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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Magic Ruler > Delinquent Duo

Delinquent Duo ForbiddenUsed Deck

Delinquent Duo
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Normal Spell - - - - -
Pay 1000 LP; your opponent discards 1 random card, and if they have any other cards in their hand, discard 1 more card of their choice.
Average Rating Score 9.7(56)
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  2. Card Reviews (56 rating scores)
  3. Decks with Delinquent Duo (8 Decks)
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  5. Products in Japan
  6. Ranking and View Num

"Delinquent Duo" card reviews and rating scores

96% (54)
0% (0)
1% (1)
0% (0)
1% (1)

japan かどまん
2023/02/12 22:27
Yugioh Icon
One of the 3 Sacred Treasures of Handes
While the other two cards are basically 1:1 exchanges, this is a card that can take a clear ad of 1:2.
1000LP is something that doesn't cost anything.
The first one is random and the second one is selectable.
Cards that are wrong to have been released in the first place
japan 木花咲耶
2022/08/09 16:59
Yugioh Icon
Use the Three Sacred Treasures of Handicap to shred your opponent's hand
Deny the opponent's return using imperial orders.
Of course, my hand was reinforced with pots and charity.
The first-mover advantage has existed since then.
japan 絶望の使徒
2022/03/19 20:14
Yugioh Icon
I have the confidence to surrender the moment it is used once it is revived.
japan ブルーバード
2022/01/20 18:57
Yugioh Icon
From the perspective of Gumblar and Mulan Grace, who continue to be hated even now, it can be concluded that 2 handicap cards are strong, but a power card that can do that move with 1 card. Unlike the above, it has no quirks and is versatile enough to fit in all decks. Of course, there is no turn 1 with the same name. Well, it's unforgivable to have a turn 1 with the same name like this.
It's not an exaggeration to say that it's the strongest card in Yu-Gi-Oh in terms of winning the game as soon as you draw it, and it's one of the cards that is far from returning to the limit. I would like to leave these devils alone because they have grown up and become ashamed of their past cruelty or they have become a man who will never forgive handicap.
japan 京太
2021/10/31 21:32
Yugioh Icon
A duo who played too many pranks. I won't let you trick or treat me.
To think that something like this is normal for the first time...
japan 金平糖
2021/10/31 20:54
Yugioh Icon
Trick and Trick! Throw away two cards from your hand!
Absolutely no prank effect. You won't be coming back.
japan ねこーら
2021/01/30 1:12
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: One of the sacred treasures of Handes that is definitely advantageous just by using it.
Since you can reduce the opponent's hand by 2 cards, the movement after that will be quite slow.
Even though the opponent chooses one card, I don't think he has many cards that can be used in GY.
After stopping movement
japan nurupo2
2020/03/31 18:28
Yugioh Icon
As the card name and illustration, simple and aggressive
A great card that seems to be a Normal Spell card.
However, it can be activated at spell speed 1, not the content
It is also a card that accelerates the luck element and quagmire.
Quick-Play Spell Card Card name and illustration, simple and aggressive
A great card that seems to be a Normal Spell card.
However, it can be activated at spell speed 1, not the content
It is also a card that accelerates the luck element and quagmire.
Do you want a Quick-Play Spell card that you can finally activate under unfavorable conditions?
If you use his disposable Continuous Spell card that activates after a delay, you might be able to make a comeback.
japan みめっと
2020/02/20 11:47
Yugioh Icon
A 1000 LP card that randomly discards one card from the opponent's hand, and has the opponent choose and discard another card.
If you hit this twice in a row first, your opponent will start the game with 2 cards in their hand, including the cards they drew. The fact that it was possible to have more than one in the deck is simply incredible.
It's a villainous spell that makes me feel like I have to reconsider the criteria for scoring, whether it's 10 points because it's infinitely strong, or 1 point because it's a card that's just like an error card that has been misadjusted.
japan サンパイ
2020/02/16 6:26
Yugioh Icon
Even though Danger! appeared, 2 handicap from the beginning was too heinous. It seems that it was not done with mischief and it is prohibited.
japan プンプン丸
2019/01/07 13:12
Yugioh Icon
One of the three Sacred Treasures of Handes, it's too much of a prank. It's 1:2, and if it's played first, it's no longer motivating.
Confiscation》, which can be discarded by looking at your hand, is an easy card to must-count, but this is a card that can be said to be overwhelming in terms of quantity.
japan Yosi
2019/01/06 8:50
Yugioh Icon
really bad card
I think it's probably the top of Handes
japan もも
