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Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List Showing 31 to 45 of 809

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Dinowrestler Giga Spinosavate ▶︎ Deck 《Dinowrestler Giga Spinosavate》
japan 光芒
2019/01/08 22:34
Yugioh Icon
As a Dinowrestler's S monster, he's the first (?) S monster in Dinosaur since Jurrac... but it doesn't have any effects related to Dinowrestler, and except for the fact that it's tied to the tuner, it's almost a general-purpose 8-star synchro. In addition to the RBI of 3000, the written effects are all excellent. There aren't many Dinosaur tuners, but it might be easier to use the popular 《Jurrac Aeolo》or the new Dino Wrestler Coelosifilat that has a self-SS effect.
Firewall eXceed Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Firewall eXceed Dragon》
japan 光芒
2018/12/21 13:06
Yugioh Icon
FWD: Duelist, I'm back!
FWD, which will become a banned card at the beginning of the year, has returned as an X monster (though it coexisted in the anime). The effect is to increase the number of link markers of the Link Monster linked to itself x 500 points and increase his own ATK, and the effect of reviving GY's Link 4 Cybers. Even with the lowest increase value, one Link 4 monster will increase his ATK by 2000 and he will be able to draw out high firepower like Clock Dragon.
However, the problem is that he has only two Topologic types, except for FWD, who is banned from Link 4's Cybers. Link 4's Cybers may appear as the next Strak's flagship monster, but it's hard to make use of its effects at present. Is it realistic to X-summon this card to the EX zone and place his Topologic Bomber with relatively loose summoning conditions in GY?
Cyberse Clock Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Cyberse Clock Dragon》
japan 光芒
2018/06/24 16:41
Yugioh Icon
Link's FWD, his Fusion Monster with third hero status after Ritual Magician. The former two were good at sleight of hand and showed their true value against specific opponents, but this one is a super power attacker. 《Clock Wyvern》is specified as a material, but 《Clock Wyvern》itself is an excellent monster, and 《Clock Spartoi》makes it easy to search for exclusive fusions.
It's also a limited use, but you can also break the opponent's extra link by using Clock Wyvern and super fusion.
Galaxy-Eyes Solflare Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Galaxy-Eyes Solflare Dragon》
japan 光芒
2018/06/24 16:12
Yugioh Icon
Link appears in Galaxy-Eyes. The summoning conditions are that he has 2 LIGHT monsters, including a monster with ATK of 2000 or higher, so you can use a single 《Photon Sanctuary》, or you can use a combination such as Slasher Banisher.
A monster that can recover the ad that Photon and Galaxy lacked. In terms of effects when Link Summoning, it is ideal to salvage Photon Dragons that have been used as the cost of Orbital, Warriors, and Trains using search effects. It is also possible to send out more photon dragons.
The second removal effect is awaiting ruling, so I can't mention it, but I'd like to use the photon dragon I searched for with the vanisher as a cost.
Thunder Dragon Colossus ▶︎ Deck 《Thunder Dragon Colossus》
japan 光芒
2018/06/24 15:56
Yugioh Icon
As long as it exists on the field, you can only make your opponent carry the same Search Impossibility as Thunder King Rai-Oh, and by banishing his GY's Thunder, you can protect it from being destroyed.
The fusion material is Thunder Dragon + Thunder monster, but it seems better to use his own effect to Special Summon rather than normal fusion summoning. Except for Thunder Dragon, there are 《Mist Valley Thunderbird》and 《Subterror Behemoth Voltelluric》among the Thunder monsters that can activate effects in the hand, so it seems that you can go to Decks that contain these cards as well as the Unified Tribal Deck.
Photon Orbital ▶︎ Deck 《Photon Orbital》
japan 光芒
2018/06/10 1:20
Yugioh Icon
Photon's Thule frame has been hidden for a long time, but it's an orbital. Also, he appeared as a Photon (by the way, it is not treated as an Orbital 7, so it is impossible to combo with Obomi).
The effect is mainly to equip other her Photon monsters to strengthen them + search for yourself as a cost. Equipped with a slasher to search for banishers, Blast Dragon and Lord Photon to compensate for RBI, and provide combat destruction resistance, etc.
Since it's his Photon with star 4/Machine, it can be said that it's a monster that can be connected to Nova Infinity without 《Galaxy Soldier》and supports 《Machine Duplication》when combined with a satellite.
Photon Hand ▶︎ Deck 《Photon Hand》
japan 光芒
2018/06/10 1:15
Yugioh Icon
The original story is that Kaito stole the number of the opponent he defeated in a duel. So if he has Photon and Galaxy monsters on the field, he can literally take Xyz Monsters.
Also, if there is a Galaxy-Eyes photon dragon on the field, he will take control even if it is not an Xyz Monster. You can attack with stolen monsters, use them as Xyz materials, or use them as Link materials. I think it's a strength to be able to use it both offensively and inferiorly.
A Quick-Play Spell would be pretty strong, but that would be too strong, so a Normal Spell might be more appropriate. By the way, this card is also his Photon card, so you can search for it with Lord Photon's effect.
Chaos Form ▶︎ Deck 《Chaos Form》
japan 光芒
2018/05/26 11:59
Yugioh Icon
Although it is a Ritual Spell that can be used for ritual summoning of chaos monsters, the main strength of chaos monsters is the Black Luster Soldier system and the Blue-Eyed system such as Chaos MAX, so there is little reason to combine it with a black magician. It would be a different story if there was a remake of Chaos).
On the other hand, Blue-Eyed has 《Advanced Ritual Art》, which is a Normal Monster support, so there are many reasons why you can get away with it.
