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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > SHINING VICTORIES > Pre-Preparation of Rites

Pre-Preparation of Rites Used Deck

Pre-Preparation of Rites
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Normal Spell - - - - -
Add 1 Ritual Spell from your Deck to your hand, and add 1 Ritual Monster from your Deck or GY to your hand whose name is mentioned on that Ritual Spell. You can only activate 1 "Pre-Preparation of Rites" per turn.
Average Rating Score 9.6(47)
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  3. Decks with Pre-Preparation of Rites (451 Decks)
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"Pre-Preparation of Rites" card reviews and rating scores

89% (42)
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japan asd
2022/12/21 21:37
Yugioh Icon
When used, one card becomes two cards, and a Ritual Spell and a Ritual Monster are complete cards.
However, the Ritual Spell text must have the name of the Ritual Monster in it, which is balanced as it only targets the weaker Ritual set.
I think it's a good card with a concept that saves only weak rituals.
japan くず
2022/10/20 17:15
Yugioh Icon
Spell cards that become two instead of one, which is common these days
However, please note that Ritual Spell only supports search.
He returns to the deck on his own
japan ソリティアマスター
2021/11/08 12:27
Yugioh Icon
Ritual relief that has never been blessed. A rare card that increases your hand just by using it. It is one that can always be considered when using Ritual, and it is one of the best power cards in Ritual. In addition to being caught by both Urara and Strawashi due to its nature, it is definitely a weak point to be triggered.
japan カディーン
2021/11/08 12:13
Yugioh Icon
Relief extended to the Ritual Monsters of the past, who continued to receive the intangible treatment of being stripped of their raison d'être and collateral regulations every time they were added to the Ritual category.
A normal spell that increases your hand has no pledge, no cost, and even a turn 1 limit.
Basically, the Ritual category is not targeted because it refers to the card name, and it can be highly evaluated that it did not allow de facto oligopoly. Salamangreat and Vendread are coming to pick us up, but we'll take it easy.
japan えいてぃ
2021/11/02 20:26
Yugioh Icon
The existence of this card first crosses my mind when I think of building his Deck of Ritual Monsters with exclusive Ritual Spells. such an excellent card. It goes without saying that there are no strengths or anything like that.
He can also pick up monsters from GY.
Ritual Monster has many old cards with interesting performance, so I would like to use it, but unfortunately the first appearance is rare and there are no decent reprints. One piece that I want you to reprint in a sloppy normal.
japan 金平糖
2021/11/02 18:26
Yugioh Icon
Ritual Raven》, who is overjoyed at the feast, is cute. It's even the cutest in Wanchan Yu-Gi-Oh. After this.
The effect is a search effect where one card becomes two cards. It is undoubtedly a powerful effect, but since the name of the Ritual Monster must be written on the Ritual Spell side, it does not mesh well with some ritual themes such as [Gishki] and [Drytron]. This area is similar to the fusion search card 《Frightfur Patchwork》.
As long as the name of the Ritual Monster is written in the effect text, that's fine, so you can search not only for cards with text like "Necessary for the advent of ○○", but also for cards like "Rebirth of Nephthys" and "Dogmatikamacabre".
japan シエスタ
2020/08/06 9:31
Yugioh Icon
1:2 is great for Rituals where consumption is often rough, and I think it's a good support that leads to the differentiation of some Ritual Spells.
japan デルタアイズ
2018/10/08 23:48
Yugioh Icon
Ritual support that turns 1 card into 2 cards
The price is soaring due to the rare recording of the character two years ago
japan 備長炭18
2018/03/14 21:22
Yugioh Icon
Although it is conditional, I am very happy to have this card that can search his deck for Ritual Spells and their corresponding monsters at no cost.
That's why, although it's a personal grudge, I'd like to say something about the 8-axis Gishki.
Vendread, you forgive me.
japan はわわ
2018/03/14 21:10
Yugioh Icon
Named Ritual Relief Card
It is reliable that you can search for the necessary parts with this one sheet
japan なす
2017/12/01 10:55
Yugioh Icon
Spells that can search and salvage Ritual Spells and corresponding Ritual Monsters.
Indispensable when dedicated Ritual Monsters and Ritual Spells are the main axis.
The highest peak as a support card for rituals.
japan マスじい
2017/10/29 1:19
Yugioh Icon
The offering became delicious after this.
