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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > LIMITED EDITION 11 > Tethys, Goddess of Light

Tethys, Goddess of Light Used Deck

Tethys, Goddess of Light
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster - 5 Fairy 2400 1800
When you draw a Fairy monster(s) (except during the Damage Step): You can reveal 1 of those monsters; draw 1 card. This card must be face-up on the field to activate and to resolve this effect.
Average Rating Score 9.1(33)
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  3. Decks with Tethys, Goddess of Light (151 Decks)
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"Tethys, Goddess of Light" card reviews and rating scores

69% (23)
30% (10)
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japan ねこーら
2022/07/06 9:08
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: A large amount of draws can be expected with Fairy as the main player.
If you draw a Fairy, you can expect an extra draw in the main phase.
If you solidify with Fairy and exchange your hand with 《Magical Mallet》etc., you can draw many cards, and if you use 《Watapon》together, you can expand.
Among the turbo gimmicks, it is relatively easy to use, and this card itself is also easy to use with the effects of Fairy monsters.
japan ハコネの達人
2022/05/03 20:26
Yugioh Icon
KONAMI...why didn't you put in turn 1...thank you (delight). If you use 《Reload》or 《Magical Mallet》in the Fairy Deck, you can draw without consuming resources.
japan シエスタ
2020/04/10 15:11
Yugioh Icon
It's rare for this kind of effect to have a draw phase, so it's a big advantage that it can be activated immediately when used with Droso.
Fairy also fits well in that he has cards such as Herald that are meaningful to keep in hand.
The explosive power is high if decided, but the weight is the neck.
It's not that it's difficult to deploy, but if you want to make the most of this card's effect, you want to increase the ratio of monsters. However, many of his spells, such as Valhalla and Trasta, are useful as support for this card's deployment, and if you increase the deployment support, it will be difficult to determine the effect, and you will have a headache in terms of construction.
Well, even if this kind of effect can be used easily, it's a problem, so I think it's more difficult to balance it.
I think it's a highly romantic card for professionals.
japan プラント・プラン
2018/11/17 17:04
Yugioh Icon
You can draw additional cards by showing the drawn Fairy monsters to your opponent. It will be useful as a draw source for Fairy Decks. Although it is a high-class monster, her Special Summon by light deification and Valhalla is also possible, and it can be used as a very excellent hand replenishment and development role.
japan 備長炭18
2018/07/25 19:58
Yugioh Icon
If even one of the cards you draw is Fairy, you can get an additional draw, so it's a good card to use in a specialized construction or in a normal Angel Deck.
Especially when you specialize, if the draw acceleration goes well, the brain juice will squirt out.
japan 如月
2017/12/02 12:33
Yugioh Icon
With this Deck, if you draw a monster, you can draw another card! Since you can draw a large number of monsters, you can greatly contribute to draw sources and development.
japan なす
2017/09/14 7:18
Yugioh Icon
An advanced fairy that has the effect of drawing more by showing the drawn fairy.
In addition to the draw source in the Fairy Deck, you can collect Christia who has reached the top of the Deck to unlock the draw lock.
RBI is also 2400, which is on par with the advanced level, and corresponds to Valhalla and Hikarishinka.
japan EXデッキ焼き
2016/08/14 10:07
Yugioh Icon
The engine part of the famous Tetu Turbo. With the Fairy Deck, you can draw continuously just by standing it. It doesn't have any summoning restrictions, and can be easily summoned in Valhalla. Once you experience her continuous draw, you won't be satisfied with her normal deck for a while.
It's a bit of an accident, but you can put him in Darklord, who has easy summoning rights.
japan バーン信者
2016/08/13 23:42
Yugioh Icon
Transformed with the appearance of 《Darklord Ixchel》. If you take out Tethys from Valhalla and use Ishtam, your hand will increase to a disgusting amount.