2019/01/06 0:34
Yugioh Icon
Among the three Sacred Treasures of Handicap, it's the hardest to calculate, but it's a card with an advantage and power.
japan シエスタ
2018/12/21 17:13
Yugioh Icon
Compared to Seizure and Sentry, it is inferior in that it cannot peeping and has no choice, but 2-card discard is simply powerful.
Although it's not as much as confiscation or brute force, while similar Gumblars take a lot of time, this card can be done with one card, and even that Gumblar is banned, so it's definitely a card that's too powerful.
It's terrifying to be able to do this kind of thing in rapid succession in an age when we don't have as much power as we do now.
japan アキ
2018/03/20 20:01
Yugioh Icon
Devil 1 "Pay 1000 LP to activate. Discard 1 card from your hand!"
Devil 2: Discard one more card from your hand!
dark world
Devil 1 and 2 "(^_^;)"
japan 備長炭18
2018/03/02 1:06
Yugioh Icon
A card that can be handicapped twice with only 1000 LP.
A bogus card that needs no further mention.
I let the opponent choose the second one, but that's only a minor difference.
japan なす
2017/07/20 23:20
Yugioh Icon
One of the forbidden cards with handicap effect.
Although you can't choose it yourself, the 2-card handicap is brutal at a low cost of 1000 LP.
japan ナナ
2017/05/17 2:59
Yugioh Icon
The most evil twin devil.
I will never come back again.
japan EXデッキ焼き
2016/11/04 21:37
Yugioh Icon
Mischief (fatal injury)
It's a crazy card that doesn't have a turn 1 limit, and on top of that, by paying 1000 LP, you can cut about half of your initial hand. Although his GY effect has increased in recent years, it's still very difficult to rebuild his strategy if he takes it seriously, and it's unlikely that Konami, who hates handicap, will release him in the future.
Maybe that's why these guys have been appearing in card illustrations lately. (In the end, it became Goyo due to a misunderstanding, such as carpooling.)
japan 石勝
2016/11/04 20:50
Yugioh Icon
Even though the cost is 1000 LP, the double handicap is crazy. It was possible to get full handicap by using this in mixed black before Errata. Probably in a cage for the rest of my life.
japan ヒコモン
2016/06/08 12:23
Yugioh Icon
One of the Three Sacred Treasures of Handes. A crazy card that pays 1000 LP and discards 2 cards from your opponent's hand. It's not a prank level. Since the second copy is chosen by the opponent and discarded, it may be profitable for the opponent, but there is no reason why it is weak to steal two cards from your hand. It's an effect that's difficult to errata, so you'll probably be stuck in a cage for the rest of your life.
japan ルイ
2016/05/27 16:37
Yugioh Icon
When this card came out...
“Pay 1000 LP and have the opponent discard 2 cards from their hand? 1000 LP or something like Takasugi?
There was a time when I thought so too...
It's outrageous when I think about it now. Or rather, it's not about the level of a two-card handicap or a prank! !
If you unlock it, you can only see the future of kusoge. There will be no permanent relief.
japan Meteor
2016/05/21 14:33
Yugioh Icon
2 handicap is too strong for 1000LP
Banned Card Strongest Candidate
japan メタルサイクロプス
2015/12/26 18:46
Yugioh Icon
The effect is not a prank... A ridiculous card that makes you discard two cards with just 1000 LP, which is the cornerstone of card games. Seriously brutal. Mischief w
japan らいあ
2015/12/12 6:21
Yugioh Icon
You should call them "crime-loving twin little devils" lol
japan カンノーネ
2015/09/12 0:50
Yugioh Icon
I don't understand
1000 is too cheap, even if you think positively that one card will be chosen by the opponent and he will be fertilized by GY, the other one is random and unstable, so two cards are useless. world…
japan アルバ
2015/09/03 17:03
Yugioh Icon
Isn't the sense of guilt of these people who call this level of mischief a prank?
No matter how you look at it, the cost is too low and it's a card that encourages players to go first, so I don't think there's any way to unlock it.
japan こまつほうせい
2015/03/14 23:25
Yugioh Icon
Preceding twin devils! Twin devil! 《The Forceful Sentry》!
You have zero cards in your hand! HAHAHA
japan かのん
2015/02/14 15:15
Yugioh Icon
One of the three Sacred Treasures of Handes.
Only one of the three cards is random, but it's a terrible prank that makes you discard two cards.
japan hio
2014/10/11 10:21
Yugioh Icon
It's not a prank level!
It's just 1000 LP cost and it's a terrifying handicap.
At one point, 《The Forceful Sentry》, along with its seizure, was raging as one of the Three Sacred Treasures of the Handes.
With even Dust Shoot banned, this card will never come back.
japan キキ
2014/02/14 8:08
Yugioh Icon
1000 LP points are required and there is no peeping, but it's pretty hard to be forced to discard two cards lol
japan 聖なる破壊
2013/08/06 18:42
Yugioh Icon
It's funny.
japan ナル参照
2013/07/12 18:44
Yugioh Icon
If you can kill the opponent's strategy with at most 1000, you can put it in, right?
If you use it, it seems to make a blatantly disgusting face