Although it is conditional, it is quite a power card that can align Ritual Spell and Ritual Monster at no cost. Although it doesn't support "Themed Ritual Cards" such as Gishki and Nekroz, it's performance is such that there's no reason not to use it in the Ritual Decks that do, unless there's a good reason. In extreme cases, it can be said that one of the evaluation criteria for ritual cards is whether or not they correspond to this card.
The advantages and disadvantages are clearly separated from the similar card Pre-Preparation of Rites, and since it's a mutual compatibility relationship, I would choose Deck, but it's quite possible to use both. Or rather, the sense of stability when both are put in is bad.
japan wings
2016/07/31 14:47
Yugioh Icon
A card that saves [Ritual Summon] from the misery caused by Nekroz. Adjusted version of 《Preparation of Rites》.
The effect itself is stronger than 《Preparation of Rites》because it allows you to add a Ritual Spell and a monster to your hand at the same time.
The Ritual Spell must have the name of the monster listed, so Nekroz, Gishki, and Blue-Eyed Chaos MAX can't be searched.
...Ceremonial Angel Herald isn't popular, is it?
japan 負導師
2016/05/28 8:43
Yugioh Icon
* After this, it will be her tribute in the ceremony
A great card that saved all Veteran Rituals
Nice tweaks to dodge fiendish rituals like Nekroz and Gishki and support named cards like Black Luster Soldier
I am very happy that the rituals that have never been exposed to the sun will be able to play an active role in the future.
yeah? holy warrior? Wasn't there something like that?
The only problem is that the fate of the illustration is decided by "Urgent Ritual Art" and "Ascending Soul", so it's strangely heartbreaking.
I'm sorry, poor offering...
japan ABYSS
2016/05/27 16:36
Yugioh Icon
Only named rituals can have a Ritual Spell and a monster at the same time.
It's an add-on card that gives you 2 for 1, and it's like a mass of well-adjusted cards that don't support his fake ritual theme called Nekroz.
japan くろゆき
2016/04/21 8:21
Yugioh Icon
One sheet becomes two sheets. This is strong (confidence)
The one that saved Ritual. Dedicated Ritual Spell works very well.
Now, let's all use this to create 《Hungry Burger》, chakra, and fortress whales (laughs)
japan かのん
2016/03/30 21:40
Yugioh Icon
Listing the good points
(1) Since he is only named, he can be called Nekroz or Gishki.
Cannot be used for ritual themes that are too strong
(2) Support for other rituals such as Manjugod for naming only
It does not completely take over the position of the card.
③ If you use an early Ritual Spell like Zork that has no effect
I was often told that 《Contract with the Abyss》or 《Advanced Ritual Art》would be fine.
The appearance of this card opened up the possibilities for such Ritual Spells.
Although it is a strong card, it is not just strong
Especially since it's a good support card that gives hope to those who love old rituals.
I would like to give it a high rating.
japan sento
2016/03/05 12:22
Yugioh Icon
Now you can add Shining Bird to the Melodious Diva!
thank you! offering! thank you! Konami!
japan ミシガン州知事
2016/03/04 16:32
Yugioh Icon
Offering "Bread Ume Pasta Ume"
With this one card, you can bring a [card name specified] Ritual Monster and a Ritual Card at the same time.
For the time being, I'm happy that anything is fine as long as it's a [monster with a specified card name].
Feel free to bring sacrifices or hamburgers.
japan ゆっくり
2016/03/04 1:20
Yugioh Icon
You can prepare for a ritual summon with this one, and it's not broken because it doesn't support Nekroz or Gishki
Even so, the offering is cute! Sadly after this...
japan インヴェルズ近衛兵
2016/02/26 13:20
Yugioh Icon
A good card enough to make Malacoda (Hellraker) smile with this one card... as one of the few drawbacks,
Is it the point that he is too talented and will be the first to become a secret when he comes abroad?
I would like to expect more good adjustment cards like this
japan ジュウテツ
2016/02/01 12:10
Yugioh Icon
In the "Vendread" Deck, you can search and salvage both 《Revendread Origin》and 《Revendread Slayer》, so I think it will come in handy.
japan ラーメン
2016/01/23 12:45
Yugioh Icon
Strong Ritual support, a good card that feels like "the good card" in a rare way these days, really pure "Ritual support".
If it can be abused in Nekroz, it could be a shit card, but he can't abuse it in Nekroz.
2016/01/17 16:17
Yugioh Icon
This offering is cute, so I want to make it my pet
Ritual Spell that names an existing & target his Ritual Monster at the same time
A powerful ritual support that can be searched.
Something is wrong when one card becomes two cards at no cost.
