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Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List Showing 31 to 45 of 100

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Hazy Flame Basiltrice ▶︎ Deck 《Hazy Flame Basiltrice》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/03/19 13:52
Yugioh Icon
The original 5-body Xyz's Thunder Spark could only be made with 3 bodies...
Not only Hazy Flame, but also Evor's trump card.
And if you use 《Rekindling》...
Such a powerful card is rare w
Rigorous Reaver ▶︎ Deck 《Rigorous Reaver》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/03/18 21:41
Yugioh Icon
Skill Drain》by 《Morphing Jar》, weakened card. At first, 《Morphing Jar》was a Normal Monster, but it took away the effect from 《Rigorous Reaver》... In True DM2, the effect was to discard all cards in each player's hand. And when each player played their hand, it was a rule that they would draw 5 cards from the deck (upper limit of 5 cards in hand). In effect, discard all cards from your hand → draw 5 cards when you play.
In Yu-Gi-Oh GX Volume 1, Misawa summoned it in the face-up Attack Position, so I don't know if the effect is true DM2 or OCG, but the effect is OCG anyway, so it doesn't matter. And the thing that worries me most is where did you put the scythe!?
The sickle of "Rigorous Reaver" is a sickle made from the middle finger of a human hand bone. However, when Misawa used it, it was just a sickle. Perhaps Morphing Jar absorbed the scythe when OCG was done... That Tsubo bastard...
The attack motion is the mouth of the head first? Close and open and close and open while making a sound. Next, he deploys his scythe with a cracking sound. Approach the opponent slowly and brandish the scythe.
When destroyed in battle, the body disintegrates.
Original《Rigorous Reaver
Rigorous Reaver》Flame Star 3 [Elder Entity Tribe/Effect]
If you turn it over, all the cards in your hand will be discarded in the graveyard!
When destroyed in battle, the area within 1 square turns into a virus terrain!
ATK/1600 DEF/100
Crane Crane ▶︎ Deck 《Crane Crane》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/03/17 15:22
Yugioh Icon
A non-tuner that enables Level 6 synchro acceleration!
Number 7: Lucky Straight ▶︎ Deck 《Number 7: Lucky Straight》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/03/17 3:02
Yugioh Icon
No. I bought it because I was collecting it and it was on sale for 700 yen, but...
Since then, pack luck has increased a lot www
Well, maybe it's not because of this card...
Crush Card Virus ▶︎ Deck 《Crush Card Virus》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/03/17 2:55
Yugioh Icon
Virus card used by Kaiba
With this card and one monster as Tribute, you can take an overwhelming advantage.
However, in true DM2, if he was destroyed by a monster with an ATK of 1000 or less, it was a card that gave him the effect of transforming the area within 1 square into a virus terrain with a strengthening spell (Normal Spell).
By the way, what is "virus topography"?
First of all, what is “terrain”?
Something like a Field Spell with no substance.
That of the original Yu-Gi-Oh!
Terrain-changing Spells such as forest, darkness, and mountains are OCGized as Field Spells.
Terrain is a rule, so strengthening effects, weakening effects, and Virus Terrain 《Blind Destruction》cannot negate.
and “viral terrain”
All non-Elder Entity monsters with ATK 1500 or higher on the field will be destroyed regardless of their front or back. Increases his ATK and DEF of Elder Entity monsters on the field by 500 points.
ダーク・プラント ▶︎ Deck 《ダーク・プラント》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/03/17 2:38
Yugioh Icon
In True DM2, this card has the same effect as Elder Entity monsters.
Having Bakura as his deck leader and getting 50 recovery every turn was really annoying...
Original 《✪ Dark Plant
✪ Dark Plant》Darkness
1 star [Plant/effect]

destroyed in battle
Within 1 square range
Change to virus terrain!
ATK/300 DEF/400
Moisture Creature ▶︎ Deck 《Moisture Creature》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/03/17 2:36
Yugioh Icon
A completely different monster that makes no sense as to why he became an angel.
Well, it's probably because the original effect didn't comply with the OCG rules, but it's probably because he didn't become a Normal Monster because his ATK and DEF were level 8.
The leader of the Elder Entity tribe, who claims to have come to form a friendly relationship when a duel begins, but reveals his true intentions to invade if he buys.
I often used it as a setlock w
Original 《Moisture Creature
Moisture Creature》Hikari
Star 9 [Elder Entity group/effect]

During face-to-face Defense Position
Enemy Deck Leader's ability is

destroyed in battle
Within 1 square range
Change to virus terrain!
ATK/2800 DEF/2900
Timeater ▶︎ Deck 《Timeater》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/03/17 2:30
Yugioh Icon
A different Blue Mukkimukki giant strengthened by the Elder Entity tribe.
His original effect was pretty strong, but I didn't get a chance to use it much...
he was just an attacker.
I don't know if it's because of that, but it's a considerably enhanced lock card w
Original 《Timeater
Star 6 [Elder Entity group/effect]

During face-to-face Defense Position
with turn count
effect, curse
Count at double speed!

destroyed in battle
Within 1 square range
Change to virus terrain!
ATK/1900 DEF/1700
Shapesnatch ▶︎ Deck 《Shapesnatch》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/03/17 2:27
Yugioh Icon
An Elder Entity monster that possessed the original Morphtronic effect.
The text says that the bow tie is like the main body, but no matter how you look at it, there is a red face on the belly, so that is the main body.
In the design, the arm-like thing that is installed with the feeling of raising the hat is actually a cane, and the cane is thrown at the opponent with a rocket punch method, stealing the opponent's soul (?) It is a method of eating.
When destroyed in battle, it goes into a placido state (the lower and upper bodies are cut apart), and the red face fills the screen and dies in agony, so the face in the abdomen should be the main body...
And I'm not even wearing a tie... Ha! No way, keep in touch with each other with a tie like Ko*n! ?
It was a card that would definitely win the battle if it was attack position with 500 up due to the effect of virus terrain, but I don't know if he thought it was too powerful, or if Konami didn't have the technology, or if he was bullying the Elder Entity tribe. became a Normal Monster.
Original 《Shapesnatch
Star 5 [Elder Entity group/effect]

