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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters Expert 2006 > Helios - The Primordial Sun

Helios - The Primordial Sun Used Deck

Helios - The Primordial Sun
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster - 4 Pyro ? ?
This card's ATK/DEF become the number of banished monsters x 100.
Average Rating Score 5.3(23)
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  2. Card Reviews (23 rating scores)
  3. Decks with Helios - The Primordial Sun (44 Decks)
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"Helios - The Primordial Sun" card reviews and rating scores

8% (2)
13% (3)
43% (10)
26% (6)
8% (2)

japan ルーナエ
2023/05/27 3:59
Yugioh Icon
A Pyro monster that is Special Summoned from your hand or Deck when 《Macro Cosmos》is activated!
The performance of this card itself is pretty tough, but it's a pretty good deal considering that he's the strongest GY Meta Trap comes with a card that can be used as material for Release and Special Summon.
Like the reversal of 《Exchange of the Spirit》, it might be possible to use the effect of 《Macro Cosmos》to rub the “Helios” series again! ?
japan ねおんちゃん
2023/05/27 0:50
Yugioh Icon
Considering that it's a level 1 that can be recruited without being wary of opponents while developing the meta, it's pretty good.
With his deck being able to develop Link and Synchro under the influence of 《Macro Cosmos》, it's a pretty good material factor.
The effect is... yeah... I think ✪ Leo Wizard is still better...
japan フラクトール
2023/05/27 0:18
Yugioh Icon
It has the effect of increasing ATK, but even though it doesn't matter what race it is, it's a ridiculous increase of 1/10 of 《Tyranno Infinity》while specifying a Monster, so it doesn't raise ATK at all. At least if you didn't specify the type of card, you could have expected a reasonable ATK with a Murakumo Daiza Deck.
It can be used from the Deck when activating 《Macro Cosmos》, so I think it would be good to use some kind of material, but if you ask me if there is an opportunity to open 《Macro Cosmos》at the timing when I want the material...
japan かどまん
2023/02/07 11:49
Yugioh Icon
A bonus existence that can be summoned by activating 《Macro Cosmos
Treated as a child who doesn't need the basics
Duelists who are looking for macro will treat you as a nuisance and receive a terrible evaluation because of this, such as being caught by 《Solemn Warning》.
It has the effect of becoming offense and defense of each other's exclusion card * 100
Limited to monsters and not enough rising value, so there are many cases that end up with poor status
Even with [Murakumo Daiza], which seems to be compatible at first glance by adopting macro, it will not be adopted
Helios Duo Megistus》, which requires this card for summoning, and its evolution destination, 《Helios Trice Megistus》, are less than that.
japan みめっと
2022/06/06 20:00
Yugioh Icon
A low-class Pyro monster that sticks to the permanent meta-trap mogul 《Macro Cosmos》that appeared in the anime GX.
Macro Cosmos》is a kind design that allows him to Special Summon not only from his deck but also from his hand, so even if he draws this monster directly, it's somehow safe.
It is self-enhanced by its own effect, but since the enhancement rate is low and it only refers to monsters, it is not possible to increase the number of exclusions with Strong Greed or Strong Money, so I can't wait until it reaches a value that can be used properly in battle. You can use your own level and attributes to make various materials for Special Summons, and release them for Tribute Summons and card effects and costs.
Macro Cosmos》's high meta performance doesn't need any explanation anymore, so I think it's a good idea to re-strengthen this group of "Helios" cards with 《Macro Cosmos》as the main axis once again. .
japan kimny_0630
2022/04/22 21:26
Yugioh Icon
Because Macro Cosmos has the Helios-sama Recruit effect, he can shoot Urara against Macro Cosmos.
It's all thanks to Helios-sama that I can waste my opponent's Urara in Master Duel.
10 points in the sense that it is active even though it is not put in the deck.
Other than that, it's performance is... well, it's about the same as the release personnel...
japan ねこーら
2022/02/07 17:06
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: It is good in that it can be taken out from 《Macro Cosmos》and used as a material.
In addition to interfering with the opponent over there, you can also release and secure link materials, so there is no loss in adopting it.
To put it the other way around, this Special Summon effect will get you caught in various metas.
The multiplier for self-enhancement is low, so there's no need to look for it.
Even if it comes to the worst hand, you can Normal Summon, and the wall is null.
japan tierraの供物
2021/10/18 14:18
Yugioh Icon
I didn't realize it when I was a child, but you were a girl... I didn't know you had plump breasts when your eyes went to the design that tickled the heart of a chef like a messenger of the stars + bandages all over the body...
