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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck List  > "Right Arm of the Forbidden One" Deck List

used "Right Arm of the Forbidden One" Deck List (Yu-Gi-Oh!) Showing 31 to 60 of 493

used "Right Arm of the Forbidden One" Deck List.
Rating Score Card Name Card-Type
Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Right Arm of the Forbidden One ▶︎ Deck 6.6 33 Right Arm of the Forbidden One Normal Monster
- 1 Spellcaster 200 300
A forbidden right arm sealed by magic. Whosoever breaks this seal will know infinite power.

Deck Name category how to win view num Score Posted date
Shout to Open the Seal the Forbidden One Special Victory 3723 6 20-05-15
Darkness of Summoning God Ritual Monster Beatdown 3787 10 20-05-14
Wave of the Sealed God Spellcaster Beatdown 3764 10 20-05-14
the Forbidden One Gimmick Over Gimmick Puppet Special Victory 4168 0 20-05-11
Exodia fortune telling Fortune Lady Special Victory 3687 0 20-05-08
Sky Striker Ace Exodia Sky Striker Ace, Sky Striker Special Victory 12506 18 20-05-05
Unlimited Exo with the highest winning rate in Lotd - Special Victory 12183 87 20-05-05
Eternal Dragon King (Wall of Revealing Light & Katsuro Exo) - Special Victory 1560 30 20-05-04
Align while fighting. Sky Exo Fur Hire Beatdown 3997 26 20-05-02
Library Exo where you can fight a little the Forbidden One Special Victory 2368 0 20-04-09
《Exodia・Nekroz》 Nekroz Beatdown 4340 33 20-03-27
Preceding one-kill type The Six Samurai infinite loop Six Samurai Special Victory 9326 30 20-03-20
The Six Samurai Infinite Loop New Limited Edition Six Samurai Beatdown 8022 40 20-03-20
Sky Striker Exo Sky Striker Ace, Sky Striker Special Victory 3159 0 20-03-20
0 kill barrage! "Deck that does not pass the turn to the opponent Spellcaster Special Victory 4872 56 20-03-16
Hope Exodia the Forbidden One Special Victory 3048 0 20-03-10
Military God Exodia the Forbidden One Beatdown 5537 40 20-02-12
The Weakest Deck in History ・Mori Urara - Fan, Theme 3022 33 20-02-11
Sacrifice Exo the Forbidden One Special Victory 5057 16 20-02-07
Torepan Tiger King First One Kill Exodia the Forbidden One Special Victory 4381 10 20-02-01
Advanced Ritual Lazuli First One Kill Exodia the Forbidden One Special Victory 2600 26 20-01-26
Rokubu Exo Six Samurai Special Victory 3667 16 20-01-13
Sky Striker Ace with Exo Sky Striker Ace, Sky Striker Beatdown 2697 10 20-01-13
Katsuro Exo modern version - Special Victory 3308 26 20-01-06
Endurance Exodia - Special Victory 2424 10 19-11-20
Majongdo Iai Exo the Forbidden One Special Victory 2431 6 19-10-28
"Two roads" to go - Fan, Theme 2236 20 19-10-13
Danger! Exo Danger! Special Victory 8043 48 19-10-10
Blue-Eyed Exodia the Forbidden One Special Victory 2536 16 19-10-03
Counter Exodia the Forbidden One Special Victory 1676 10 19-10-03

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