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Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List Showing 46 to 53 of 53

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Nephthys, the Sacred Preserver ▶︎ Deck 《Nephthys, the Sacred Preserver》
japan けやぐ
2021/11/12 1:31
Yugioh Icon
It's a useful card in Nephthys, but I'm sorry. Only one. Let me say just one thing.
Why ●? ( ;∀;)
I thought it would have been better if both turned 1.
I'm indebted, but sometimes I get frustrated that I can't use the two effects. Please give me a new Nephthys! ! ( ;∀;)
Into the Void ▶︎ Deck 《Into the Void》
japan けやぐ
2021/05/04 23:55
Yugioh Icon
You probably don't know yet, but this Dark World combo with 《Localized Tornado》is amazing, right?
Set [Localized Tornado] on the previous turn so that it can be activated at any time, and use Pot of Acquisitiveness, the Pot of Greed, and The Transmigration Prophecy to spade the Dark World that was excluded at the gate. Mysteriously, my hand is all Dark World only.
And when the Deck is about to run out, when all his Dark Worlds in his hand are discarded with Into the Void, activating Localized Tornado will replenish his hand with new cards, right? (^ words )
If you have Snow, Brow, etc. in your hand, you will be able to trade with Snow from the next turn to Spadoro again.
Level Eater ▶︎ Deck 《Level Eater》
japan けやぐ
2021/04/22 1:24
Yugioh Icon
It's a legendary card that made it dependent on Leveste w
If you don't make it so that it can't be released as a material by a method other than synchro summoning, it will be rolled up as a link material w
Last Hope of Nephthys ▶︎ Deck 《Last Hope of Nephthys》
japan けやぐ
2021/02/28 1:15
Yugioh Icon
A Quick-Play Spell would have been useful.
Why Normal Spell?
Nephthys consumes a lot of cards, so it would be nice if you could add a card draw effect...
Fortune Fairy Chee ▶︎ Deck 《Fortune Fairy Chee》
japan けやぐ
2020/10/28 2:08
Yugioh Icon
I am indebted to you as a one-kill part at Lynx! !
Localized Tornado ▶︎ Deck 《Localized Tornado》
japan けやぐ
2020/09/29 1:09
Yugioh Icon
Spadoro Dark World has room for adoption.
If you activate "Into the Void" in advance and activate this card when the Dark World monster's effect resolves while the Deck is out, the Dark World monster's effect will activate without any problems.
Then, if there are 3 or more monsters in the exclusion zone, you can set Localized Tornado when 《Vase of Greed》activates. let's (°▽°)
Gusto or something else?
He puts out Sphere and activates him as a recruiter with Gusto on the field.
Well, it's not for the current environment, but w
Ancient Gear Box ▶︎ Deck 《Ancient Gear Box》
japan けやぐ
2020/09/23 17:28
Yugioh Icon
His EARTH Machine monster search with 500 on either offense or defense, a Chaos Giant material, a 4-star Xyz, a link material!
It has become indebted to! !
For ancient machines, the search targets are machine turrets, machine knights, machine elements, and gear machines, but I think the main ones will be machine elements and gear machines.
The search destination differs depending on the deck, but I think it's usually excellent.
Disciple of Nephthys ▶︎ Deck 《Disciple of Nephthys》
japan けやぐ
2020/09/23 2:39
Yugioh Icon
If the prayer hand doesn't come to the first hand, it won't start, but if it doesn't come to the first hand, you have to turn it elsewhere.
I think that's the card.
I want to destroy him with effects, of course, he is related to Nephthys, but I think he will be a star 9 TRUE or Fire King.
If you have Prayer Hands and Rinne, you can go to either the King God Bird route or the Homura God route.
i don't know other
Or rather, I want a way to search for praying hands! ( ;∀;)

(4/4 pages) 46 - 53

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