japan 闇の中の流星
2016/04/08 6:25
Yugioh Icon
Fairy's highest peak draw staff who can draw continuously just by revealing the card drawn as long as it is a Fairy.
It is often described as his Fairy version of 《Heart of the Underdog》, but in fact, this one is more powerful as it can be used outside of the draw phase as well. If you mesh well with other draw cards, you can draw more than 10 cards.
However, if your opponent sees this card, they will probably try to remove it, so keep in mind that it is not a very useful card in this day and age.
Also, since it is a high-level monster, it can be rotten in the first hand. Even though he can eliminate the burden with Death Emperor Monarch, and he can Special Summon with Light Godization and Valhalla, we should be careful about that.
Also, after a lot of draws, a lot of discards are waiting, so if you don't finish the draw on that turn, your victory will be infinitely far. If you want to make the most of your hand size, it would be interesting to mix in Osiris.
It's hard to say that it's easy to use because it's limited to advanced monsters and Fairy, but this card is full of romance that surpasses it.
japan あだ
2016/01/31 15:56
Yugioh Icon
put out in tratan
Let's load 3 Ariadne
japan マスじい
2016/01/31 10:29
Yugioh Icon
draw! Fairy card! (Infinite loop below
Explosive ad maker for Fairy. In addition to drawing during the draw phase, it also supports the drawing of 《Hand Destruction》and 《Trade-In》, which are compatible with the highest level Fairy axis. has the specified effect. Although it is an advanced monster, the support is quite substantial, such as Special Summon by Valhalla for Fairy, 《Mausoleum of the Emperor》adopted by the highest grade axis, Special Summon by Athena and Superbia, and Mozart support for LIGHT Fairy.
Filling your deck with fairies can make your hand feel sick during the draw phase.
japan シロタ
2014/03/05 19:11
Yugioh Icon
Tethys draw!
A living angel version of a mediocre bone that is treated favorably by the race. You can get an explosive hand ad until you draw anything other than Fairy, but be aware that you are giving your opponent an information ad.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/09/04 18:07
Yugioh Icon
As an advanced player, it has enough hitting points, but it's more impressive than that is its powerful effect. You can expect the effect to activate to some extent just by using it normally, but in addition to being able to activate it outside of the draw phase, it can also be used as a boost for Fairy as it can be activated by its own effect.
japan ペジャング
2013/09/02 11:23
Yugioh Icon
A divine angel who takes care of angel beats and montages.
It's not just the draw phase, so it would be a dream come true if she had an angel in the top 3 cards of her deck with her summoning strength.
・・・I can't do Special Summon for that turn, so maybe I should combine it with another Droso.
japan たたた
2013/07/13 23:07
Yugioh Icon
Although luck is involved, it is an explosive ad card.
It is good to activate the effect even in draws other than the draw phase
japan 愛と正義の使者
2013/04/17 12:39
Yugioh Icon
Even if you build normally, the expected value of the draw is not small, so it is quite excellent.
Specialized he is sure to lose his fighting spirit if he is drawn endlessly in the deck.
However, this score is because there is a little luck factor involved
japan ファイア野郎
2013/02/15 22:09
Yugioh Icon
A card that can be called 《Heart of the Underdog》for Fairy.
Unlike over there, not only can it be activated by draw effects, but Fairy has monsters with draw effects such as 《Airknight Parshath》and 《Bountiful Artemis》, so there are many opportunities to draw. It's also nice that it's an advanced monster with ATK 2400.
It works great not only with normal Fairy Decks, but also with permission-type Fairy Decks that make heavy use of Herald and Counter Trap.
japan ファナナス
2013/02/05 6:56
Yugioh Icon
Heart of the Underdog》for Fairy. It is a high-class monster with 2400 hit points, and it is easy to put it into play from the existence of "Gellenduo" or Valhalla. It is powerful to simply earn hand cards, and it is also possible to activate further effects with hammers etc. It works great with Herald, which requires a hand cost. It goes well with Exo and Herald, as well as Horquati. However, I want to prepare a means to deal with a large amount of swollen cards.
