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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > PREMIUM PACK 2023 > Sage of Strength - Akash

Sage of Strength - Akash Used Deck

Sage of Strength - Akash
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster - 5 Machine 2400 200
(This card is always treated as a "Sky Striker" card.)
You can discard 1 Spell; Special Summon this card from your hand. If a Link Monster(s) you control would be destroyed by battle or card effect, you can banish 1 Spell from your GY instead. If this card is destroyed by battle or card effect and sent to the GY: You can target 1 of your banished "Sky Striker" Spells; add it to your hand. You can only use each effect of "Sage of Strength - Akash" once per turn.
Average Rating Score 4.3(6)
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  2. Card Reviews (6 rating scores)
  3. Decks with Sage of Strength - Akash (0)
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"Sage of Strength - Akash" card reviews and rating scores

0% (0)
0% (0)
66% (4)
16% (1)
16% (1)

japan アルバ
2022/12/21 22:43
Yugioh Icon
A card that makes no sense as a Sky Striker support card that Special Summons to the main monster zone and protects his Link Monsters while hindering Sky Striker's movement.
Since it can be searched from Engage, it doesn't really matter to him.
japan ねこーら
2022/12/18 12:12
Yugioh Icon
Overall Rating: Take advantage of his 200 FIRE and Mamoru in his decks other than Sky Striker.
He can be recruited with 《Flamvell Firedog》and revived with 《Rekindling》, and among them, he has an ATK of 2400, which is not a bad number.
Since it can be put out by itself, it is easy to suppress accidents.
Since he can also protect his Link Monsters other than Sky Striker, it is possible to deal with the opponent's removal by using his spell used for deployment as a cost.
Even if you destroy it with your own card, you can protect it by excluding his spell card.
Due to the poor compatibility with the Sky Striker Spell card, it is difficult to handle the recovery effect of the Sky Striker Spell card.
Even if you set up a search with 《Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage!》somewhere, there are recruiting methods.
japan はわわ
2022/11/28 13:43
Yugioh Icon
Worst compatibility with Sky Striker Ace
Even if you use it as a general-purpose card, the hand cost is limited to his spell, and since it's a material manpower, you can't use other effects much.
2400 RBI isn't bad per se, but it's a bit too low for destroying a large ace class in battle.
japan シエスタ
2022/11/24 14:40
Yugioh Icon
Similar to 《Aileron》, Rei's mentor who appears in the OCG Stories Sky Striker edition.
The expansion effect can give a reasonable amount of hit points and link destruction resistance, but with Sky Striker, if he stays in the main zone, he will not be able to use the Sky Striker Spell, and it feels heavy to be required to remove his GY for resistance. . In the first place, Rei can maintain the front line, so it often becomes a hindrance rather than a support. Oi master...
His removed Sky Striker Spell can be recovered if destroyed, but not very promising.
Sky Striker is terrible, but his 1 and 2 effects can be used regardless of Sky Striker.
I think it's not bad for business trips and general use.
japan 【E-HERO】愛用中クリムゾン・ノヴァ
2023/12/10 23:23
Yugioh Icon
japan みめっと
2024/05/27 11:14
Yugioh Icon

Decks with "Sage of Strength - Akash"

no deck

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
PREMIUM PACK 2023 23PP-JP018 2022-12-17 SecretSuper

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 9,585 / 12,858 Cards
View Num 2,786


Japanese card name 武の賢者-アーカス

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