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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > V JUMP EDITION 6 > Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry

Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry Used Deck

Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Xyz Monster
Effect Monster
- 5 Machine 3200 2000
3 Level 5 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card; send the top 3 cards of your opponent's Deck to the GY, then, if any monsters were sent to the GY by this effect, destroy cards your opponent controls, up to the number of monsters sent.
Average Rating Score 5.3(32)
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  3. Decks with Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry (94 Decks)
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"Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry" card reviews and rating scores

6% (2)
9% (3)
53% (17)
31% (10)
0% (0)

japan シエスタ
2018/08/29 10:37
Yugioh Icon
The activity in Ghost Rider, in which the vehicle of the original story appeared, was cool.
It has a high hit point of over 3000 among rank 5, and also has a removal effect.
However, the big bottleneck is the weight of rank 5 and the required materials of 3 bodies.
If that's all it is, the removal effect is highly uncertain, and in the worst case, GY fertilizer can send salt to the opponent.
Well, it is a card with conspicuous instability.
However, there was a time when he was active even with this, and as already said, Ptolemy appeared in the 9th term, able to relieve his own weight.
Since the P Deck was popular because of its deployment power, high ratio of monsters, and his low use of GY, the removal effect was easy to stabilize, and it was a particularly favorable environment for me.
However, since his partner Putre was banned, the weight became an issue again and it was put into the original scabbard. I don't think I'll ever be in such a blessed environment again.
japan 備長炭18
2018/05/26 11:52
Yugioh Icon
Please release Ptolemy!
I have Dobok Zark in critical condition! (a big lie)
There are various good points, but at any rate, level 5 x 3 is heavy.
japan アルバ
2017/09/21 11:10
Yugioh Icon
A card that attracted attention as the highest RBI in the RBI staff that could be put out from the era when Putre dominated the environment.
5×3 can be quite heavy, first of all, it's an indeterminate removal after fertilizing the opponent's GY and giving the opponent a bonus, and it's not impressive for the weight.
Even though it will fertilize the opponent's GY, there is a reasonable chance that you can destroy 2 or more cards, so the effect is not weak, but it is too heavy.
japan かのん
2015/07/18 11:37
Yugioh Icon
Monsters with uncertainties like this are exciting.
RBI is also high at 3200, and since it is a machine, it also supports 《Limiter Removal》.
However, he sends from Deck to GY from the opponent's girlfriend's Deck.
GY is frequently activated these days, so if you're not good at it, you may end up helping your opponent.
japan EXデッキ焼き
2015/07/10 16:44
Yugioh Icon
It was a monster that required a lot of materials for its effect and didn't really have a place to play an active part, but it quickly attracted attention as a rank 5 that can remove the P zone that can be put out from the putre, and the price is soaring. Being able to hit a troublesome giant bird as it is is also one of the reasons for the soaring price. However, it is difficult to summon outside of Putre, and the effect is uncertain, so 6 would be appropriate.
japan ラーメン
2015/06/29 18:51
Yugioh Icon
It's not a bad effect, but it's undeniably unstable and difficult to use for three 5 stars.
When I thought about it, it seems that at rank 5 when he comes out of Putre, he is a card that can destroy Pendulum cards.
japan デッキビルダ~る
2015/02/23 19:26
Yugioh Icon
If you put it in a trendy RR, it will be a considerable firepower (^ ^)
As a companion seeking romance ♪

