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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > PREMIUM PACK 16 > Number 82: Heartlandraco

Number 82: Heartlandraco Used Deck

Number 82: Heartlandraco
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Xyz Monster
Effect Monster
- 4 Dragon 2000 1500
2 Level 4 monsters
While you control a face-up Spell, your opponent cannot target this card for attacks. Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card; this turn, this card can attack your opponent directly, but other monsters cannot attack.
Average Rating Score 7.9(26)
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"Number 82: Heartlandraco" card reviews and rating scores

23% (6)
73% (19)
3% (1)
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japan ブルーバード
2022/09/25 11:27
Yugioh Icon
A card to forcibly bring out Azeus in the manner of an exciting Azeus.
A piece that symbolizes the depth of bosom of Rank 4.
japan みめっと
2020/11/23 12:55
Yugioh Icon
One of the general-purpose rank 4X monsters that specializes in collecting LP.
Instead of restricting attacks other than himself, he is able to attack directly, and when he passes through, the damage is 2000, which is much higher than the same General-purpose Rank 4 Gunman, so it is quite to be reckoned with. Can be a finisher.
However, if it is removed after the effect is activated, only the disadvantage that your monster cannot attack remains.
Playing this card in a situation where you can't decide is rare and a bad move, and even if you can't decide, even if there is a monster stronger than you on the opponent's field, X will attack you, so you can stack Azeus. Consider that there is no effect that prevents you from being attacked under certain conditions.
Actually, he's EARTH, so maybe his deck with drought, blogo, etc. has some priority.
japan 長靴で吐いた猫
2020/11/22 13:23
Yugioh Icon
One of the few cards used by Mr. Heartland in both the anime and manga that have been converted into OCG. The Heart Monster he used in the manga version was a group of cards that were conscious of his Toon Monster used by Pegasus in DM, so this card also has performance similar to them.
When it comes to removing cards, Gagaga Cowboy, Skye Pegasus, is stronger, but can shave more LP from him than those two cards. His Deck, which is based on Field Spells and Continuous Spells, can't be broken through in battle, so it's quite a performance among his Rank 4 Xyz Monsters.
japan アルバ
2020/06/16 20:31
Yugioh Icon
A general-purpose rank 4 end card that requires combat but gives a final blow if LP is 2000 or less.
The position of Sky Pegasus, which was not free, was further lowered.
Combined with Permanence and Field Spell, if you stick with it, you might get 4000 with it, but don't think too much about it.
It's a convenient card to have, but the inflation rate of Rank 4 is also tremendous, so the priority isn't that high.
japan シエスタ
2020/01/24 17:19
Yugioh Icon
Rank 4 Nightmare is a performance. It has many things in common with Earthbound Immortal, such as effects related to direct attacks and effects that cannot be targeted.
Since it is an era with a lot of removal, the attack target limit is a comfort level.
2000's direct attack has its disadvantages, and will it be mainly used in final stages and specialized construction?
It's striking power can never be underestimated even by itself, but as already said, Rank 4 is a fierce battlefield, and there are plenty of attackers such as Lightning and Daribbe. Since the responsiveness is also inferior to these comprehensively, it will be a priority to adopt it if there is room for general purpose.
japan ヒコモン
2017/11/17 19:51
Yugioh Icon
General-purpose rank 4 with direct attack effect.It is attractive to hit with 2000 RBI. However, the disadvantage that other monsters cannot attack is heavy, and it is a delicate place to say whether it will be adopted in the fierce battle zone rank 4. It's not a bad effect, but it tends to be inferior among the wide variety of Rank 4.
japan なす
2017/07/30 22:23
Yugioh Icon
Rank 4 with the effect of not being attacked and the effect of being able to attack directly if his spell exists on your field.
Effective as an attack deterrent in Decks that deal with Field Spells and Pendulums. Otherwise, it can simply be used as 2000 lead firepower.
japan ゼルク・ルージュ
2017/03/04 20:49
Yugioh Icon
A card below 2000 means death. His face-up Spell card is fine with his Pendulum card, so there's room for adoption in the Pendulum Deck. If you equip 《Mage Power》in Gun Down, you can instantly kill with 5500 RBI, so the pressure is huge. The psychological damage may be greater than the actual damage.
japan たなぼた
2016/07/22 23:27
Yugioh Icon
In use by Aroma.
I feel like using it when I'm in trouble with monsters on the opponent's field due to his LP difference, which is unique to Aroma. Another finisher.
If you can use the effect twice, it will be 5,000 damage, so it's not bad to use.
Also, Rank 4 is in the cute category. . .
japan げおんぬ
2016/06/19 16:33
Yugioh Icon
Field Spell As a finisher for the Gravekeeper Deck with Necrovalley, it is used in the EX Deck.
japan こまつほうせい
2015/03/13 5:50
Yugioh Icon
Direct attack is strong with 2000 RBI
If you don't put it in, there are occasional scenes that you want to use
japan 福人ズッコケ
2014/07/22 17:07
Yugioh Icon
A direct attacker that throws 2000dmg past the enemy in front of it. One of the characteristics is the range that overwhelms the gunman line instead of attacking.