japan たたた
2013/06/24 3:40
Yugioh Icon
No matter how you think about it, it's a brutal card that can't be done with mischief
I want to hit me when I was in elementary school when the activation cost said that he couldn't use LP 1000
japan 夜の帝王
2013/05/28 22:16
Yugioh Icon
Violent crime level mischief. 2 handicap cards at 1000 cost are not balanced.
japan ファイア野郎
2013/05/21 23:01
Yugioh Icon
One of the three Sacred Treasures of Handes.
Despite the LP cost, the two discards are brutal.
It's a strong card that can't be used as a prank, so it won't return to restriction.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/04/29 13:13
Yugioh Icon
Discarding 2 cards for 1000 LP is brutal. Low risk high return. Cards like this don't come back.
japan せな
2013/04/09 3:45
Yugioh Icon
Confiscated + I used 2 of these cards in the first hand and pissed off my friend, which is a good memory
japan 降衣
2012/11/14 20:05
Yugioh Icon
A card that goes well with the words "Don't throw it away!"
When this returns, Yu-Gi-Oh ends.
japan オンリー・MARU氏
2012/11/02 18:32
Yugioh Icon
The supremely strongest, worst and worst handicap card. It's no longer a ruckus about mischief, it's no longer bullying.
1000 LP is too cheap and a misconfigured card. A ban would be appropriate.
If you hit this first, the next turn your opponent's hand will start with 4 cards. demon.
japan cork
2012/10/21 0:42
Yugioh Icon
LP 1000? cheap cheap
I wonder what the staff thought of the future when they made this
japan ダイナソー紅月
2012/10/20 23:58
Yugioh Icon
Send 2 GY cards from your opponent's hand with only 1000 LP cost.
"Don't care about the bogus effect!"
A single card is worth more than just 500 LP.
Proof that the early staff made cards without thinking about balance. It is a negative legacy.
japan ドラゴンX
2012/10/20 12:17
Yugioh Icon
LP too cheap.
You can drop the opponent's hand with two shots in a row, and you and your opponent will get along well with each other.
It's forbidden and it's normal.
japan そうだ、ロリコンだ
2012/07/14 16:40
Yugioh Icon
One of the Three Sacred Treasures of Handes. It has an LP cost, but the two-card handicap is just too cruel.
A card that doesn't have to be mischievous. I will never come back from a ban...
japan みかんゼリー
2012/07/12 22:15
Yugioh Icon
500 points, one handicap.
I didn't use it when I was little (well, I was a kid) so I'm not sure what it would be like...
I don't want to imagine...
japan ゼロ
2012/03/31 12:04
Yugioh Icon
I'll pay you around 1000.
Because there is also selective destruction
japan m
2011/08/27 20:44
Yugioh Icon
No questions asked, 2 cards in the opponent's hand are also sent to GY by him.
1000 LP is not cheap at all, and as a handicap it is brutal.
japan ボルシチ
2011/07/19 1:51
Yugioh Icon
Banned cards are unusually strong! (That's why it's prohibited.)
If the opponent is Dark World's Deck, the return is terrible though lol
japan とき
2011/05/27 0:57
Yugioh Icon
Technician of the Three Sacred Treasures of Handes. Quantity over quality discards.
By paying 1000 LP, it has the effect of randomly scraping 1 card from the opponent's hand and letting the opponent choose and discard 1 card.
Even if you can't choose, 1 card and 2 cards from 1000 LP handicapped is a bad idea. Not only does it give you an overwhelming advantage in terms of adverts, but it also crushes your opponent's hands a lot. There are many things in the world that can't be done with pranks...
If I were to force him to raise his weaknesses, he would let his opponent choose and discard it, so there is a possibility that he will drop to GY and his opponent will discard a card that demonstrates its power.
It's embarrassing that I didn't understand the value of this card when I was little.
japan NEOS
2011/05/14 23:45
Yugioh Icon
Two handicap cards at once...
I don't want to imagine...
japan スクラップトリトドン
2011/01/25 11:54
Yugioh Icon
In Yu-Gi-Oh, it's atrocious to have two handicap cards for just 1000.
Or rather, I don't think I can find a handicap card as brutal as this in the TCG as a whole...
japan 想夢
2010/09/04 0:20
Yugioh Icon
Cheap cheap such as LP 1000.
If you hit first, your opponent will start with 4 cards, including a draw.
A brutal card that can almost crush the reversal bud if you bring a good situation.
japan 一時休戦中クリムゾン・ノヴァ
2024/05/31 15:45
Yugioh Icon
japan あまちょこ
2024/05/13 1:16
Yugioh Icon
japan ギャラクシーおじさん
2024/05/06 16:35
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/09/05 23:27
IF "Are you like this? It doesn't work for me who fights handless."
Shaddoll "Send GY? Activate the effect!"

Decks with "Delinquent Duo"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 BE1-JP024 2004-06-24 Super
Magic Ruler MR-39 2000-04-20 Normal
BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 (7th period) BE01-JP021 2011-05-14 Rare

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 487 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 57,754


Japanese card name いたずら好きな双子悪魔

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