I mean... what's with the recent surge in prices... I got it by holding it.
2014/09/21 20:03
Yugioh Icon
Adding him to the popular Vampire as the Monarch country will be a considerable firepower... (^^)
As a companion seeking romance ♪
japan hio
2014/08/08 23:38
Yugioh Icon
To be frank, Volka, Tiras, and Pleiades are much higher in terms of stable strength and ease of use.
Still, there is romance in this card.
A destructive effect that enriches the opponent's GY, but does not target monsters that are easy to use.
It doesn't matter which way you fall, a Spell Trap that is hard to reuse is delicious.
He also has 3200 RBI points, so even if he gets hit by Veiler, he can play the role of hitting it as it is.
It's true that it's "strong if you can." That alone satisfies the conditions for a Roman card, so it's good.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2014/08/08 23:16
Yugioh Icon
There is a heavy material restriction of level 5 × 3, but the hitting point and effect are quite strong. The effect is peculiar and helps the opponent's GY increase, but since the ratio of monsters is high in most of his decks, multiple destruction is not a dream. Once the Spell/Trap is dropped, it's unlikely to be reused, so it can be said that the risk is smaller than his normal Deck destruction effect. You can also appreciate the fact that you do not involve your own cards.
japan ギア
2014/07/15 11:34
Yugioh Icon
A gigantic romantic weapon completed by incorporating 《Jumbo Drill》into Gadget. Its difficulty surpasses that of a certain super-dreadnought turret train and a certain huge aerial palace.
If you want to put it out raw, there is CNo.101 in the same material. Effects are unlikely to beat him. Then what will you fight for? ATK. It has a numerical value that can barely beat 《Fang King》.
Of course, the effect is not bad because it doesn't take targets and you can destroy up to 3 cards. GY Fertilized? It doesn't matter if you pass the lead on the summon turn.
It corresponds to "Limiter Removal" and has a destructive effect.
It's not weak, but it's hard to differentiate because there are a lot of 5x2 stars that are full of versatility.
In addition, it seems that he is a trump card in my Gadget.
japan ヒコモン
2014/05/02 0:00
Yugioh Icon
High RBI is good, but the effect is likely to help the opponent's GY fertilizer.
Of course, the fact that he fertilized GY means that he can destroy it, but the luck factor is high and lacks stability.
japan たたた
2013/06/24 16:21
Yugioh Icon
Thank you
Bakuchi-type cards that are very strong if you get it right, but are miserable if you fail.
japan ナル参照
2013/04/09 17:54
Yugioh Icon
Princess runaway Doboguzak, she has a deck
Since the destruction is uncertain, the stardust effect cannot be used, and the opponent's card is unilaterally destroyed.
The RBI is also very gorgeous and not bad, but if you ask me if I want to put up to three 5 stars, yeah.
ZW's Lion for RBI, Volka Adreus for destruction, and Shark F for damage...
japan ファナナス
2013/02/03 7:03
Yugioh Icon
Three level 5s... it's hard to get into play without his deck, which is quite specialized. Level 5, which is easy to special summon, has increased, but 3 bodies... However, his ATK is quite high instead. As for the effect, if you do it normally, it will only help the opponent's GY manure, and in some cases you can't destroy anything. If it still can't be destroyed, it means that he was able to drop only his opponent's Spell Trap.
japan みかんゼリー
2013/01/05 16:51
Yugioh Icon
Regarding the matter that Volka, who is reliable and equipped with Burn, is prioritized over this child who relies on luck.
The strength here is the height of the RBI, but I don't want to put out three heavy 5 stars.
On top of that, monsters fall = it will fertilize the opponent's GY, so depending on the situation, it may promote the opponent's development.
japan ボチヤミサンタイ
2012/11/02 0:09
Yugioh Icon
It's dynamic, but it doesn't have resistance, so it's hard to put out.
Destructive effect and ATK are attractive, but other Rank 5 Xyz are prioritized
Does this effect target? "Aren't you going to take it?"
japan ドラゴンX
2012/08/18 16:17
Yugioh Icon
I'm unlucky!
japan REX
2012/04/04 21:42
Yugioh Icon
Hmmm, if it's starting, it's a sacred time, Wind-Up, 《Darklon》(?), and so on.
Before Super Galaxy-Eyes came out, she had the strongest ATK in Xyz. But now it's different.
Heinous Deck It's nice to have a death effect, but if you try to use it, you'll end up with an accident in your hand...
Yes, Ka~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
japan m
2012/02/08 23:55
Yugioh Icon
