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Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List Showing 16 to 30 of 100

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Flying ▶︎ Deck 《Flying "C"》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/04/14 21:12
Yugioh Icon
To be honest, I'm a sync user...
I feel like it's pretty inconvenient to expand the opponent's field even more when this guy steals one of your hand slots...
As long as I have level 3, I can get a Synchro Monster out...
But I read the air and it's 9.
Star Eater ▶︎ Deck 《Star Eater》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/04/14 21:04
Yugioh Icon
Debris Jund Enhancement Declaration! !
Maybe this is the cover of the next pack...
after a while···
Hope Ray Victory... (@ Advantage @ .:;)
Our 11 Synchro 《Star Eater》has finally arrived! !
Is your ATK 3200 because you didn't want to beat Shooting Star?
Superlative synchro with pretty good defense.
Debris Dragon's new workplace.
It was to create a consistent finisher...
Now that Trishula is gone, something is ingrained in Debri Dragon's heart...
As if to cancel it...
Chaos Goddess ▶︎ Deck 《Chaos Goddess》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/04/14 12:23
Yugioh Icon
If you have Junk Synchron, Doppelwarrior and Level 1 Tuner, you can summon normally.
Resurrect a level 1 tuner with Junk Synchron
Doppelwarrior Special Summon
Junk Synchron tuning for Doppelwarrior
Librarian Doppel token generation
Draw 2 Formulas with Level 1 Tuner and Doppel Token
Librarian and Doppeltoken with Formula Tuning
Chaos Goddess Librarian Revived with Effect
Lightsworn Jund can be used properly with Arkanite Magician.
I personally like the illustrations too.
Well, I feel like I wanted a little more RBI, but I can forgive it because I have a surprising ability to deploy.
Debris Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Debris Dragon》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/04/14 3:55
Yugioh Icon
I have a bad feeling about the appearance of Star Dragons and 《Hieratic Seal of the Dragon King》...
Well, isn't it! yes! If that happens, I won't be able to duel!
Similar to Junk Synchron, it can be linked to an instant Synchro Summon, but its resurrection range is surprisingly wide, making it superior to Junk Synchron.
If you put it in Kujadoru, you can use 1 or 2!
Mr. Drill digs it up.
Herald of Pure Light ▶︎ Deck 《Herald of Pure Light》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/04/07 4:02
Yugioh Icon
Wh-why?! !
Why did it turn black! !
more! Be white!
I really want this card
And not in a fan sense, but in an effective sense, the first black card he wanted to put in his deck ww
Salvage is also strong, but this time I paid attention to him returning to the deck
in short! It will save my Assault Mode Deck! !
1. Return the Assault Mode that came to your hand to the Deck
2. Return GY's Assault Mode to Deck
3. Return Diabolic Guy to the Deck
picture? There's a vase of covetousness and emerals?
No no no, level 4 Emeral is certainly good,
In the case of this card, one card is enough! Moreover, a card that can be easily put out by returning the card from your hand! !
I would be happy if it was normal...
Performance of Sword ▶︎ Deck 《Performance of Sword》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/04/06 2:09
Yugioh Icon
Old Ritual Monsters mostly came out of games,
His ATK increased slightly only when he fought a specific monster, but when he was converted to OCG, perhaps because the effect was too specific, that effect was lost and he became a Ritual Normal Monster. .
In addition, in the case of this card, when fighting with Warrior, his ATK increased by 900 points until the end of the damage step.
In reality, it is a trade-off with a warrior with ATK 2850.
Hmmm, either way...
However, the rating plus 1 by name
Risebell the Star Adjuster ▶︎ Deck 《Risebell the Star Adjuster》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/04/01 18:40
Yugioh Icon
picture? I had a card like this
Wow, amazing! Level adjustment... is that...!!?
With this, all levels of Psychic Synchro will definitely be cheaper! !
If you don't use the effect, level 5 or 6,
If you use it, you can easily do 6, 7, 8, 9! !
However, normal rare... or...
And if you want, you want a guy that lowers your level...
Or a level 4, 5, 6 unbound or psychic synchro tuner...
Transmodify ▶︎ Deck 《Transmodify》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/03/31 16:47
Yugioh Icon
Send to GY...so no token...
However, this card changes how to turn the Devil Deck...
His Archfiend from Infernity Necromancer is famous.
And the same can be said for Blackwing! !
In other words, Blackwing is the strongest! ! Hahaha! !
Awesome! Cool!
Level 4 Blackwing can become a level 5 Sirocco!
A level 2 guy can turn Blackwing into a level 3 Gale!
Trance Tan is the best!
Blackwing - Calima the Haze ▶︎ Deck 《Blackwing - Calima the Haze》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/03/30 13:19
Yugioh Icon
The key to this effect is to prevent the opponent from stopping and being excluded!
In other words, use something like opening the Dark Dimension! 《Return from the Different Dimension》!
Number 10: Illumiknight ▶︎ Deck 《Number 10: Illumiknight》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/03/30 13:16
Yugioh Icon
All you have to do is equip 《Magnum Shield》DA
When I heard ATK 2400, Monarch said...
And my friend Orika...
There are no bad guys with status 2400! ! (perhaps!!)
Archfiend Commander ▶︎ Deck 《Archfiend Commander》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/03/28 18:39
Yugioh Icon
Can be Special Summon, Archfiend destruction card.
Blackwing? Fire King? What's so delicious?
Yes, his level 6 Archfiend tuner is coming.
Unfortunately, the second half of the effect seems to be exclusive to black cards.
Level 12 Archfiend I don't want to throw away the possibility of synchro.
Before he knew it, his Archfiend was strengthened and he became specialized in Xyz...
Rank 6 only Archfiend
March of the Monarchs ▶︎ Deck 《March of the Monarchs》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/03/26 19:02
Yugioh Icon
*The big Monarch is in the anime Yu-Gi-Oh GX's King of Monarch edition.
Zaborg, Mobius, and Testaros came out in that order,
Finally, it seems that the Earth Monarch user, who was no longer willing to fight, eventually absorbed and merged the above three Monarch Kings, and the Earth Monarch became the coordinator.
So it probably has nothing to do with the gold pack.
And it is an illustration that should never be overlooked.
The Monarch Deck is good, but I still put it in the high-level monster Deck ww
Accidents happen.
Watthydra ▶︎ Deck 《Watthydra》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/03/24 0:29
Yugioh Icon
It's true that 1500 may be a little weak, but there's no reason why the Golden Chest that can be produced in sync is weak (personally)
Watt Deck Synchronization is the most indebted
Sargasso the D.D. Battlefield ▶︎ Deck 《Sargasso the D.D. Battlefield》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/03/22 11:24
Yugioh Icon
Shame for you! I only use syncro!
Barian: Danny!?
500 burns, don't take it lightly
500 burn is really scary (^^;
Shapesister ▶︎ Deck 《Shapesister》
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/03/22 11:18
Yugioh Icon
Oh, no way 《Shapesnatch》! ? ? (probably not)
If that's the case, then you've got a monster in your belly lol
Well, it's not the Elder Entity tribe, isn't it w
If it was level 2 or level 3, it would have been easier to get Highlander w

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