The ability to Ritual Summon Blue-Eyed, which is the most accessible to GY, is a strength that 《Advanced Ritual Art》does not have, and it can be said that the appearance of a bingo machine that can search for this card in reprinting is a tailwind. .
Blue-Eyes Solid Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Blue-Eyes Solid Dragon》
japan 光芒
2018/05/26 11:54
Yugioh Icon
The new face of the Blue-Eyed monster is one that summons Blue-Eyed's white dragon according to the negate effect and the opponent's effect. Since he belongs to Blue-Eyed, if you want to Special Summon, it's safer to rely on The White Stone of Ancients just like Dragon Spirit of White with the same status, or send him to GY in a train or mausoleum and revive him with the Gospel. Uka
Even so, unlike Dragon Spirit of White, this one is not treated as a Normal Monster, so it is impossible to revive with Ginryu's effect or Roar. It is a neck that the card effect of cannot be negate. Blue-Eyed's Hakuryu is Blue-Eyed's Hakuryu He is Blue-Eyed's Hakuryu. What is it?
Cyber Eternity Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Cyber Eternity Dragon》
japan 光芒
2018/05/26 11:49
Yugioh Icon
The opposite of End is Eternity.
His stats are the reversal of his Cyber End offense and defense. Just by having a Fusion Monster in her GY, she gains resistance to the effect target and effect destruction, so you can maximize the effect by sending the Fusion Monster to her GY in some way in advance.
The fusion material is a little looser than the end that requires 1 Sidera, 2 Machines, and 3 Sidera, but since it is difficult to align the materials for hand/field fusion, it is excluded in advance in his Cyber Lord Fusion, which is recorded at the same time. It would be safe to use sidera as a material.
Cybernetic Revolution ▶︎ Deck 《Cybernetic Revolution》
japan 光芒
2018/05/26 1:10
Yugioh Icon
You can Special Summon 1 Fusion Monster with Sydra as a fusion material from the Extra Deck at the cost of 1 Sydra. Since it is a Cybernetic card, it can be searched with the effect of the core, and it is profitable if the cost is around the standing core or sidera. Monsters Special Summoned by this effect have the disadvantage of not being able to attack directly, so I would like to fusion summon a monster that can deal damage to the opponent without attacking directly. If there is only one opponent's monster or in Defense Position, let's use Cyber End, which can deal high firepower and pierce damage, and if there are multiple monsters, let's use his Cyber Twin, which can attack twice. By the way, if you link summon Sieger in advance, you can increase the hit point even further.
Cyberload Fusion ▶︎ Deck 《Cyberload Fusion》
japan 光芒
2018/05/26 1:05
Yugioh Icon
Is it a Cyber version of a card that should be called 《Parallel World Fusion》? As a way to exclude Cyber Dragon, there are many means such as "Chimeratech Overdragon" Fusion Summon by Overlord Fusion, "Cyber Eltanin" Special Summon, etc., and since you can fusion summon while returning those cards to the Deck, you can use a powerful Fusion Monster. You can prevent shortness of breath while fusion summoning.
This turn, it has the disadvantage of not being able to attack monsters other than the fusion summoned by this card's effect, but since it is a Quick-Play Spell, it can be activated during the opponent's turn, and the material specification is relatively loose. It is also possible to turn to the offensive on the next turn while making it a wall.
Cyber Pharos ▶︎ Deck 《Cyber Pharos》
japan 光芒
2018/05/26 0:59
Yugioh Icon
Pharos means lighthouse, and it is based on the fact that Kaiser Ryo and Asuka often met at the lighthouse in GX.
This monster also bears the name of Cyber, but is more of a support card for Machine, and with a 2 effect he can Fusion Summon her Fusion Monster of Machine without requiring a fusion. Also, with the effect of 3, it is possible to search for 《Power Bond》, but it is severe that the trigger condition is “Machine”, “Fusion Monster”, and “destroyed in battle”.
No matter how you look at it, it can't be helped because it's a lighthouse, but it would have been even better if this card had an effect that treats it as a "Cyber Dragon".
Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon》
japan 光芒
2018/05/26 0:54
Yugioh Icon
Is Blue-Eyed Fusion, Synchro, or Ritual? Still, I can see that the existence of this card and the bingo machine pushes the ritual type.
The difference from Chaos MAX, which is the same Ritual Monster with the same level of 8, is that his ATK is lowered, and he loses the double penetration damage effect. You can get a change and a weakening effect of 0 offense and defense. Therefore, if he Ritual Summons Blue-Eyed as a material, he can deal 3000 damage regardless of the opponent. Of course, this effect is certainly strong, but even if you can't use Blue-Eyed as a material, the effect of Chaos MAX, which can deal a large amount of damage by penetrating, flickers. Also, he often exceeds ATK 3000 unexpectedly easily, and since he is weakened at the time of declaring an attack, it may be difficult if he goes around to receive it.
Bingo Machine, Go!!! ▶︎ Deck 《Bingo Machine, Go!!!》
japan 光芒
2018/05/26 0:44
Yugioh Icon
The original story is "Ultimate Bingo Machine" that appeared in the Battle City edition. But why did the card name become so lame?
There is a turn 1 restriction, but he can search for a card with the name of a Blue-Eyed White Dragon or Ultimate Dragon other than a Blue-Eyed monster or this card. As for monsters, there is a melody, so if you search, will it be his Spell / Trap card of the latter? Even so, there are only 3 types of cards that can be searched (《Neutron Blast》, 《Chaos Form》, 《Burst Stream of Destruction》), and it is difficult to say whether any of them are highly versatile. Since you can search Manjugod without standing still, should I aim for 《Chaos Form》?

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