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Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List Showing 196 to 210 of 817

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Cerulean Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys ▶︎ Deck 《Cerulean Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys》
japan ルイ
2018/07/29 21:09
Yugioh Icon
Are you friends of Salamangreat? Or a friend of Garudonicus?
Untargeted removal while self-destroying your girlfriend Nephthys is a powerful word.
… However, although Nephthys is effective when it is destroyed, it is a little difficult to aim at because the ritual consumes a lot of cards.
Even if you look at all the effects, both monster removal and self-regeneration are the same as the Fire King divine beast Gardonicus, so you can only use it as much as you want to inflict damage on your opponent without causing damage to yourself. .
Self-regeneration is also slower than your own standby phase, so how to overcome that time will be an issue.
It's definitely a useful effect, but if you don't have a solid defense, you'll be burned to death by your opponent, so be careful.
Illustration ad is enough, but is it the feeling that card power is a little unsatisfactory?
Falling Current ▶︎ Deck 《Falling Current》
japan ルイ
2018/07/29 20:21
Yugioh Icon
When combined with Mayakashi S, this card can do some really interesting moves.
3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and he continuously synced Mayakashi S, and made 11 Mayakashi S a star with this card, and it was fun to continuously sync with Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi again ^ q ^
If you set up a bone tower in advance, it's dangerous that 《Hajun, the Winged Mayakashi》NS start will result in 42 deck deaths.
It seems like it could be abused, but it didn't seem possible, but it's like a combo card that can finally be used.
Other than that, Junk Warrior or low-level support seems to be the only card, so if you can find a card that can do more evil things, it will be a more shining card.
Let's give it +4 points with high hopes.
Binary Sorceress ▶︎ Deck 《Binary Sorceress》
japan ルイ
2018/07/24 17:01
Yugioh Icon
A normal sorceress, still in her current position.
Both of these effects aren't enough to cause trouble, but even so, it's a subtle card that can be used with other cards.
The LP recovery would still be better if it responded to direct attacks, and the pseudo-force effect might be excellent as a combat trick, but it's also a "too normal" effect that's good or bad as a restraint. .
If you link each other, it will be effective, but if you don't, it's just vanilla, and there are Troymare and Trigate, so it's hard to say that it's worth the effort to meet the conditions.
It might be better to say that it is the best card for beginners to learn how to use reciprocal links.
Inferno Reckless Summon ▶︎ Deck 《Inferno Reckless Summon》
japan ルイ
2018/07/18 19:33
Yugioh Icon
The peculiarities and effects are quite good, and it's a representative card that feels great when it's decided.
Recently, it's not uncommon for the majority of monsters to come out of the EX Deck, and is it a good thing or a bad thing that only you can runaway summon?
It is often treated as a basic disadvantage to let the opponent deploy, but it depends on the way of thinking.
For example, pulling Hydride, the King of Illusions from Halifair, and dealing with Griongand, Mistworm, or Trishula from Rampage Summons is often an advantage in the end.
Isn't it unique to this card that you can use it to increase the number of targets on purpose?
It's not stable, but there are plenty of entertainment elements, so it would be interesting to build his deck around this card.
Diana the Light Spirit ▶︎ Deck 《Diana the Light Spirit》
japan ルイ
2018/07/14 14:33
Yugioh Icon
Spirit of Light Kaminari Summer (Realism)
can you believe it? If you get these two cards together, you'll become Takagi B*...?
There are enough cards and illustration ads that are easy to put out before strong and weak, and are useful as materials, so it's perfect.
You can also exclude Eclipse Wyvern, and there is no limit to the number of self-Special Summons, so it should be easy to use.
The attributes don't match, but Witch of the Black Forest is compatible with searches, so you don't have to worry about yourself too much.
You probably don't have many chances to use the latter effect, but since it recovers LP, I think it will be a little easier to use if you revive it in Thunder Summer, so it can be said that it is a surprisingly useful existence around the end of the game.
It's a cute card, so let's give it a perfect score.
Extra-Foolish Burial ▶︎ Deck 《Extra-Foolish Burial》
japan ルイ
2018/07/14 14:19
Yugioh Icon
Nekroz enhancement is here!! You can win with this!!
There is no limit to how many times Gerd Gras can be used, and he can be used as many times as he wants by stepping on his LP.
Send the Shaddoll fusion to her GY to salvage her Shaddoll Spell Trap, send it to the united robot GY to create a special summon of 3 parts, and so on.
Since it can be copied with 《Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom》, it seems to be worth exploiting.
There are some disadvantages, and half of her LP is a cost that can't be ignored, but it's still a card at a level where you get your change back.
It's a performance that makes you nod that this is a super rare.
Folgo, Justice Fur Hire ▶︎ Deck 《Folgo, Justice Fur Hire》
japan ルイ
2018/07/14 14:15
Yugioh Icon
What are you doing, Commander!!
The material is quite heavy with 3 monsters of different races, but if you consider the amount of money you earn, it's a power card with a level of change.
Until now, I thought it was a stupid enhancement (compliment) to forcibly earn the hand add that had been plaguing Fur Hire.
This is also a good adjustment in the sense that restrictions that cannot be made into link materials also prevent abuse.
If I had to complain a little, it would have been better if I could have activated it even when my card was destroyed, but it was a luxury.
It's a card that made it a broken card in a good way.
Two-for-One Team ▶︎ Deck 《Two-for-One Team》
japan ルイ
2018/07/14 14:01
Yugioh Icon
Salesman: Well, this robot costs only 80 million yen!
It's not about the level of rip-offs!!
When combined with the extremely villainous Dark Row, it's a card that only benefits, but when used alone, the opponent also benefits from the effect, so it's honestly a bit of a mystery...