All that's left is for him to release Ritual Monster after aligning the release costs.
hey? Easy, right?
The advent of Ritual Monsters who have been said to be unlucky until now
A great card that will help you a lot.
japan 。ゅぃ。
2016/01/15 21:16
Yugioh Icon
Offering-kun... I'm sorry for deceiving you...
It's a card with a slightly sad illustration, but its strength is something to behold.
It doesn't work for Nekroz or Gishki, but it's a big savior in the dedicated Ritual series.
It can be said that it is a good card that represents KONAMI.
japan さささ
2016/01/14 21:00
Yugioh Icon
Sacrifice, Prediction Princess, Lord of the Red, etc... It greatly strengthens various Ritual Decks, and Nekroz and Gishki are excluded. I think it's a good adjustment. Even Kijin-san from Malebranche of the Burning Abyss must have smiled at this.
japan ヒコモン
2016/01/13 12:46
Yugioh Icon
A great card that combines a Ritual Monster and a Ritual Spell. Moreover, Nekroz, Gishki is a good card full of feeling of refusal. It is a savior of rituals, such as being compatible with monsters of level 8 or higher that were hubbed by 《Preparation of Rites》.
japan イズル
2016/01/12 22:31
Yugioh Icon
everyone! Hellraker-kun is shedding tears of blood! !
It's not an exaggeration to say that Hellraker's whole support card is for searching for a card with his Ritual Monster's name written on the Ritual Spell (exaggeration). A rare good adjustment card that does not buff unnamed cards such as Nekroz's Ritual Spell and Gishki's Ritual Spell. With the advent of 《Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries》, will Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, a ritual axis that does not rely on Dante, become popular?
It's not limited to [Malebranche of the Burning Abyss], but it's excellent to be able to bring Prediction Princess Tarotrei, Prediction Ritual, and Pot of The Forbidden together with Spirit of the Fall Wind. Donobu-kun, yeah... there's something good about it. I'm about to become a ceremonial tribute.
japan アルバ
2016/01/12 20:59
Yugioh Icon
There are a lot of things to say about the 9th generation, but I think they are really good at giving existence value to cards that have become quite difficult to use compared to the looser designations that came out later because of the name designation.
Mainly, that kind of salvation was centered on fusion, but this time it was a ritual.
Just by activating it, you are ready to perform the ritual without relying on the Buddha statue.
With this, light shined on Ritual Spell, which brought out exclusive monsters that had no real value due to 《Contract with the Abyss》and 《Advanced Ritual Art》.
japan ほ~きんぐ
2016/01/12 1:48
Yugioh Icon
seems good
japan 音響Em
2016/01/11 12:14
Yugioh Icon
japan とき
2016/01/11 9:39
Yugioh Icon
The last supper for offerings.
It is a piece that was born to be the successor to the naming that was conscious of "Preparation of Rites".
A card born to support the archaic ritual of a Ritual Spell that designates a specific Ritual Monster for her and the corresponding monster.
It's an excellent card that directly says no to cards with a wide range of Ritual Spells, such as Nekroz and Gishki, and phony rituals that can be used for anything, such as advanced rituals.
Since Sacrifice, Tarot Ray, Lord of the Red, etc. are also supported, there is no doubt that this card will greatly increase the possibilities and stability of Ritual Decks. Good design card this time.
japan 究極
2016/01/10 21:59
Yugioh Icon
Nekroz, a great card that saves all those off-theme one-off rituals that were lackluster compared to Gishki.
japan ファイア野郎
2016/01/10 10:42
Yugioh Icon
The offering doesn't seem to know that it will be a ritual sacrifice after this...
A card that searches for Ritual Spells and corresponding Ritual Monsters.
Compared to 《Preparation of Rites》, the level designation and collection location are different over there.
You can also search for high-level Ritual Monsters here.
It's very powerful to be able to simply get 《Pre-Preparation of Rites》with just one card.
Considered to be the strongest Ritual Deck, Nekroz won't abuse him.
In that sense, the exclusive Ritual Spell and
The original Black Luster Soldier who lost his position with the appearance of super warriors
It can also be called a bailout.
In addition, it seems that the most strengthened card in this card is Prediction Princess led by Tarot Rei.
japan カンノーネ
2016/01/09 23:06
Yugioh Icon
Eh, can we have a feast today!?
Oh... eat well
It's good to have a second helping!
… Just remembering it makes me feel a little sick.
It goes without saying that the officially explained 《Spirit of the Fall Wind》and the combo of arranging Tarot Ray and Contraindicated Points from these two cards is powerful.
