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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters 7 Duel Urban Legend > Spell Shattering Arrow

Spell Shattering Arrow Used Deck

Spell Shattering Arrow
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Quick-Play Spell - - - - -
Destroy as many face-up Spells your opponent controls as possible, and if you do, inflict 500 damage to your opponent for each.
Average Rating Score 6.4(30)
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  3. Decks with Spell Shattering Arrow (29 Decks)
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"Spell Shattering Arrow" card reviews and rating scores

6% (2)
30% (9)
60% (18)
3% (1)
0% (0)

japan ねおんちゃん
2023/05/07 2:57
Yugioh Icon
The target's habit of "his spell card face-up" is too strong, but the free chain removal against Continuous Spell and Field Spell can stop the effect processing, and it also functions as a Pendulum meta. For some decks, it sticks like a demon.
It cannot be said that it is a strong card to use honestly, but it is a card that can fully demonstrate the meta performance that matches the strength of the habit and the activity in the original work. Pendulum Deck and The Weather seem to dislike it quite a bit. It's a card that can't be used at all normally, but depending on the environment, it's quite possible to put 3 copies in the side. If it fits the opponent, it can demonstrate extraordinary destructive power, so it is not a card that is considered little by little, but a card that has only 0 and 100 with a sense of temperature that makes you think, "This is the environment! Then you should throw 3 on your side!" right.
Of course, if it's a singles match like Master Duel, unless even the bottom of hell is lukewarm and insane, his Tearlaments will be one of the strongest environment levels, so Twin Twisters will probably take over.
japan みめっと
2023/02/06 12:06
Yugioh Icon
This card was used by Yugi in the original kingdom edition, and this card was used by Pegasus to return the effect of the spell card "Barrier that negates spells" to the opponent and capture Toon, but in OCG it negates spells from the beginning. It is now a Quick-Play Spell with abilities.
Aside from the damage of the additional effect, it can be said that the ability to remove multiple removals with his Quick-Play Spell, which can be used completely from your hand on your turn, is strong.
His Deck, which makes heavy use of Continuous Spell and Pendulum, is very limited in terms of effective opponents, so it's really difficult to put it in as a main deck, but depending on the environment, it may even be on the side.
In the case of Pendulum, there are quite a few things that have effects when triggered to be destroyed, so it's not necessarily good to destroy them.
japan ブルーバード
2022/09/29 9:23
Yugioh Icon
For a moment, it was noted as a Pendulum meta, but due to an unexpected situation where his Pendulum, which has an effect when destroyed, increased, it stopped functioning as a meta.
Even the fact that 《Harpie's Feather Duster》, 《Lightning Storm》and 《Twin Twister》didn't interfere with their own field was subtle. We have potential, but we are in a difficult position.
japan ねこーら
2021/06/06 14:44
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: Depending on the opponent, it will stick, but if it is not, it will be extremely performance if it does not stick at all.
It's good against opponents who use Pendulum zone cards and his Continuous Spells a lot, but if they don't use those cards, it's pointless.
Well, if you chain it to your opponent's Normal Spell, it will deal 500 damage, but that's not enough.
japan シエスタ
2020/04/07 14:36
Yugioh Icon
I can move flexibly because it's a quick attack, but the target is somewhat limited.
I can expect about 1000 burns against an effective opponent, so it's not that it can't be a leading firepower, but I'm also worried about competitors with higher versatility such as Psychic and Tsuitsui.
Do you want versatility, or do you want to get closer to victory by sacrificing responsiveness? It's an impression that it's a card for experts.
japan アルバ
2018/11/06 1:08
Yugioh Icon
A meta card against decks that use a lot of spells that remain face-up in play.
There are 《Heavy Storm Duster》, 《Twin Twisters》, 《Fairy Wind》, etc. that can handle more cards than this card up to 2 cards.
However, this card can be used as soon as it is drawn, can be used face down, and has no cost, no disadvantages, and even benefits. .
japan 備長炭18
2018/07/30 0:02
Yugioh Icon
