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Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List Showing 316 to 330 of 809

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Lucent, Netherlord of Dark World ▶︎ Deck 《Lucent, Netherlord of Dark World》
japan 光芒
2014/02/16 0:18
Yugioh Icon
Traptrix, Hazy Flame, Madolche, Mecha Phantom Beast, Gusto, Gladiator Beast and new cards with existing themes are all excellent, and the much-anticipated new Dark World is here! There was a time when I thought so too.
It's level is 6, which is the same as Latina, which is a lot of trouble, and the effect itself has to be discarded by the effect of the opponent's card, so it's frustrating that you have to build around Celuri in order to show your true potential. Are the others too strong or is this card just that...
Gladiator Beast Augustus ▶︎ Deck 《Gladiator Beast Augustus》
japan 光芒
2014/02/16 0:15
Yugioh Icon
Gladiator Beast is excellent at lower ranks, but there are many miserable guys at higher ranks and above, but this card seems to have not followed that example. Augustor refers to the title given to the Roman Monarchs for generations after Octavianus, who became the first emperor of the Roman Monarch nation, was given. I did this in my world history class.
It's a nuisance card when it comes to your hand, but with the effect of his other Gladiator Beasts, he can do his best with Special Summon. He can Special Summon Gladiator Beast if he has a dub in his hand, so if you can Special Summon Raquel or Best Lowry with this card's effect, you can immediately connect it to Heraclinos and Geysereth. This card itself has a high ATK, so it can be an attacker, and since it's a Winged Beast, it can also trigger 《Icarus Attack》.
Pilica, Descendant of Gusto ▶︎ Deck 《Pilica, Descendant of Gusto》
japan 光芒
2014/02/16 0:10
Yugioh Icon
Pirika Pirirara Popo Polino Pen Pelt ♪ Get out Gusto's enhanced card! (old
Gusto's new card is that upon successful Summon/Special Summon, he will revive one of his WIND tuners in GY. If it's WIND, anything is fine, so for him other tuners than Gusto, debris or "Quickdraw Synchron" would be fine. The only thing that can SS the most is WIND monsters, so be aware that the sync destination is not that wide. Since it's psychic, it's also compatible with emergency telecasts, so if you're using the Gusto Deck, you'll probably want 3 of them.
Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion ▶︎ Deck 《Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion》
japan 光芒
2014/02/16 0:05
Yugioh Icon
2 star tuner for Mecha Phantom Beast. I thought that Mecha Phantom Beast would be stronger if it didn't sync poorly and Xyz it to get Rank 9 like Dragosak or Enterplaznil, but this card is a relatively easy-to-use effect among Mecha Phantom Beasts. If you have 2 tokens with the effect of Dragosak, you can aim for an 8 star synchro with 2 tokens and this card. Also, when he goes to GY or after he goes, the effect is excellent.
Traptrix Dionaea ▶︎ Deck 《Traptrix Dionaea》
japan 光芒
2014/02/15 23:54
Yugioh Icon
The motif seems to be flybird grass. As an effect, he's the Traptrix version of Masked Chameleon.
When summoned, he can revive 1 of his Traptrix in GY, allowing him to immediately connect to a Rank 4 Xyz. Also, if you SS by reviving a card with the same name with this card, he can reuse GY's Trap Hole, so from the opponent's point of view, he is a Traptrix-like and really unpleasant card.
Ghostrick Warwolf ▶︎ Deck 《Ghostrick Warwolf》
japan 光芒
2014/02/15 23:48
Yugioh Icon
It doesn't matter, but this card game has a lot of Werewolf cards. I think it's the best monster for the motif because it's a representative of monsters.
The effect is to deal set card x 100 damage when reversed. The effect of the doll can set the opponent's monsters, so the effect itself is easy to activate, but the burn damage of x100 is subtle. Because it's not an aero shark...
Ghostrick Doll ▶︎ Deck 《Ghostrick Doll》
japan 光芒
2014/02/15 23:42
Yugioh Icon
