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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > PRIMAL ORIGIN > Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon

Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon Used Deck

Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Xyz Monster
Effect Monster
- 9 Dragon 4500 3000
3 Level 9 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card; until the end of this turn, negate the effects of all other face-up cards currently on the field, also your opponent cannot activate cards or effects on the field. If this card has "Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon" as material, it gains this effect.
●You can Tribute 2 monsters; this card can make up to 3 attacks on monsters during each Battle Phase this turn.
Average Rating Score 8.6(23)
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"Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon" card reviews and rating scores

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japan Rさん
2022/05/30 13:10
Yugioh Icon
The card I drew is "RUM - Sword of the Seven Emperors"!
Now you can call the Super Dimensional Dragon at any time...
If you draw in real life, I definitely want to say that if you remove the Xyz materials, you will be able to negate face-up effects, and you will not be able to activate the effects and sets of cards on the field until the end of the turn. It is an effect that you want to use at the beginning of the main phase by playing it in The Seventh Swan. As a result, the effect when using 《Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon》as a material is not used much. If two monsters are lined up when it is activated, the one who deploys from there can carry it to victory.
japan 京太
2021/11/02 16:12
Yugioh Icon
A brain muscle that can be put out in Seven Emperors. Although it has a suppressing effect, it can not be expected because it is an activation effect.
japan シエスタ
2018/01/31 17:34
Yugioh Icon
Mizael's trump card like King Ghidorah. It is unknown whether he was conscious of it, but Thunder the King, which also uses King Ghidorah as a motif, has a similar effect.
The animation effect has effects that are unparalleled in OCG, such as "Return to the state at the start of the turn" and "Allow", and it was difficult to adjust or made it a simple effect. It also belongs to a great many categories.
Level 9 x 3 bodies are heavy, but it's a range where you can aim for regular summons.
In addition to RUM, it also supports No97, so it is easy to summon with CNo.
Compared to the lower class, it can activate its main effect, has a very high RBI, and has high control and breakthrough power during its own turn.
It's just a place-sealing effect, so it's powerless against Friche, so I can't say it's an effect that you can rely on.
Although it is possible to attack 3 times if you use a subspecies as a material, the requirements are very heavy and you can only attack monsters, so it is easy to use this as well.
As an advantage other than the effect, it has abundant support from belonging to many categories, and it has the highest value among the cards corresponding to 《Galaxy Satellite Dragon》.
I think it's one that is worth using.
japan なす
2017/12/17 21:20
Yugioh Icon
Rank 9 that can negate effects other than yourself and block the activation of opponent cards.
It has a high RBI of 4500, and can be put out immediately from the sword of the seven emperors. Using the pre-evolution material, if you can secure the release of 2 monsters, you can attack monsters up to 3 times, and it can also be a finisher while surely disposing of the opponent's monsters.
japan 如月
2017/11/09 17:06
Yugioh Icon
When Tachyon achieved C transformation, it became the shining Mitsumatanoorochi.
As expected, it is difficult to satisfy 9 x 3, so the Seven Star Sword is recommended!
However, it uses Tachyon as a material, so if you don't have one, use Argent Chaos Force! If you have rank 8, you can get it.
The Galaxy-Eyes Deck seems to work great. 《Photon Sanctuary》secures release, 《Tachyon Chaos Hole》extermination and resurrection, etc.
This Deck has excellent deployment power, so you can assume that you can attack 3 times! His ATK of 4500 is also 6300 with the Xyz unit! Support will make it bigger.
If you use the effect once, your opponent will only be able to use the effect from their hand, but you also need to be careful of effects that were activated before this turn, such as Prime Photon!
japan ラーメン
2015/02/05 22:43
Yugioh Icon
It's too heavy for a normal Xyz, so it's better to use RUM on Rank 8, and the second effect isn't something you want to force, so it doesn't necessarily have to be a Space-Time Dragon to rank up.
The second effect requires releasing 2 bodies and has a limit of "on monsters", so I don't think it's something you can force to activate, but if it goes well, it's still romantic enough to deal 1 kill class damage.
I simply think that the first effect is powerful, I can only say that it is strong to be able to hit with 4500 RBI without worrying about face-down cards, Scarecrow and him are hindered by Ghostricks, but minus that is also an excellent effect.
japan ジャマジャマー
2014/11/27 23:40
Yugioh Icon
Without Tachyon-tan, Gimme Pape would have been stuck in many scenes.
Gimme Pape Deck Hidden Boss Part 2
High RBI + Numeron + cold wave, a good card with all three threats
The excellent combination of Tachyon and Devils is tough! invincible! The strongest!
japan ガガガ先輩
2014/10/05 2:12
Yugioh Icon
I was once ridiculed as Netakion, but it was a big cold wave + Sunrendera! The strongest King Ghidorah that can't be weak, and comes out in an instant with Seven Swan.
Sun render! is activated, the opponent will be Surenda! I have no choice but to do it.
japan のりってぃ
2014/09/30 23:33
Yugioh Icon
The blind spot of GY and the hand is a good effect that can negate all the effects of certain things
The second effect, which seems useless at first glance, is not useless considering that it has 4500 points.
A 4500 triple attack is a maximum of 13500 damage, and even 1 kill is not a dream.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2014/05/20 23:20
Yugioh Icon
The Over Hundred Chaos Numbers, which first appeared (in existence), finally appeared in the final pack.
However, it is a splendid King Ghidorah.
The effect that the OCG team was about to die, such as "return to the beginning of the turn as if it was not activated, and you can only use cards permitted by the controller", ended up being a cold wave,