The effect of not being attacked is close to a bonus, but it's a hidden end card that you should be cautious of if you have to be vigilant because it's essentially a mental hindrance request with less than 2000 LP, and if you don't, you'll be defeated.
In terms of damage power, it's slightly overtaken by 《Rebellion》, but you can choose the situation over there, so you can choose whichever you prefer.
japan wisteria
2014/03/24 16:26
Yugioh Icon
A new option for Rank 4. I think that the performance of burying LP2000 or less without binding is normally strong. You need to declare an attack, you can't hit other monsters, and the damage itself is higher, so you can differentiate it from the gunman. I think it's a good card that doesn't completely eat up the position of other monsters and has a unique personality.
japan ABYSS
2014/03/22 21:19
Yugioh Icon
A card that makes LP2000 a deadline.
It's almost a choreographer. The attack suppression effect is his spell on the front side, so it's fine in the P zone.
I want to put it in my Rank 4 Deck and put it out when the time comes.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2014/02/04 9:40
Yugioh Icon
Heart burning! I didn't expect to really duel in the manga version...
Earthbound Immortal effect is small as others have said.
Direct effects already exist in rank 3 nightmares, but this can be differentiated to some extent by differences in rank and resistance.
Of course, as a finisher, it's reassuring, but it's also nice to have a spell card that actually guarantees 4000 damage.
Mainly with Crystal Beast and Brotherhood of the Fire Fist, where he puts his spell cards, and his Wind-Up, which he uses as a finisher, will he be able to win the battlefield rank 4?
japan おみのづえSP
2014/01/12 14:05
Yugioh Icon
I feel like it's a pure essential frame.
The fact that he can deliver 2000 damage while evading the opponent's mass deployment is amazing in itself, and when facing his Deck, which is a Rank 4 main axis, pressure will be applied at once when LP falls below 2000.
It has nothing to do with not being attacked. Well, if you want to make use of it, just put it in Defense Position.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2014/01/12 1:33
Yugioh Icon
A monster with an effect similar to the Rank 4 version of "Nightmare Shark". Just the fact that most of his decks are able to aim for the finishing blow when the opponent's LP is below 2000 is significant. His hit points are a little low, but with his face-up spell, he won't be attacked, so the effect should be able to cover it to some extent. One that deserves consideration as one of the general-purpose rank 4 bodies.
japan エクシーズ!!!
2014/01/07 8:08
Yugioh Icon
Trembling Heart!
If you put on a big bang shoot and hit it, it will heat up so much that it will burn out! It seems to be possible.
japan 聖なる破壊
2013/12/22 17:38
Yugioh Icon
Reminds me of Toon. It seems that you can further demonstrate your power by strengthening it with equipment cards. ATK seems a little lacking though...
japan とき
2013/12/22 15:35
Yugioh Icon
Is it 82 (Hearts)?
Should I call it the Xyz version of Earthbound Immortal?
It's small in size, and it only hits 2 times directly, so it's not enough punch, but it's annoying that it's possible to suppress attacks like Earthbound Immortal with a general-purpose Xyz.
However, when you open the lid, it is often used as a final finisher with 2000 RBIs rather than that kind of use, and sometimes it has an effect that you want very much.
Rebellion is a rival, but this card is also a strong end maker.
japan ナル参照
2013/12/22 15:02
Yugioh Icon
A new Wind-Up monster. Look, there is Wind-Up.
A tiny phantom dragon. If you have a Field Spell, Equip Spell, or Continuous Spell, it will not be attacked, and it is quite convenient if you can direct it with your own effect. In particular, the equipment card is quite excellent as it has a direct attack effect of this card.
The scene I want to use is when I can't hit a large one, but in that case Ark is usually fine...
He can't be attacked at the factory and can attack twice at the Shark Fortress, but his Wind-Up is the reason why I chose him...
japan 2014/10/02 8:06
It's a small dragon that has acquired my abilities. Even if you make a mistake, you shouldn't use 《Wattgiraffe》() as a material.
japan 2014/05/18 20:34
This effect is strong with two level 4 bodies.
All you need is the spell in the table, so
Combined with 《Mage Power》, 4000 is normally given.
japan 2014/01/06 22:05
I have a question for you
Can this card's effect activate when a Crystal Beast is in the Spell Trap Zone?
japan 2013/12/26 5:51
Overflowing Toon Smell
Strengthen with Equip Spell and have the effect of telling you to hit directly
However, the effect is powerless and is easily removed around Honor's Cone
Forget about attack suppression and simply think of it as a 2000 burn that requires an attack declaration that can be issued at rank 4.
japan 2013/12/23 0:53
I like the Rank 4 version of Nightmare Shark. Illustrations are pretty cute. I couldn't go to JF, so I can't wait for general sales.

Decks with "Number 82: Heartlandraco"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
PREMIUM PACK 16 PP16-JP016 2013-12-21 Secret

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 3,871 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 120,569
Rank 4 Best Xyz Monster Ranking 85th


Japanese card name No.82 ハートランドラコ

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