"Ningyo" is another easy way to read it...but you read it as "Hitogata" instead of "Ningyo".
The effect that activates when flipped is rather disgusting, and being able to recruit his Ghostrick of all levels if there are 3 or more monsters on the opponent's field is rather delicious.
However, the back side Defense Position = Ghostrick or a monster with a reverse effect is fixed, so there is a possibility that the effect will be destroyed, so it will not be stable...
Sylvan Sagequoia ▶︎ Deck 《Sylvan Sagequoia》
japan 光芒
2014/02/15 18:32
Yugioh Icon
Although it is level 7, you can easily SS with Sylvan's common effect. Also, the effect in the second half is powerful, and it is possible to reuse 《Sylvan Charity》once used. Since he is level 7, besides Sylvan, he can team up with Dragon Ruler to aim for Oreia's Xyz summoning [Plant Dragon Ruler]. If you think about it, Dragon Ruler, which can be combined with most themes, is amazing.
Sylvan Lotuswain ▶︎ Deck 《Sylvan Lotuswain》
japan 光芒
2014/02/15 18:30
Yugioh Icon
You can flip over the number of cards on the opponent's field, so if you activate this card's effect after your opponent has fully deployed, you can flip over a considerable number of cards in the Deck. However, it is difficult to say whether this card alone can prevent the next opponent's offensive. The late effect is the effect of his GY returning his Sylvan to his Deck. If there is a card in his Sylvan that I want to reuse, I would like to flip this card and drop it in GY.
Sylvan Snapdrassinagon ▶︎ Deck 《Sylvan Snapdrassinagon》
japan 光芒
2014/02/15 18:25
Yugioh Icon
His other Sylvan has a fairly strong effect, so it's a little plain, but the effect itself isn't bad. If it is flipped by another Sylvan effect and sent to GY, you can flip one more card, so hopefully he will accelerate GY manure.
Sylvan Cherubsprout ▶︎ Deck 《Sylvan Cherubsprout》
japan 光芒
2014/02/15 18:19
Yugioh Icon
When he succeeds in SS, he can turn over two cards from the top of the deck and send the plant in it to his GY. It's an effect that depends on luck, so if you're aiming for it, if you can send this card to his GY with a late effect, I'd like to aim for a Rank 7 Xyz with Shaman and 《Copy Plant》.
Artifact Achilleshield ▶︎ Deck 《Artifact Achilleshield》
japan 光芒
2014/02/15 1:00
Yugioh Icon
Are you still there, Artifact? The original story of the name is Achilles, the hero of the Trojan War. It's a famous story, but the place where the invincible Achilles was attacked and died is called Achilles' heel.
Artifact has many monsters with low base stats, so if you protect his Artifact from battle with this monster's effect, you can lead to the development of the next turn. However, it's a defensive effect, and there's no point in activating more than one at the same time, so I'd like to think about how many to use.
Umbral Horror Ghost ▶︎ Deck 《Umbral Horror Ghost》
japan 光芒
2014/02/15 0:56
Yugioh Icon
If you SS this card and his Level 2 Fiend, you can summon a Rank 2 Xyz with 2 materials. However, it is frustrating that there is no synergy with his other Umbral while having the name of Umbral. Rather than Umbral, it might be better to sync with 《Dark Resonator》or his Fabled as his Fiend support.
Battlin' Boxer Veil ▶︎ Deck 《Battlin' Boxer Veil》
japan 光芒
2014/02/15 0:44
Yugioh Icon
BK《Tragoedia》. At the same time as receiving battles damage, SS from the hand and recover the damage received. It's a useful card when you're outnumbered, but if your opponent has multiple monsters, you can't connect to Xyz on the next turn, so it feels a bit odd.
Battlin' Boxer Big Bandage ▶︎ Deck 《Battlin' Boxer Big Bandage》
japan 光芒
2014/02/15 0:40
Yugioh Icon
It is a delicate place to say whether it is necessary to forcibly sandwich a rank 2 monster in a rank 4 main BK.
You can select the most excluded counter blows and manipulate the level to connect them to rank 3. However, BK rank 4 is excellent, so you don't have to force yourself to use monsters of other ranks.

(22/54 pages) 316 - 330

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