A card worth devising, such as a summoning reaction system for monsters, a piggyback trigger for spells, and excluding traps in combination with macros for traps.
Well, if you take a closer look at the card, you'll find that it's quite exceptional, so there's no doubt that it's a usable card.
There aren't many decks that stack multiple traps these days, and most of the traps I've been shown are from infinite shadows, "Evenly Matched", and red reboots, so you can earn a lot of information ads.
Overall, it's not a bad card, but it feels like it's a little weak in punch.
For better or worse, it's a normal rare card.
Token Collector ▶︎ Deck 《Token Collector》
japan ルイ
2018/07/14 13:52
Yugioh Icon
This smile I want to protect, it seems that the token will be erased.
A pretty good card with a strong token-related meta that works well with Super Hippo.
Since the token will self-regenerate during SS, if you want to keep the token alive, you should put the token on the link destination of Black Angel Cherubini in Malebranche of the Burning Abyss.
In addition to the scapegoat meta, the combo with 《Nightmare Archfiends》looks like it will shine, I'm so excited.
However, I wonder if the effect of destroying all tokens and SSing itself came from the fact that children often kept insects they picked in their insect cages and let them die from stress...
If that's the case, you could say it's a strong irony about the goblin's smile.
It's not a particularly strong card, but it's definitely a card worth devising.
Slacker Magician ▶︎ Deck 《Slacker Magician》
japan ルイ
2018/07/14 6:30
Yugioh Icon
No explanation needed!! (While pointing to the chest)
It's powerless against removal that doesn't target, but it negates 《Compulsory Evacuation Device》up to 2 times and destroys it.
Moreover, it is very easy to put out because the material is light with 1 x 2 stars.
It's in the EX Deck, so if you want to put it out, you can make a wall appear at any time, so it's rather annoying.
However, playing a defense-only card doesn't directly lead to victory, so it's better to use it in a special victory deck as illustrated (?).
It seems like you don't really want to work either?
He's an excellent wall player, so he'll do his best to support it with the surrounding cards so that it doesn't break through, and his Deck, which gradually attacks, will be useful.
Number 69: Heraldry Crest ▶︎ Deck 《Number 69: Heraldry Crest》
japan ルイ
2018/07/12 14:54
Yugioh Icon
What you're doing should be strong, but there are currently only two regulated Xyz, so it can't be helped.
Even though Xyz itself is currently in a headwind, it would be quicker to add the same name than to put this 4x3 star just for the sake of copying, seriously.
I don't know if it was the time when Xyz came out and the environment was completely mainstream, but if it's now, Owakon would be a good place...
It's certainly nice to be able to copy, but I'd rather use another rank 4 than prepare 3 4 stars to bring it to that situation.
Or rather, if you can prepare 3 bodies in the first place, you can guess various things at the time when Link 3 can also be set up.
At most, the current role is to fertilize the showcase, and it can be said that it is almost hopeless that the turn will come.
It's just one of the cards that used to be good.
I like illustrations.
Helpoemer ▶︎ Deck 《Helpoemer》
japan ルイ
2018/07/06 11:06
Yugioh Icon
It looks like it can be used as 《Burning Bamboo Sword》(I am not saying that it can be used)
I thought it would be fun to force him to enter the Battle Phase and handicap him, slowly stealing his cards... but this card has quite a few peculiarities.
It would have been nice if at least it was 4 stars like the original, but maybe that was the problem, so it ended up being recorded with 5 stars.
Hmm, now I think it's no problem at all.
If you use it, it will be used with Hellway Patrol.
It's not bad, but it's a card that makes you want to use it.
Formula Synchron ▶︎ Deck 《Formula Synchron》
japan ルイ
2018/07/06 11:01
Yugioh Icon
Accompanied by Halifayre and numerous solitaires.
Combining it with a certain Librarian increases the number of draws, so it's still a strong card to say the least, with 3 Pots of Greed in the actual EX Deck.
Thanks to Halifiber, it comes out ignoring materials and draws 1 while also contributing to solitaire.
Just like the standard charge, you can use it only for the draw.
Since it is a plain machine, it supports his magnet reverse like Harifiber, so it contributes greatly to accelerator synchronization.
It used to be one of the expensive cards, but since it was reprinted, it's a big deal that it's now easy to obtain.
It's not limited to this card, but I don't think the S tuner will be able to stand up to Harifiber for the rest of its life. (Looking away from his Dragunity somewhere)
Hero Flash!! ▶︎ Deck 《Hero Flash!!》
japan ルイ
2018/07/06 10:37
Yugioh Icon
He is seriously alive and ok.
Even if the conditions are finally met, it is out of the question at the point where the reward is too little.
No matter how romantic, there are cards that are a little better, right?
In the first place, half the LP is required and there are conditions, but there is also the existence of Alive, so there is almost no point in aiming.
Couldn't you do something about it? At least Special Summon as many E/HERO Neos as possible from your hand/Deck/GY, but you didn't get punished.
Are you licking the player?
Phantom Skyblaster ▶︎ Deck 《Phantom Skyblaster》
japan ルイ
2018/07/06 10:28
Yugioh Icon
There was no token generator, no burn effect.
You can create at least one token when summoned, but you may have noticed recently that due to the nature of the number of monster zones, you can only create a maximum of two.
Even if you use it as it is, it can be said that it is a scapegoat whose effect is halved, so even if you consider using the summoning right, it is a good one.
It's been strengthened by the link summon implementation, but I don't want to use the summoning right... It would have been easier to use if it also supported Special Summon.
The burn effect is surprisingly easy to forget, so if you can protect it with other cards, it may become a leading firepower.
It's not a bad card, but I would say it's a card that isn't particularly strong.

(14/55 pages) 196 - 210

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