Turn a level 5 angel into light deity to make him a Special Summon.
On the contrary, his half-baked GY Fertilization is likely to be an advantage.
I will become Charlie! People should definitely try using it.
japan ゼロ
2012/01/31 20:12
Yugioh Icon
The effect of destroying the opponent's deck is good, but even if there is a level 5 in the deck destruction deck, it's only Cyber Dragon, so the possibility of summoning it is quite low now.
If he's not an official deck, the odds of him being able to summon would be higher...
japan ハネヒツジ
2011/12/15 23:38
Yugioh Icon
The ability itself is not inferior to other rank 5, but the problem here is the number of materials.
In the future, even if a gimmick that allows a large number of level 5 to be deployed is created, it is possible that two bodies of Tyrus and Volka will be OK...
japan ででででs
2011/11/18 18:16
Yugioh Icon
It's "destruction incarnate". Lined up at "Blue-Eyed". This is the "effect".
japan うぃな
2011/11/17 13:16
Yugioh Icon
The high RBI is attractive, but it seems to be difficult to handle because the effect is strong and luck is involved.
The only thing left is how to arrange the materials. Level 5x3 is a rare situation, and if you use it, it hurts that you have to intentionally build his deck.
japan NEOS
2011/10/30 12:24
Yugioh Icon
As the status is high, the effect is peculiar.
Destroying the deck often gives the opponent an advantageous situation, and if you use it poorly, it will return danger.
Is it salvation that it destroys multiple and is limited to the other party?
Since it is a Machine, it is vulnerable to Cyber Dragons.
japan みのし
2011/10/29 16:30
Yugioh Icon
Deck destruction and field control. But you need luck.
Since there are 3 level 5 cards, it's lighter than the other Xyz in the same pack.
However, it still feels heavy.
I feel like his deck, which specializes in destroying decks, doesn't use level 5 monsters much. Rather, is another rank 5 sufficient?
japan とき
2011/10/28 19:26
Yugioh Icon
The Xyz in this pack has too much romance...!
In addition to his tremendous ATK, it's also nice to be able to use destructive effects every turn, even though it's a bakuchi.
The strength as a monster is tremendous, but the problem is the summoning conditions.
Two level 5 bodies are fairly complete, but if it increases by 1, it's quite a problem. If you have Tilas and Volka at Rank 5, why don't you just add one and force yourself to be this guy...?
However, with the introduction of a card called Ptole, which makes it easy to get this card out, the evaluation changed dramatically.
In particular, the possibility of destroying multiple cards at once and the 3200 RBI that sinks the giant bird have attracted attention, and it has become an extra for the Putre Deck as a Magician Killer. If it's a Magician opponent, I don't care about his GY fattening.
At the same time, the price is also rising, and Yu-Gi-Oh is a stock.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2011/10/28 7:25
Yugioh Icon
That's why even though it's x3, it's all about not putting out monsters that are inferior to x2 (ry
The effect is Deck destruction + α. GY In the case of a deck that wants to be fertilized, it may be difficult to demand that you give the ad of the place.
However, in the case of level 5 x 3, Tyrasvolca is usually prioritized, so I can't beat these two with RBI and his Deck destruction...
japan みめっと
2023/12/19 13:08
Yugioh Icon
japan ねこーら
2023/12/19 1:26
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/08/13 22:41
An effect that completely depends on the opponent's deck. Sometimes it sticks and sometimes you end up giving salt.
Honestly, I don't think I want to go this far ( ̄▽ ̄;)
If I have all the materials, I would like to create a Dark Knight with the same conditions. 5×3 is pretty tough for Artifact.
japan 2013/04/08 21:32
Up to 3 cards can be destroyed depending on one material and luck. + If it is destruction resistance or additional attack ... (lol)
If it's a Mashmack Deck that uses level 5 a lot, it's easy to put out, so there's one chance. Heart-eartH out? I see….
If it's [Photon], he can turn around Photon ss → Usagi ns → 2 Xyz → One for One → Photon Satellite ss → Photon Slayer ss → Doboku Zark... Eh, use it for the Pleiades? shock ruler? Right…

Decks with "Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
V JUMP EDITION 6 VE06-JP003 2011-12-01 Ultra

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 8,292 / 12,858 Cards
View Num 47,504
Rank 5 Best Xyz Monster Ranking 51st


Japanese card name 重機王ドボク・ザーク

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