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Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List Showing 361 to 375 of 809

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Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon》
japan 光芒
2014/01/22 23:31
Yugioh Icon
It's been a year since the Space-Time Dragon first appeared. The long-awaited CNo.107 is OCG. However, it is also a story of the past that the expectations were too high and it was treated as a little disappointing. It is used as a set with the Space-Time Dragon because it has the highest hit in the Chaos Numbers that come out of the Sword of the Seven Emperors.
Since it's level 9x3, it's too heavy to be used normally, so the main summoning method is to rank up from the space-time dragon. However, in normal RUM, it is necessary to adopt a space-time dragon, but with Argent Chaos Force, it is possible to rank up from other than the space-time dragon, so if you build a deck based on rank 8, point to Argent and this card. If you leave it, Fergrant or Giant Killer who have used up all the materials will be disguised as this card, so you can't do it foolishly.
By the way, the effect that can be activated when using a space-time dragon as a material is similar to 《Trident Dragion》, but be aware that unlike over there, only monsters can be used as a cost.
Number 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Number 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon》
japan 光芒
2014/01/22 23:25
Yugioh Icon
A monster that decorates the last pack of ZEXAL, "PRIMAL ORIJIN", and a monster that Galaxy-Eyes has become No after gaining the power of the astral world. This is the 4th time he has used the Galaxy-Eyes series as a pack illustration.
As for the effect, it's just like a Dragon that relies on power, and it's a super-brain muscle, and if he activates his own effect, his ATK jumps up to 5600, so he can easily hit anything other than a stupid opponent with a lot of firepower. can be defeated.
Also, even if he is destroyed by the opponent's effects such as "Bottomless Trap Hole" or "Torrential Funeral", he will be revived after 2 turns, and his ATK will rise to 8000. Although the battles damage dealt is halved, if it is a direct attack, the damage is 4000, which is more than enough firepower. You may feel sorry for Super Photon Dragon due to its level 8x2 and the lightness of the material, but there are advantages over there that Photon Dragon does not have, so let's use them wisely.
Slifer the Sky Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Slifer the Sky Dragon》
japan 光芒
2014/01/11 23:34
Yugioh Icon
One of the three phantom gods, a god card obtained by Yugi. As an effect, his ATK up of hand x 1000, which is the same as the original. And unlike the original, his ATK of the summoned opponent's monster is lowered by 2000, and if it falls below 2000, it is destroyed. The latter effect is stronger than the original, and it is a specification that can fight like Obelisk, probably because of Ra's reflection.
It doesn't have as much resistance as Obelisk, and there are many unstable points such as being reverted to a monster with ATK 0 due to negate effects such as Veiler, but I think it's a card suitable for a God card.
The Winged Dragon of Ra ▶︎ Deck 《The Winged Dragon of Ra》
japan 光芒
2014/01/11 23:27
Yugioh Icon
It is one of the three phantom gods, and in the original, it is the strongest card of the three phantom gods used by Malik. No matter who read it, it ended up being called Wo's Winged Dragon instead of Ra. God's card became a paper card when it was converted to OCG.
The weight peculiar to God can be said for the other two, but it's not like you can't special summon or sacrifice three bodies... just increase his LP and raise his ATK to the original level. I can do it, but is it necessary to have so much firepower? And the removal effect in the second half is also poor as he only has 1 monster for 1000 LP. Malik can get mad at Konmai
Obelisk the Tormentor ▶︎ Deck 《Obelisk the Tormentor》
japan 光芒
2014/01/11 23:22
Yugioh Icon
One of the three phantom gods, a god card used by Kaiba. When it appeared in the appendix of Jump, it was also called a proof photo from the illustration.
It's a God card, so it requires 3 sacrifices, and you can't get it out unless you use his specialized deck, but the original specs are very high, so once you play it, it's a pretty powerful card. The Hamdo Obelisk that is unleashed in a combo with the Hard Armed Dragon is intense.
Celestial Wolf Lord, Blue Sirius ▶︎ Deck 《Celestial Wolf Lord, Blue Sirius》
japan 光芒
2014/01/11 23:18
Yugioh Icon
Originally one of the cards used by Jack in the manga, it was one of the cards that was traded at a very high price because the means of obtaining it was limited. He is a level 6 beast warrior Synchro who supported the heyday of the 3-axis Brotherhood of the Fire Fist, and since he is a DARK, he just fulfills the conditions for activating the Dark Virus when he is strengthened with Fire Formation. However, the 3-axis Brotherhood of the Fire Fist has almost disappeared from the environment due to the Tokei Limited Tenki Semi-Limited, so I think it was a little late for it to be voted for GS2014.
