04/03 12:33
Yugioh Icon
Although it has the advantage of having a high RBI, there are Castel and Mae Strokes in the cards that make it the back side Defense Position as well, and Mae Strokes have long disappeared from the Extras. Even for Castel, the main thing is his deck bounce, and honestly it's hard to find value in that alone. When 《Super Quantum Green Layer》is an X material, it becomes the book of the moon, so Super Quantum can be used enough.
japan ラギアの使徒
2016/12/04 15:56
Yugioh Icon
The effect itself is the 1 effect of “Castel”, so it’s not that great as a general-purpose card, but if you use “Green Layer” as a material, it becomes a free chain, making it much easier to use. In the "Super Quantum" Deck, it is a card that is easy to put out and can interfere with monsters, so it is an important standing card.
japan 音響Em
2015/11/25 0:00
Yugioh Icon
9 points for Super Quantum
You can see the strength compared to the giant hand
japan ジュウテツ
2015/11/24 13:48
Yugioh Icon
If you use 《Super Quantum Green Layer》as a material, I think the “Book of Moon” effect that can be used in free chain is excellent.
I think it's good that you can use it during your opponent's turn to stop an attack or interfere with a Link/Synchro/Xyz Summon.
I would like to borrow the power of 《Super Quantal Fairy Alphan》and 《Super Quantal Mech Ship Magnacarrier》so that I can use 《Super Quantum Green Layer》as material.
japan EXデッキ焼き
2015/11/23 22:44
Yugioh Icon
Former member of the Xyz starting lineup, Mae Stroke, and Super Quantum's airman, which has the same effect as the current Xyz starting member, Castel. The effect itself is a Mae Stroke with a high RBI, but Super Quantum can use this effect on the opponent's turn, so it will be possible to differentiate it sufficiently.
Maestroke is also within the range of hiring in The Phantom Knights, so it seems that he will not be able to get rid of his role.
japan ハカラメ
2015/11/23 17:33
Yugioh Icon
Well, okay, Maestroke's what he's going to use in The Phantom Knights... (trembling voice)
These are the so-called Castel Effect, Maesto Effect, or Book of Moon Effect.
It may be inferior among rank 4, but it shows its true value when using the green layer as a material. There is nothing more annoying than the Book of Moon effect on the opponent's turn, and it is also effective against his Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, which is popular these days. If you deploy it well, there is no doubt that the opponent will make a disgusting face ☆
japan ヤマネコ
2015/11/15 3:01
Yugioh Icon
One of Super Quantum's aces.
There's only one reason to use this guy.
Food for Magnus
japan とき
2015/11/14 23:01
Yugioh Icon
Empty Unit 2. After combining, he will be in charge of the wings.
It's like a Mae Stroke with high RBI but no resistance.
However, this rank is extremely competitive, and even Mae Strokes with resistance were expelled. The card power itself isn't low, but it's a little tough to use as a general-purpose card.
In Super Quantum, this card is easy to target for regular Xyz Summons due to the deployment power of the green layer. Also, the immediate triggering of the effect makes the performance as a monster extremely high. The ability to check the field is quite high for its ease of use, so you want to put it into play at an early stage.
japan ラーメン
2015/11/14 21:05
Yugioh Icon
The effect itself is a good effect in Castel and Maesto, and the RBI is not high enough to be proud of, so it's a bit tough for a general-purpose rank 4, but in order to differentiate from them, Super Quantum is used as a green layer so that it can be hit immediately. will be
It's strong if you think of it as a monster with a book of moons, and it's clear that the strength of the book of moons was a limited card until the other day.
japan カンノーネ
2015/11/14 20:13
Yugioh Icon
I have Castell's hidden effect.
To be honest, if it's just that, it's OK with Castel, or maybe it's even inferior to Mae Stroke, but in Super Quantum, the green layer is an effect that is rare and easy to develop in Super Quantum, and the green layer is the alpha. Use it to force it out, expand the blue layer Xyz, cut the blue layer with the material, etc... It's a "Super Quantum Xyz" that stands out, so I want to use it well.
japan ゆくら
2015/11/14 16:37
Yugioh Icon
calligraphy man of the month
To be honest, Castel is there.
It will be used in the Super Quantum Deck
It's scary that a monster shoots a book of moons on your opponent's turn.
japan 多鎖
2015/11/14 16:37
Yugioh Icon
Castel: Maestroke the Symphony Djinn.
101 "Maestrok. You fought well. Go to sleep."
Maestro ""
The Phantom Knights "Hi"
Maesto: "Yeah, Konmai didn't abandon me!"
Rank 4 Super Quantum machine beasts are equipped with the book of the moon. With a reasonable 2200 points, it can be used in the same way as the original with green boarding.
However, there is a child with immediate effect rather than Castel, and even rank 4 is a fierce battlefield, so it is slightly inferior as a general purpose... Considering the green hand exchange effect and the deployment of Great Magnus, I would like to deploy it earlier than other Super Quantum machine beasts.

Decks with "Super Quantal Mech Beast Aeroboros"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
Booster SP-Wing Raiders SPWR-JP035 2015-11-14 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 4,260 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 23,050
Rank 4 Best Xyz Monster Ranking 97th


Japanese card name 超量機獣エアロボロス

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