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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > STARDUST OVERDRIVE > Zero Gardna

Zero Gardna Used Deck

Zero Gardna
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster - 4 Warrior 0 0
You can Tribute this card to activate its effect. If you do, monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle, and you take no Battle Damage during this turn. This effect can be activated during either player's turn.
Average Rating Score 6.9(22)
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  3. Decks with Zero Gardna (50 Decks)
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"Zero Gardna" card reviews and rating scores

4% (1)
68% (15)
27% (6)
0% (0)
0% (0)

japan ねこーら
2023/03/06 23:02
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: Quite useful as time gain.
It's a monster effect version of "Waboku", and there's a risk of eating "Called by the Grave", but if you use it once, you'll be safe for the turn.
Compared to 《Swift Scarecrow》, it needs to be put on the field once, but it has the advantage of being able to use Warrior support such as 《The Warrior Returning Alive》, which leads to Rank 4 even when revived.
Also, like Waboku, you can use it on your turn to fight while reducing battles damage.
japan 戦士族大好き
2023/01/20 23:55
Yugioh Icon
Welcome to all Warriors.
Anyone can become a Warrior if they have a fighting spirit in their heart.
Like 《Sky Striker Ace - Raye》, it is hard to crush the activation because it is a release activation of the triggered immediate effect. It is also weak against 《Called by the Grave》.
If you let it pass, the turn will be returned unless it is a special deck.
Because of its effect, it won't be used in a normal deck, and it's a good match with the [Final Countdown] type of turn earning and the theme.
It is also interesting that 《Time-Tearing Morganite》can be used in combination with 《Cardcar D》and that it has become possible to differentiate it more clearly from its longtime rivals such as 《Swift Scarecrow》and 《Battle Fader》.
The status is also blown out and both offense and defense are highly evaluated as 0.
There are things that are better to be 0 than to be given an incomplete status.
japan サンパイ
2022/10/03 11:48
Yugioh Icon
Waboku》that can be searched with reinforcements and salvaged with 《The Warrior Returning Alive》.
It is a drawback that there are many cases where the summoning right is used to put it on the field
japan 京太
2022/03/11 2:35
Yugioh Icon
It is used to buy time such as countdown. Can I use runes too?
Even so, why did Yusei at the time have so many cards that didn't mesh well?
japan アルバ
2020/09/01 23:54
Yugioh Icon
Reinforcement response free chain reconciliation.
Even if you use the right to summon, if you survive until the opponent's turn, you can definitely get past one turn, so it used to be a countdown.
Currently, there are more free chains, and it can be removed during your turn, and you can't let your guard down during the opponent's turn because of the existence of the grave, but there is room for utilization because it is a status that makes it easy to Special Summon.
japan シエスタ
2019/11/11 9:19
Yugioh Icon
A monster with built-in harmony. The advantage is that it is a warrior with abundant support that is easy to search and collect instead of having to put it on the field.
Weaknesses are also different, so if you adopt it along with reconciliation or intimidation, you will have some resistance to the meta.
It doesn't see the light of day much, but I think it's a good card.
japan 備長炭18
2018/12/13 10:00
Yugioh Icon
A level 4 warrior monster in terms of appearance and offense and defense.
By releasing itself, it has the same effect as "Waboku", which reduces battle destruction and damage to 0, and even if there is a search card, it basically requires the right to summon, so reconciliation usually takes precedence. be done. For that reason, it should be used in delayed decks, etc., where defensive cards are necessary anyway and are not often summoned.
Cards with a similar purpose include Swift Scarecrow and Fader, which are inferior to surprise attacks because they enter the field once, and there is a risk of being removed if they are played after the middle stage, but they have the advantage of being able to be reused as resurrection cards. It would be a good idea to use them together.
I can't go as far as general purpose, but I think that Waboku Internal is quite strong.
japan ヒコモン
2017/04/18 12:43
Yugioh Icon
Monster version "Waboku". It is possible to prevent all kinds of damage and monster destruction. Since it is a Warrior, it is very capable of dealing with reinforcements, but since it is a monster that needs to be put on the field, it will be painful if it is removed during your turn. It also uses summoning rights, so it is not often used for its performance.