Its performance is similar to that of Gren Maju Da Eiza, where it is strengthened by the number of monsters that have been removed from each other, but it has a multiplier of 100, which is a nice value for Sparrow's Tears. Not being able to deal with 《Pot of Desires》and 《Pot of Extravagance》's back side removal is conspicuous.
However, Macro Cosmos can be Special Summoned, and being able to use it as a rank 4 Xyz material or Link material is a bargain when viewed as a bonus for Macro Cosmos's interference performance. I would definitely like to adopt it for Deck
Well, in the end, what I want to say is that I like design and I have support cards, so I want Helios to come.
japan アルバ
2019/04/17 10:36
Yugioh Icon
It's a card that comes with "Macro Cosmos" as a bonus, but even in his deck that uses macros, this card is rarely used. unknown.
Even if it doesn't matter to you or others, it's limited to monsters and you can't expect combat at all because it's x100.
However, most macros are activated during the opponent's turn, so his Special Summon timing is not very good.
japan シエスタ
2019/04/17 9:03
Yugioh Icon
It has a similar effect to Dyza and references each other, but it's a pity that it can't be used with the recently increased backside exclusion because the increase value is too low and it's designated as a monster. Don't expect much in combat.
It's light, but most of his decks that use this card use macros together, and the fact that it supports honesty doesn't shine.
What Dyzer doesn't have is that it can be taken from macros, which are powerful global exclusions. It can be used mainly as a material, and if you are lucky, it can be used as an attacker.
However, I can't ignore the warnings and reluctances I get because of this.
It's a card that can't function on its own, so unless Helios is the main axis, I can't really recommend using it as a priority. In some cases, it can be considered as a disadvantage.
It's a relatively simple effect, but I think it's a somewhat peculiar card.
japan はわわ
2018/03/18 11:49
Yugioh Icon
LIGHT level 4 that can be issued from 《Macro Cosmos
Surprisingly convenient material
This score is because the evaluation is too low
japan 環境ヒエー
2014/05/05 17:51
Yugioh Icon
Don't underestimate me by saying "ok" in Da Yiza
A quick rank 4 X or S summon from 《Macro Cosmos》is also possible.
Please guess the performance of Helios itself
japan えいてぃ
2013/09/09 0:41
Yugioh Icon
grandma used to say...
Use Da Yiza.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/05/07 20:44
Yugioh Icon
Can be used to secure a sacrifice in the "dimension Monarch". It doesn't have any combat ability, but if you have 3 《Macro Cosmos》s, it will be useful to insert this card as well. It's easy to use as Xyz material, and you can call Xyz with LIGHT binding, so it's a card with unexpected possibilities.
japan ファナナス
2013/01/22 16:13
Yugioh Icon
A monster that can be summoned by Macro Cosmos's often-forgotten...not hidden effect. It has almost no combat ability, but fortunately it's level 4, so it can be used as an Xyz factor, so it's been re-evaluated recently... it may or may not.
japan ドラゴンX
2012/11/09 18:51
Yugioh Icon
A card flying from "Macro Cosmos" is warned...
Just 100 UP... If you don't raise more, you'll be beaten.
But if chaos is piling up, there is a way.
japan オンリー・MARU氏
2012/11/04 20:49
Yugioh Icon
Because of this guy, the macro was negate even at 《Solemn Warning》!
I wonder if the effect is a bonus.
It's not easy to build a macro gun, but if you make a dimension, it's different.
japan わたV
2012/11/04 20:41
Yugioh Icon
It seems that it was adopted in the tournament Deck called [Thunder].
It's a bonus that comes out in the macro, but the reason for existence was born with the appearance of Xyz.
If you're going to be packed with macro guns, you might consider hiring them.
japan とき
2012/08/24 9:25
Yugioh Icon
The reason why 《Macro Cosmos》is warned.
Ability is out of the question, but being able to call a level 4 card from the Deck is
In this Xyz environment, there may be a possibility of disguise?
japan スクラップトリトドン
2011/02/04 22:19
Yugioh Icon
Da Yiza...
"Macro Cosmos" is oppressed and warned by his existence...
Therefore, it can also be used as his Tribute agent that can be summoned in the dimension Monarch.
japan meno
2010/08/28 2:41
Yugioh Icon
The increase value is so small that it is almost useless in battle.
If it's just one card in a Deck that contains 《Macro Cosmos》, such as Dimension Monarch...
japan 生姜醤油プリン
2024/04/12 7:03
Yugioh Icon
japan クリムゾン・ノヴァ
2024/03/07 18:27
Yugioh Icon

Decks with "Helios - The Primordial Sun"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters Expert 2006 E06-JP002 2006-02-23 Ultra

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 8,450 / 13,089 Cards
View Num 53,477
Type "Pyro" Type Best Monster Ranking 70th


Japanese card name 原始太陽ヘリオス

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