Only his face-up Spell cards can be destroyed, and even if it's Burn, it's 500 times that number, so it's not something you can expect much. When it comes to using it, it looks quite difficult.
japan ルイ
2018/06/17 21:46
Yugioh Icon
A card that sticks to a deck that sticks, but it's a very subtle card against opponents who don't.
Since Cyclone has 500 damage that Cyclone does not have, basically it is a side staff except Deck that fights with Continuous Spell and Field Spell as the main axis.
Even if you use it properly, you can do 500 damage, so it may turn out to be a leading fire power unexpectedly.
It looks like it's going to be a card that will scoop your feet if you look at it lightly.
japan げおんぬ
2016/06/20 8:05
Yugioh Icon
Pendulum meta. Field Spell and Continuous Spell meta. The effect is strong. side card. However, I also feel that Cyclone is good. Sticky Decks stick. But I feel like Cyclone is enough. A card worth having. A game card.
japan デルタアイズ
2016/06/19 10:13
Yugioh Icon
It's always protecting my storage...it's that sort of arrow.
japan EXデッキ焼き
2016/06/18 9:23
Yugioh Icon
Due to the appearance of cards that can't be touched by many poor duelists, such as Tsuitsui, Galasai, and this reprint, P countermeasures that poor duelists can easily obtain.
The number of themes that make heavy use of Continuous Spells and Traps, and the number of P summons are increasing, so I think that burn damage is effective enough to make a change while wiping them out. Since it's a free chain, you can also blank out the opponent's removal once.
japan ミシガン州知事
2016/06/15 16:49
Yugioh Icon
* He must never use this card and a fusion card to fuse Blue-Eyed's ultimate dragon with 《Mammoth Graveyard》.
In the original, the card was bought for the above purpose and Pegasus' destruction of his Toon world.
So many people remember it.
(In the original, it had a performance like [copying the effect of his other spell card and giving it to the opponent's monster] (sorry for my faint memory.)
Currently, it destroys face-up cards and deals damage to the opponent's LP according to the number destroyed.
It's rare these days for Continuous Spells and equip cards to remain face up all the time. Therefore, it is a card with a strong color called Pendulum Killer, but if you are using the Pendulum theme, you will be able to get it with 《Wavering Eyes》. It's easy, so it's not like it's simply a deterioration of 《Wavering Eyes》.
japan アームド強化来
2016/05/08 19:53
Yugioh Icon
An arrow with a reassuring spell on Anti-Pendulum
I want to hide it in the side deck for the Pendulum use deck that can be encountered at any time
It may not be noticeable, but it is a free chain, and it is possible to waste the opponent's removal method once.
If you can suddenly destroy the opponent's easy-to-use spell card and do 1000 damage, it's profitable
japan カンノーネ
2015/08/13 8:26
Yugioh Icon
It is a piece that was noisy as a countermeasure for P
It is a piece that has disappeared thanks to the almost upward compatibility of "Wavering Eyes" later.
If you destroy 4 cards over there, your opponent's field will be in tatters, but you have to recover, so if you want to harass your opponent, this is the way to go. Well, you can search for P monsters with that effect...
Of course, destroying Continuous Spells and Traps all at once during the opponent's turn is a feat that only you can do, so there are points to appreciate.
that is for the side
japan かのん
2015/07/26 23:43
Yugioh Icon
It's a card that has been in various decks for a long time.
Recently, he has categories such as DD, which uses a lot of Continuous Spells in addition to Pendulum.
This card, which can deal damage after destroying it, shines even more.
japan 聖なる破壊
2014/04/03 15:53
Yugioh Icon
Pendulum killer.
"There are no unnecessary cards!"
I kept it well, so I don't have to go out of my way to buy it! Activate when all cards are in the Pendulum Zone!
japan SOUL
2014/03/04 18:05
Yugioh Icon
If we can destroy all of his Pendulums in the Pendulum Zone, will he be thrown into the side?
The Pendulum Monster seems to revive as many times as you want if you don't eliminate the cards in his Pendulum Zone, so being able to destroy his Pendulum in the Pendulum Zone at once would be an excellent countermeasure card.
The burn effect seems to be useful in extra turns as well.
japan wisteria
2014/02/24 11:43
Yugioh Icon
A piece that is expected to play an active role as a countermeasure against the new system Pendulum Summon. It's limited to the opponent's field, and it's good at avoiding things you don't want to touch, such as Artifact, so it seems to be a strong meta against his Deck, which is based on Pendulum Summon. The burn effect is a bonus, but I think it's worth it. 7 points with high hopes.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2014/01/13 0:07