japan ファイア野郎
2015/12/14 19:52
Yugioh Icon
A card with 《Waboku》.
There are "Battle Fader" and "Swift Scarecrow" as defensive cards,
This is also possible to protect the monsters in the field, searching for reinforcements,
It can be differentiated in that it can be reused with 《The Warrior Returning Alive》.
However, since it is necessary to put it into play once,
Will it be inferior to the previous two in terms of defensive performance?
japan 渦木
2015/08/28 0:06
Yugioh Icon
It looks like an insect, but it's a Warrior.
There are many rivals like "Swift Scarecrow" and "Battle Fader", but this one can search for reinforcements, and since it's sent from the field to his GY instead of being banished, you can use the effect any number of times if you use a resurrection card. is your strength?
Final Countdown》can be adopted along with scarecrows and faders.
japan かのん
2015/05/05 11:14
Yugioh Icon
I wanted to endure as much as possible!
An excellent child who can be used at any time during the opponent's turn to survive one turn.
Since there are scarecrows and faders, it is a delicate place whether it will be adopted in Decks that you want to protect
This one can be returned with limit reverse, and responds to reinforcements and survivors.
You can differentiate.
japan exa
2014/04/06 10:07
Yugioh Icon
It's a card that can be used as a stopgap by itself, but it's also a card that benefits from many other cards. You can search with reinforcements, you can get Warrior Xyz with Lindbergh, you can fish with debris, and you can fish with 《Masked Chameleon》.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/10/03 21:51
Yugioh Icon
Cards like 《Waboku》from free chains. However, unlike 《Waboku》, it can be used by opponents, so I would like to take advantage of being able to use it with 《The Warrior Returning Alive》. Since it has 0 ATK, you can use 《Debris Dragon》to get it to Rank 4, and it is a very powerful card.
japan 秋風
2013/08/11 11:31
Yugioh Icon
God is the end. It seems to be easy to use, such as calling in reinforcements or turning it around with 《The Warrior Returning Alive》. But normal beatdown is inferior when using summoning rights
japan P
2013/02/11 9:52
Yugioh Icon
You can understand this annoyingness if you try to use it
Thanks to status and race, you can collect and search
japan スクラップトリトドン
2011/09/06 9:59
Yugioh Icon
Companion to Delayed Deck.
The reconciliation that lives while free-chaining is a piece of countdown delight.
Although it is not normally used, it is useful in Decks where even one defensive card is desired.
Unlike reconciliation, it is quite strong in that it can be reused with remiliva and 《The Warrior Returning Alive》.
japan NEOS
2010/10/22 19:20
Yugioh Icon
It's inferior to 《Battle Fader》and 《Swift Scarecrow》because it has to be summoned.
However, if you release it on the field, you can reconcile, so it works well with resurrection combos.
It's doubtful that he's a warrior, but... well, enough as a support.
japan とき
2010/08/18 12:28
Yugioh Icon
A card that can activate the effect of 《Waboku》by releasing itself.
It's hard to imagine from its appearance, but since it's a Warrior, it calls in reinforcements, recovers with The Warrior Returning Alive, and revives with many resurrection cards from its abundant support abilities, negates damage over and over again. can. An excellent defensive card in a dedicated Deck.
Along with "Battle Fader" and "Swift Scarecrow", it's a friend of the delayed deck that has raised "Final Countdown" to a competitive level.
It is a card that proves in various ways how terrifying it is that monsters have card effects built into them. However, since summoning rights are required, you can ask for his deck that does not consume summoning rights.
japan SOUL
2010/08/05 9:43
Yugioh Icon
If you stack 3 of these, you can earn a lot of turns.
Let's add 《Swift Scarecrow》and 《Battle Fader》and digest the count of 《Final Countdown》.
But note that the opponent's hand is increasing.
When the attack can no longer be blocked, you will be hit with a concentrated hit.
It's difficult to adopt in general Deck.
japan みめっと
2023/12/13 12:30
Yugioh Icon
japan ブルーバード
2023/12/13 8:39
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/09/10 19:47
Enter the countdown! Reconciliation, roar, truce, fader and scarecrow

Decks with "Zero Gardna"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
Duelist Pack - Yusei hen 2 - DP09-JP012 2009-10-17 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 5,840 / 12,858 Cards
View Num 31,649


Japanese card name ゼロ・ガードナー

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