Not only is it the highest hit score that can be obtained with the sword of the seven emperors, but it also has a considerable amount of control power, and it is convenient that it can be obtained without having to undergo a regular evolution from Tachyon.
And with the arrival of Argent, and being accessible to anyone at rank 8 with his relatively large deck, 4500 cold weather is usually scary.
The Skidre effect cannot be used if only you have a face-up card at the time of activation, and effects other than the field will be activated, but it can be a top candidate when changing from 8 to 9 with Argent.
Sunrender at the time of normal evolution! However, please understand the ease of use from the weight of the cost.
japan B
2014/03/06 22:40
Yugioh Icon
A power idiot with a cold wave.
However, the base is a power fool.
It would be a weight that goes against the environment if it's just a power idiot even via other rank 8 of Argent Chaos.
It's even heavier when it hits 3 times. It's a level that might give up from the beginning.
Of course, if it comes from Seven Swan, the story is different. It's extremely brutal when it comes out from one piece.
japan 青(じょう)
2014/02/26 21:27
Yugioh Icon
Nickname: King Ghidorah
I want you to stop the text "negate everything" already (earnest)
Naturally, making it negate is synonymous with being able to ignore destruction resistance and selection resistance and do as much destruction as possible.
In addition, the "cannot be activated" text makes it extremely exhilarating to be able to swing this super-sized card without worrying about face-down cards.
The three-time attack has fewer opportunities to aim, but if it is decided, it can deal damage of one-kill class.
There is also the sword of the seven emperors, but it is a powerful Chaos Numbers that is worth putting out on its own.
japan レモン
2014/02/20 21:18
Yugioh Icon
Miza-chan's beloved Kingki dr...
If you can get it out with the sword of the seven emperors, you will ascend to heaven
Whether or not to change the enead using the effect ......
japan ロデオボーイ
2014/02/16 17:58
Yugioh Icon
The trump card of Miza-chan who is indebted to Sylvan. Basically, it's common to use Argent or Seven Emperor's Sword. It's nice to be able to block the opponent without using tachyon material. If you use tachyon material, it will be a pseudo-Toradora. I can only use monsters as a cost...
japan ABYSS
2014/02/11 2:38
Yugioh Icon
It's a little unsatisfactory to put out on its own, but if you think that it will come out with one sword of the seven emperors, it's very powerful combined with the hit point and effect.
You rarely use 3 attacks, you can't use it for direct attacks.
japan とき
2014/01/23 10:36
Yugioh Icon
There was a time when expectations were high and he was disappointingly treated as King Ghidorah, but with the appearance of Argent Chaos Force and Seven Swan, Dragon has increased his presence as a confident Niki in RBI.
The effect that uses Tachyon as a material is quite difficult to use, and the three-time attack is likely to overkill, and the two Releases are quite tough, so the common effect is the main one.
The first half effect is excellent enough considering the recent swagger with resistance, and it is powerful enough to safely pass 4500 attacks with negate. This is scary because it can be activated even if it is put out with Argent or Seven Swan.
Above all, it's the best hit card in the RUM series, so in an 8-axis Deck that uses Argent, if EX allows, you'll want to have one in it. Also a candidate for Seven Swan.
japan バーン信者
2014/01/23 3:23
Yugioh Icon
Basically, it seems that the first half of the effect is mainly used, so if it is a Deck that uses Rank 8, it can be adopted just by adopting Argent Chaos Force.
In order to use the latter effect, it is almost necessary to rank up from the space-time dragon and Photon Sanctuary, so you will only have the opportunity to use it in pure Photon Galaxy. Since it can only attack monsters, it looks unsuitable for one-kill, but if you add a piercing effect with a card such as 《Dragon's Rage》, it will demonstrate its ridiculous one-kill power.
In addition, since it supports the new Counter Trap "Tachyon Transmigration", it exerts overwhelming control power when held in hand.
japan 光芒
2014/01/22 23:31
Yugioh Icon
It's been a year since the Space-Time Dragon first appeared. The long-awaited CNo.107 is OCG. However, it is also a story of the past that the expectations were too high and it was treated as a little disappointing. It is used as a set with the Space-Time Dragon because it has the highest hit in the Chaos Numbers that come out of the Sword of the Seven Emperors.
Since it's level 9x3, it's too heavy to be used normally, so the main summoning method is to rank up from the space-time dragon. However, in normal RUM, it is necessary to adopt a space-time dragon, but with Argent Chaos Force, it is possible to rank up from other than the space-time dragon, so if you build a deck based on rank 8, point to Argent and this card. If you leave it, Fergrant or Giant Killer who have used up all the materials will be disguised as this card, so you can't do it foolishly.
By the way, the effect that can be activated when using a space-time dragon as a material is similar to 《Trident Dragion》, but be aware that unlike over there, only monsters can be used as a cost.
japan ねこーら
2024/05/26 17:44
Yugioh Icon
japan みめっと
2024/05/26 6:01
Yugioh Icon
japan パンピー
2024/04/23 23:58
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/10/01 1:38
Oh oh oh oh! The Seven Stars! And it's cold! And one kill with the release of two from the meteor bow!
japan 2014/02/20 9:09
Piercing through the swirling galaxy, revive from before time was born, a dragon star that transcends eternity
A monster with a cool mouth and a favorite illustration
RBI is also high, perfect performance to call with RUM
However, it seems that the first effect cannot be activated if there is no face-up card other than this card by ruling.

Decks with "Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
PRIMAL ORIGIN PRIO-JP041 2014-02-15 SecretUltimateUltra
Legendary Duelists: Shining Duelist Edition DP29-JP012 2024-05-25 Quarter Century SecretNormal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 2,431 / 13,089 Cards
View Num 189,409
Rank 9 Best Xyz Monster Ranking 3rd
Level 9 Best Monster Ranking 37th


Japanese card name CNo.107 超銀河眼の時空龍

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