ATK and defense are always
Enemy leader during Attack Position,
When in Defense Position, the leader's
ATK equals defense!

destroyed in battle
Within 1 square range
Change to virus terrain!
ATK/1200 DEF/1700
Souleater ▶︎ Deck 《Souleater》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/03/17 2:15
Yugioh Icon
*The lifeform in the picture is a mysterious lifeform that lives in the head. Overall, it is a monster with three legs, one black eye, and a ball containing three souls (Backup Soldier).
In True DM2, it was a card that was a money earner that enriched slots together with Regula Sleeper and an attacker that gave a high ATK.
It became a Normal Monster because the original effect was too strong.
Yeah I agree.
Even so, why did you make it a direct attack factor because it's difficult to reproduce other Elder Entity monsters, Konami...
Moreover, when it comes to 《Mucus Yolk》, I don't know if it's because he has 0 ATK or because it's only 50 burns, but he's a different person...
Well, everyone is better than NULL, but...
original soul eater
soul eater land
Star 4 [Elder Entity group/effect]

In the ostensible Defense Position
when it's your turn
all graveyard monsters
Delete and the number X
200 point enhancement!

destroyed in battle
Within 1 square range
Change to virus terrain!
ATK/1200 DEF/0
Electromagnetic Bagworm ▶︎ Deck 《Electromagnetic Bagworm》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/03/17 2:05
Yugioh Icon
A worm that became unusable due to weakening and rules when it was converted to OCG.
Well, I didn't really use it in the first place, but...
Moreover, for some reason insects w no matter how you look at it, it had a metal body ww
By the way, what I am wearing is a TV, a base.
Its contents can be seen when it is destroyed in battle, and it has the most flashy attack motion among the Elder Entity tribes, 《Raigeki》! It was a feeling.
Original Zack Trager Magne
Zack Trager Magne Hikari
Star 3 [Elder Entity group/effect]
If you turn it over, the enemy's
of all Machine monsters
the control
Get only that turn!

destroyed in battle
Within 1 square range
Change to virus terrain!
ATK/200 DEF/1400
Servant of Catabolism ▶︎ Deck 《Servant of Catabolism》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/03/17 1:58
Yugioh Icon
Who is this guy... No, the effect... Seriously who...
In true DM2, he is an Elder Entity, a follower who has a cost reduction effect regardless of friend or foe.
The illustration shows a fish whose lower body has the face of an old man playing a whistle.
The race and effects are completely, really, completely different from the original one, so it can't be helped that people who haven't been informed about it think it's a mystery.
It seems that it is probably following "Moisture Creature".
Moisture Creature》is the leader.
Original《Servant of Catabolism
Servant of Catabolism》Hikari
Star 3 [Elder Entity group/effect]

During face-to-face Defense Position
Both enemies and allies have summoning power
Add 1 point each turn

destroyed in battle
Within 1 square range
Change to virus terrain!
ATK/700 DEF/500
Mucus Yolk ▶︎ Deck 《Mucus Yolk》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/03/17 1:52
Yugioh Icon
Who is this guy! ?
One of the Elder Entity monsters with completely different effects.
In Shin DM2, it was an old relative, and it was a card that drove the opponent to the brink of death with a lock and plain burn effect...
Well, it's better than NULL, but...
Mucus Yolk》Darkness
Star 3 [Elder Entity group/effect]

Every time 《Mucus Yolk》moves
Enemies have 50 points in LP

destroyed in battle
Within 1 square range
Change to virus terrain!
ATK/0 DEF/100
Jowls of Dark Demise ▶︎ Deck 《Jowls of Dark Demise》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/03/17 1:46
Yugioh Icon
It was a brute effect that made powerful monsters such as Seto your own with the parasitic ability in True DM2.
And even if it's converted to OCG, it reproduces the original effect... can it attack directly? Where are you from! ?
So, did Konami want you to infest a monster near the opponent's Deck leader?
For the time being, the effect is most reproduced.
I wonder if it's still a NULL card...
Original Zeno
Zeno water
2 stars [Elder Entity group/effect]
Becomes an enemy when turned face up in battle
Parasitic and manipulated forever!
that monster in battle
Other than the current location when destroyed
Revived in the self-summoning area!
of infested monsters
Ecology and mortality characteristics are negate.

destroyed in battle
Within 1 square range
Change to virus terrain!
ATK/300 DEF/400
Slate Warrior ▶︎ Deck 《Slate Warrior》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/03/17 1:29
Yugioh Icon
In the past, it was a trump card for strengthening the entire Elder Entity tribe, but this is the result of weakening when it became OCG.
Initially, it was famous as a strengthening role because it was in the back attack position and there were actions such as movement, reversal, and defense.
Moreover, if it is destroyed, it has a powerful effect of turning the surroundings into a virus.
And the bonus effect that comes with OCG, 500 down.
This is probably because the Elder Entity tribe's offense and defense was up by 500 in the virus.
Yeah, it's a lot weaker than it used to be.
But are they better than other Elder Entity tribes? Especially than NULL (crying)
original newt
Newt wind
Star 4 [Elder Entity group/effect]
back to the table
own his Elder Entity tribe
500 point enhancement!

destroyed in battle
Within 1 square range
Change to virus terrain!
ATK/1900 DEF/400

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