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Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List Showing 2,866 to 2,880 of 4,763

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Phonon Pulse Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Phonon Pulse Dragon》
japan ヒコモン
2017/05/31 12:59
Yugioh Icon
As you can see from the evaluation below, it was welcomed at the time when it came out like a long-awaited level 4 sync tuner. However, at that time, Xyz was already in its heyday, and its level could only be changed when summoned, and even if it changed, it would have a heavy disadvantage, so it was not used in decks other than his 《Shooting Quasar Dragon》. It's not particularly weak, but the neck is that his Special Summon is restricted.
Goyo Defender ▶︎ Deck 《Goyo Defender》
japan ヒコモン
2017/05/31 12:37
Yugioh Icon
If the activation condition was only Warrior EARTH monsters, it might have been possible to do something about it with new Link Monsters in the future, but since it is tied to only Warrior EARTH S monsters, it can't be helped. It's too pathetic and I want errata. Well, being errataed like that doesn't change the fact that it's tough.
Trickstar Candina ▶︎ Deck 《Trickstar Candina》
japan ヒコモン
2017/05/31 12:33
Yugioh Icon
Airman from Trickstar. Even though it only supports summoning, the mutual search relationship with Trickstar Light Stage is abnormal. Currently, there are only 5 types of "Trickstar" cards that can be searched with this card, but since it is expected to expand in the future as a heroine frame, it is almost a default route to become even more brutal.
Evolsaur Terias ▶︎ Deck 《Evolsaur Terias》
japan ヒコモン
2017/05/30 13:00
Yugioh Icon
You thought that 2900 RBI wasn't so bad. What an outrageous trap that goes down. An unbelievable high-level monster with 1900 points.
Batteryman C ▶︎ Deck 《Batteryman C》
japan ヒコモン
2017/05/30 12:53
Yugioh Icon
Batteryman unified in Thunder, a mysterious card that pumps up the Machine. In reality, it's not wrong because it runs machines with batteries, but it's not wrong for Batteryman.
Mechanical Hound ▶︎ Deck 《Mechanical Hound》
japan ヒコモン
2017/05/30 12:47
Yugioh Icon
The effect of blocking the opponent's spell activation is very strong. Considering that he is the highest grade, the easiest way to get him out is with Pendulum Summon. However, in that case, he will be blocked by 《Mist Valley Apex Avian》, which can deal not only with spells but also with traps and effect monsters. The advantage of this is that you can permanently prevent the activation of her spells at no cost, but it is very painful in the midst of rampant removal by monster effects.
Cybernetic Magician ▶︎ Deck 《Cybernetic Magician》
japan ヒコモン
2017/05/30 12:40
Yugioh Icon
The advantage is that you can use it flexibly whether you use it on your own monster or your opponent's monster with a single hand cost. However, being advanced is a negative first, and using it against the opponent to destroy it in battle is already an outdated move. If you're going to use it on your opponent's monsters, it's faster to use Shrink from the beginning. On the other hand, 2000 RBI as a value to use for your own monster is subtle if you use one card cost. If you actually use it, don't use it.
Steam Gyroid ▶︎ Deck 《Steam Gyroid》
japan ヒコモン
2017/05/30 12:34
Yugioh Icon
A level 6 vanilla Fusion Monster with 2200 RBI. A card to watch out for at this point. What's more, it's hard to believe that his ATK is lower than Steamroid, which can give you 2300 RBI.
Gyroid ▶︎ Deck 《Gyroid》
japan ヒコモン
2017/05/30 12:28
Yugioh Icon
One of the good old wall monsters. Considering Marshmallow, which was a restricted card at the time, this card was very good because it can't be destroyed once. However, given the existence of Dark Resonator, a tuner, and Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler, which is the same Machine and has combat destruction resistance, it is far from being adopted just because it is a Lloyd. It is also troublesome that the fusion destination is too weak.
Stardust Shimmer ▶︎ Deck 《Stardust Shimmer》
japan ヒコモン
2017/05/29 12:51
Yugioh Icon
It only supports Dragon Synchro Monsters, and if it's level 7 or 8, there is Return of the Dragon Lords. In any case, I would like to use a monster that has an effect when removed, but considering the possibility of rotting, Back to the Front, which is also a complete resurrection, is much easier to use.
Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon》
japan ヒコモン
2017/05/29 12:44
Yugioh Icon
A powerful card newly added to Blue-Eyed, whose turn ended with 《Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon》. The effect of ① makes it Pendulum Summon meta, and the effect of ② can negate the GY activation effect. Furthermore, with the effect of ③, it is possible to Special Summon a Dragon / LIGHT S monster in Defense Position in a free chain. Even with effects that would be destroyed during the End Phase, 《Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon》can knock them down, while 《Black Rose Moonlight Dragon》can bounce to hinder your opponent's progress. It is also possible to protect it with her GY removal effect of Return of the Dragon Lords and leave it for the next turn. Also, by playing 《Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon》on your opponent's turn, you can safely deploy it on your next turn.
Blue-Eyes White Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Blue-Eyes White Dragon》
japan ヒコモン
2017/05/29 12:31
Yugioh Icon
A card that symbolizes Yu-Gi-Oh! Even when Blue-Eyed Ryūgo Rin came out, it was still at the fan deck level, but with 《Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon》and the support cards that appeared in Shining Victories, it quickly rose to the environmental class. With this, it is no longer considered a mere ornamental card that cannot be used in actual combat. Instead, it boiled over easily and ended up accumulating a considerable amount of hate due to the oppressive 《Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon》.
Rabidragon ▶︎ Deck 《Rabidragon》
japan ヒコモン
2017/05/29 12:27
Yugioh Icon
Blue-Eyed with 50 lower ATK and 400 higher defense. However, Blue-Eyed's White Dragon strength is a wide variety of support cards, and I don't want to use this card.
Chorus of Sanctuary ▶︎ Deck 《Chorus of Sanctuary》
japan ヒコモン
2017/05/26 18:13
Yugioh Icon
In the past, there weren't many useful Field Spells, so it became an option in Decks such as advanced summons, but it's useless because wall monsters are outdated tactics. Even if it is used in the Aztecs, there are "D2 Shield" and "Stronghold Guardian" with explosive power.
Gravekeeper's Servant ▶︎ Deck 《Gravekeeper's Servant》
japan ヒコモン
2017/05/26 18:07
Yugioh Icon
You can also block attacks by comboing with Darklaw. However, now that removal with effects is the mainstream, the current situation is that just blocking attacks is not enough. It also has a lot of Spell/Trap removal, so it's hard to defend.

(192/318 pages) 2,866 - 2,880

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