I personally plan to use it for my Sacrifice Deck.
Ritual Monsters whose names are written in Ritual Spells and whose corresponding Ritual Spells are excellent include Tarot Ray (simply excellent), Odd-Eyes Gravity (GY ritual), Sacrifice (dedicated ritual is easier to handle), etc.
I feel that Black Luster Soldier (old) is excellent in terms of being able to release anything over 8, such as Gaia and Evening Twilight Knight. That's why I think this card, which has a Ritual Spell and a monster in one card, is the leader in the development of the old Black Luster Soldier type Kao Sol Deck development.
Ritual Monster in Malebranche of the Burning Abyss...I wonder if it's not there (far eyes)
japan メンタル豆腐デーモン
2016/01/09 16:08
Yugioh Icon
Ritual Savior. It's simple and powerful to have a ritual set with this one card
Due to Nekroz's influence, he doesn't support Gishki, etc., and the most miserable is Chosenshi-kun.
japan ター坊
2016/01/09 15:16
Yugioh Icon
Name-designated relief has arrived!
Simply adding 2 cards to your hand is also a blessing for Rituals, which tend to be rough with their hand. Maybe the park will become popular again?
japan 福人ズッコケ
2016/01/09 13:00
Yugioh Icon
(Looking at the illustration)... Oh, that's what preparations are like...
Is it a relief measure for the exclusive ritual that lost Preparation of Rites due to Nekroz's rampage? As expected, he is not a good search to be allowed by Nekroz or Gishki, huh.
A versatile search card that can perform with one card, excluding Tribute, if it is a named Ritual Monster such as Saphira or Sacrifice. Even when using 《Advanced Ritual Art》, you can also use it as a monster search if you put a special Ritual Spell in the set.
I think it's a very good adjustment in terms of getting rid of strong themes like Nekroz and his Gishki that don't need to be grounded, while enhancing the underpowered fan decks.
japan ゆくら
2016/01/09 12:50
Yugioh Icon
Ritual ○○ series cards
It's also a sad illustration.
An effect that supports the classic ritual that designates Ritual Monsters that have been unfavorable until now
That's probably why Sacrifice and Zork were reprinted accordingly.
It's a powerful card because it doesn't really have any particular drawbacks and the number of cards in your hand is increasing.
Is it a good card to rescue ritual themes that weren't even visible in the environment?
japan hio
2016/01/09 12:40
Yugioh Icon
Ritual Raven》"Eh, can I have a feast today?"
Ceremonial man "There are also refills (smile)"
A card that rescues single rituals that have been in trouble due to the rise of powerful category rituals.
Since "the card name is written", category-specific Ritual Spells are excluded, and for other Rituals, it is a powerful card that can search Ritual Sets on its own.
In particular, it can be said that the value of Malacoda, whose biggest drawback in Malebranche of the Burning Abyss was "difficult to search", has increased.
Other than that, the original Kao Sol gets points that are superior to the remake, and it's a good card that gives value to various cards.
japan 多鎖
2016/01/09 12:22
Yugioh Icon
Ritual Raven》, you ate and drank a lot. Be a Tribute.
"Exclusive Ritual Spell Support not used by Nekroz" was the idea of anyone who likes Ritual Summoning that is more fan Deck-ish, myself included. Although the target range is different, it is paired with Preparation of Rites, which searches for monsters and salvages his spells.
Not only fan decks such as Burger and Whale, but also old ones like Sacredemis Perdek, Saphira, Tarot Ray and Lord of the Reds. Helltaker, the disappointing child of Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, is now able to search itself, which is a big deal.
……A super warrior? Wouldn't it be nice to use Kao Sol before the remake?
Anyway, I think it's an important card in the sense that the card design will change greatly depending on whether or not it is compatible with this card like Amorphous P.
japan みめっと
2023/08/31 18:38
Yugioh Icon
japan かどまん
2023/08/31 11:19
Yugioh Icon
japan 愛佳
2023/08/18 20:09
Yugioh Icon
japan 超弩級スライム
2023/08/15 6:40
Yugioh Icon
japan お留守番
2024/03/24 16:54
Yugioh Icon
japan やっつけ先生
2024/02/10 4:52
Yugioh Icon

Decks with "Pre-Preparation of Rites"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
SPECIAL PACK 20th ANNIVERSARY EDITION Vol.1 18SP-JP110 2018-03-24 SuperNormal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 635 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 117,284
Card Type "Normal Spell" Best Card Ranking 77th


Japanese card name 儀式の下準備

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