Number 61: Volcasaurus ▶︎ Deck 《Number 61: Volcasaurus》
japan 光芒
2014/01/11 23:12
Yugioh Icon
It is his Xyz Monster that represents rank 5, and most of the reason why he buys Yuma hen 1 is to draw this card. It seems that there are many duelists who draw their partners and despair like Aporia.
The effect itself is very easy to understand, destroying the opponent's monster and doing damage equal to his ATK. Therefore, monsters that cannot be destroyed with firepower and are not resistant to destruction are nothing more than bait for this guy. You can't attack directly the turn you use this effect, but if you Xyz change to Guidera, you'll be fine.
Its versatility was bought and it was decided to be re-recorded in GS2014 by voting. However, it seems to be rare, so it is still difficult to obtain.
Vanity's Emptiness ▶︎ Deck 《Vanity's Emptiness》
japan 光芒
2014/01/10 16:19
Yugioh Icon
Has a self-destruct effect, but can be used to seal Special Summon. In the current environment, there are almost no decks that do not use Special Summon at all, so a meta card that sticks in many decks.
Reprinted by GS vote. I think many people will be happy because it was a difficult card to obtain. However, compared to Volka and Seirios, who only need 1 copy, it's a bit harsh that this card, which requires at least 2 copies, is a non-rare frame.
Forbidden Lance ▶︎ Deck 《Forbidden Lance》
japan 光芒
2014/01/10 16:15
Yugioh Icon
It is probably the most versatile card in the Forbidden series. It can be used for a combat trick of 800 down, but since it can protect the target monster from his spells and traps other than this card, it is a card that will do more than expected in any deck. Until now, it was a super rare recording like the past Forbidden series, and since it is a card that requires multiple copies, it was necessary to obtain it in advance, but with the reprint in GS2014, it is easy to obtain.
Imperial Iron Wall ▶︎ Deck 《Imperial Iron Wall》
japan 光芒
2014/01/10 16:12
Yugioh Icon
The extreme right wing of exclusion measures. Since it was recorded for the first time in Strak of Undead, it is possible to take on cards such as Undead, which are vulnerable to exclusion, Chaos, and Abyss Confinement Macro. In addition, it was reprinted in GS2014 in recognition of his role as a deck meta that demonstrates his true strength by being excluded like Dragon Ruler.
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max ▶︎ Deck 《Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max》
japan 光芒
2014/01/10 16:09
Yugioh Icon
A super-dreadnought-class Xyz that was in high demand for a period of time, and a monster that played a role in restricting the Redame. At level 10x2, although the material is heavy, both offense and defense are high, and its effects are simple and powerful. Since it first appeared in the V JUMP EDITION, it was difficult to obtain and traded at high prices, but it was reprinted in GS2014. Will this make it easier to put in?
Elemental HERO Prisma ▶︎ Deck 《Elemental HERO Prisma》
japan 光芒
2014/01/10 16:04
Yugioh Icon
A HERO with a crystal body. By showing her Fusion Monster in the Extra Deck, you can transform into that material and send that monster to her GY. So besides HERO, he can be widely used alongside Airman in decks that require Gladiator Beast, Blue-Eyed, or Fusion Monster.
Until now, it was a very expensive card for the demand, and it was very difficult to obtain, but in GS2014, it was a long-awaited reprint.
Confronting the ▶︎ Deck 《Confronting the "C"》
japan 光芒
2014/01/10 16:00
Yugioh Icon
Finally, the gigantic G. But when it gets huge, it slows down...
This time G appears when the opponent summons it from Extra. However, looking at the monsters that can be put out from extras, there are many cases where G with 2500 DEF doesn't even make a wall, so Trike Liner with similar effects may be stronger. Since this card is level 5, its strength is that it can be ranked 5 by combining it with 《Star Drawing》.
Caius the Shadow Monarch ▶︎ Deck 《Caius the Shadow Monarch》
japan 光芒
2014/01/10 15:56
Yugioh Icon
It is a high-class monster with average offense and defense, but its effect is simple and powerful, just as it was decorated with Monarch's Strak sign. Also, by excluding darkness, you can deal 1000 damage to the opponent, but since you can still deal damage to the opponent even if you exclude yourself, it can be used as a way to finish off a weakened opponent. .
And in GS2014, he will be re-recorded as a bird in the Monarch frame. Earth Monarch and Ice Monarch have evolved, so will this card evolve as well?
Cybernetic Fusion Support ▶︎ Deck 《Cybernetic Fusion Support》
japan 光芒
2014/01/10 15:52
Yugioh Icon
Machine exclusive and Quick-Play Spell version of Chain Material. Since it has the name of Cyber, it is nice to be able to search in the core. You can use any part of your hand, field, or GY as a fusion material, so with 《Power Bond》Chimeratech Over Evolution Result Burst! Guorenda! ! You can.
However, the cost of half his LP is rather painful, so be careful where you use it.

(25/54 pages) 361 - 375

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