Yugioh Icon
Cards that can be used as metas such as Continuous Spell and Equip Spell. It also has a burn effect, but it's just a bonus. “Cyclone” is more versatile if you only destroy one card, so it was mainly used to put it on the side and use it as a meta for “Crystal Beast”.
japan たたた
2013/06/22 3:31
Yugioh Icon
The feeling of despair when someone uses the Crystal Beast Deck...
It wouldn't hurt to remember it as a side factor, right?
japan ファイア野郎
2013/01/22 20:35
Yugioh Icon
His spell removal card for face-up only.
The target is quite narrow, and Cyclone is fine for normal removal, but since his powerful Continuous Spell and Field Spell, which is the core of the Deck, are increasing, it can also be used as a meta card for them. The burn effect also turns into something quite powerful when the number of removals increases.
In the worst case, it can be activated even when this card is about to be removed by Cyclone, so it's an advantage that it's hard to waste.
japan ファナナス
2013/01/21 16:42
Yugioh Icon
When I first saw it, what was this? ! I thought, but if you look closely, it's face-up only. Cyclone is now unlimited, and there is room to adopt this thing that can rot...
japan ドラゴンX
2012/10/13 18:30
Yugioh Icon
The difficulty is that it must be face-up.
However, only permanent cards can be destroyed.
But 500 damage is strong.
But since it's a Quick-Play Spell, you can use it right before the spell card activates. That's about it.
japan とき
2011/07/19 13:06
Yugioh Icon
I thought it was equivalent to FGD and Dandy.
Compared to 《Fairy Wind》, Trap can't be hit, but it's good at burning as well as focusing on the opponent.
As long as villainous persistence and fields like gates and whirlwinds are rampant, the value of existence will never decrease. Then came his Pendulum Summon.
As a meta card candidate that does not allow his opponent to use his Pendulum while using his Pendulum, it is the featured card of the Kingdom Arc Reprint.
japan キラープリン
2011/05/22 0:41
Yugioh Icon
A useful card to have in the side deck
It's attractive to be able to destroy his troublesome Continuous Spell, Field Spell, and Equip Spell at once.
In the worst case, you can use it to chain the opponent's spell activation to 500 damage, but it's a waste unless it's a lead fire power.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/12/24 9:27
Yugioh Icon
There is also 《Fairy Wind》that destroys traps instead of blowing up the entire front side, but this one has the strength of his Quick-Play Spell and only the opponent.
Cyclone is enough for destroying Spell cards, but recently there has been an increase in Continuous Spells, which are key cards like gates and unity, so
The value of this card that can knock them out may have gone up a little.
… But why BE02 Siclea? Even though it's a card that came with the original game.
japan B
2010/10/23 9:03
Yugioh Icon
Narrow range. It's narrow anyway.
For the time being, if you can destroy even one, it's a cyclone with damage.
I don't think it's weak, but...
In addition, 500 damage is chained to the opponent's appropriate spell activation.
Evil Monarch Gaius reminiscent of role abandonment.
japan NEOS
2010/08/11 11:32
Yugioh Icon
A card that works well against Cyberdark and Crystal Beast.
It's face-up only, but his Deck above is scarier than a tempest, so it's worth introducing.
It's difficult to use, but it can deal up to 2500 damage.
japan かどまん
2023/07/17 20:31
Yugioh Icon
japan 2013/05/15 7:42
It is an evaluation for side cards.
As well as destroying Field Spells and Continuous Spells with immediate effect
Such as chaining to a cyclone or a big storm to destroy it and deal damage.
Among the cards for the side, it is a card that is very resistant to decay.

Decks with "Spell Shattering Arrow"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
Structure Deck "Undead World" SD15-JP018 2008-06-21 Normal
Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters 7 Duel Urban Legend GB7-004 2002-07-04 SecretUltra
BEGINNER'S EDITION 2 (7th period) BE02-JP209 2011-08-13 Secret
Memories of the Duel King -The Kingdom of Duelists 15AY-JPA28 2014-03-08 Normal
Structure Deck - Yugi Muto SDMY-JP030 2016-06-18 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 6,634 / 12,858 Cards
View Num 43,674


Japanese card name 魔法効果の矢

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