japan スーパーx
2012/11/06 17:57
Yugioh Icon
strongest draw
japan ドラゴンX
2012/08/20 15:27
Yugioh Icon
Yeah, isn't this a foul, it's exactly Berserker Soul~ Usho
Akan Akan, this is a restricted card, or even a banned card, it can be used normally for the cost of just showing it...
It's a must-have for draw-type angels. "What's more, ATK is divine..."
japan みかんゼリー
2012/03/29 15:38
Yugioh Icon
With the Angel Deck, you can draw like 《Heart of the Underdog》.
Since you have room in your hand, try combining it with a card with a hand cost.
It's not bad to try to get permissions with this.
Although there is one Tribute, ATK 2400 is a passing line.
It is also possible to use special effects in Valhalla, etc., so it is recommended if you want to solidify with angels.
japan ユウ
2012/03/29 15:26
Yugioh Icon
infinite draw
japan m
2011/12/22 21:38
Yugioh Icon
draw! Hyperions! draw! Earth! draw! Tethys! draw! Venus!
If you use that draw acceleration once, you will definitely be addicted...
If you draw 1 Fairy, you can draw at least 1, so it is a powerful draw source for pure angels.
Especially from an angel who consumes a lot of cards, he is like an angel. Even though he's an angel.
Also, if you combine it with Parshath or Artemis, you can draw so much that his deck disappears.
Of course, it all depends on luck and Tethys-sama's mood...
japan スクラップトリトドン
2011/07/20 10:07
Yugioh Icon
draw! Fairy! draw! Fairy! draw! t(ry
It's easy to understand the living ordinary bones, but on top of receiving Fairy support, it's a category that can be easily summoned from the existence of Valhalla.
From Perdek, which needs to store up Fairy, to Droso, which is easy to use even with Tenshi Perm, who has secured the hand cost.
Among the many gorgeous effects of Fairy, the draw enhancement looks a little plain, but it's definitely a pretty strong card.
japan キラープリン
2011/05/20 20:37
Yugioh Icon
A card that can easily gain an advantage even among high-level fairies.
If you successfully activate the effect even once, you can turn the tide of battle in an instant, so if you want to use it, you'll want to have a lot of trade-in cards, 《Magical Mallet》, 《Cards from the Sky》, etc.
You can draw additional cards in any phase as long as you don't interrupt other actions, so if you specialize, you can create her Exodia with this card as a key card.
japan SOUL
2010/12/19 20:49
Yugioh Icon
A great card with a good draw potential.
ATK isn't bad either, so it's strong even if you don't think about it,
It is also a good idea to actively aim for effect activation with Parshath and Artemis.
japan とき
2010/08/27 18:24
Yugioh Icon
Heart of the Underdog》of a live Fairy that allows you to draw additional cards if the card you draw is a Fairy. Hand add is justice.
His hand is going to be huge, so it's a great match with his deck that uses Herald. However, since I show my hand, will my existence be exposed?
The compatibility between Counter Trap and permissions that require a cost is also good, which is probably why it was reprinted this time.
It's well worth using Valhalla, and since it's level 5, it's a great match with 《Transmodify》. It's a category that doesn't struggle with the means to put it on the field.
It's one of the best cards in Angel's advanced level, and promises an amazing hand add.
japan みめっと
2023/12/04 7:51
Yugioh Icon
japan asd
2023/07/23 9:26
Yugioh Icon
japan きりん
2024/05/30 20:04
Yugioh Icon
japan 2013/09/01 12:05
Infinite mud w
japan 2012/04/10 4:06
Continuous draw is addictive

Decks with "Tethys, Goddess of Light"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
LIMITED EDITION 11 LE11-JP005 2007-12-01 Ultra
Structure Deck - Lost Sanctuary SD20-JP010 2010-12-11 Normal
Structure Deck: Wave of Light SR05-JP014 2017-09-23 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 1,509 / 12,858 Cards
View Num 100,497
Type "Fairy" Type Best Monster Ranking 77th
Level 5 Best Monster Ranking 41st


Japanese card name 光神テテュス

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