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Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List Showing 301 to 315 of 809

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Ghostrick Socuteboss ▶︎ Deck 《Ghostrick Socuteboss》
japan 光芒
2014/02/16 13:03
Yugioh Icon
Ghostrick's Rank 2 Xyz Monster. Still, the effect is more like general-purpose Xyz than Ghostrick. Since the removal effect also includes this card itself, it is possible to hinder the opponent's deployment while removing troublesome low-power monsters, so I think there is room for his Deck, which uses a lot of Rank 2.
Orea, the Sylvan High Arbiter ▶︎ Deck 《Orea, the Sylvan High Arbiter》
japan 光芒
2014/02/16 1:54
Yugioh Icon
Alsei is Rank 8, but this one is Rank 7. Sylvan It's a category where level adjustment is really difficult even if you build it by itself. Xyz Monster is simple and strong, because level adjustment is difficult.
Although there are no restrictions, since Plant is required to activate the effect and demonstrate its full potential, if you use it, will it be his deck that mainly uses plants? The higher the level of the Plant monster used for the cost, the higher the success rate of the effect, so it is powerful to deal with advanced Plants that are rotten in your hand while repelling the opponent's disturbing cards.
Number C43: High Manipulator of Chaos ▶︎ Deck 《Number C43: High Manipulator of Chaos》
japan 光芒
2014/02/16 1:28
Yugioh Icon
I think the name of this card will be a tongue twister conundrum. In fact, I bite once every three times when I say the name of this card.
While Soul Marionette is Cure Burn, this is an effect that makes use of tokens. However, his ATK in the token will be half of the opponent's LP, so if the opponent's LP is low, the token will become a small fish monster, so if you scrape the opponent's LP with Soul Marionette, this card will be destroyed. I can't make the most of the effect...
Number 43: Manipulator of Souls ▶︎ Deck 《Number 43: Manipulator of Souls》
japan 光芒
2014/02/16 1:23
Yugioh Icon
If you can read the name of this card in one shot, you should definitely know a certain danmaku game. I don't have a sword like that character over there.
DARK level 2 x 3 and a card that he really wants to put out in the Malicevorous Deck. It's similar to Atlantaal in that it's equipped with GY Numbers, but unlike that one, it's a more defensive type. As for the Cure Burn effect in the second half, it's hard to find a place to use it because there aren't many opponents that Cure Burn can hit.
Number C80: Requiem in Berserk ▶︎ Deck 《Number C80: Requiem in Berserk》
japan 光芒
2014/02/16 1:20
Yugioh Icon
From Rhapsody to Numbers playing funeral tunes. Although I can no longer hit Rhapsody with GY exclusion, I can exclude cards on the opponent's field. Most of this effect can not be used unless Rhapsody is ranked up. In the first half of the union effect, he has 2000 ATK up and is strong as a substitute, but I think it's strong enough at 1200 in Rhapsody.
Number 80: Rhapsody in Berserk ▶︎ Deck 《Number 80: Rhapsody in Berserk》
japan 光芒
2014/02/16 1:16
Yugioh Icon
Numbers given to Alito by the power of Don Thousand. He has many decks that use GY, and a strong meta for those of his decks. It's a general-purpose Rank 4 Xyz with no material restrictions, so it's attractive to be able to use it regardless of the deck. After using up all the materials, let's equip him to Xyz Monster as a union effect.
Number C102: Archfiend Seraph ▶︎ Deck 《Number C102: Archfiend Seraph》
japan 光芒
2014/02/16 1:14
Yugioh Icon
Barian's (face) white shield, Dorube's Over Hundred Chaos Numbers. Halo is rare, but this one is Ultra. I'm sorry Dorbe, it's now an Ultra frame out of the pack.
When summoning normally, LIGHT's level 5 is very heavy with 4 bodies, so I think it will be normal to rank up from Halo and summon it, but in the first place Halo itself is easier to summon unless you use the sword of the seven emperors. Instead, it is full of Paradios and Collegiate feeling that can be used repeatedly with the effect of using Halo as a material. In the first place, it is difficult to say whether it is worth using this card at present because there is little support for Star Seraph.
Number C103: Ragnafinity ▶︎ Deck 《Number C103: Ragnafinity》
japan 光芒
2014/02/16 1:09
Yugioh Icon
Melag's Over Hundred Chaos Numbers have the same ATK as his older brother Nash's Dark Knight. And before the chaos in the second half, if he is in GY, he can be revived. They are the toughest because they can absorb opponents and turn them into Xyz materials.
The effect of this card is the same as before evolution, meta-changing his opponent's ATK, and opponents such as Brotherhood of the Fire Fist who raise his own ATK and hit him are perfect prey. And since he can eliminate even opponents whose ATK hasn't changed by arbitration, it's a card that's well worth evolving from Ragna Zero...
> Q: Can I select a monster whose ATK has not changed?
>If it's selectable, is it possible to banish the monster even if it doesn't deal effect damage to the opponent?
>A: No, it cannot be selected and activated. (14/02/16)
Starduston ▶︎ Deck 《Starduston》
japan 光芒
2014/02/16 1:04
Yugioh Icon
When I saw a card with the same name in a cola, I was impressed with the high quality of this card, and I never thought it would come out so quickly.
He is Duston's commander-in-chief, and the more Duston he has, the higher his ATK. And its effect is to not allow his opponent's Special Summon/Flip Summon, and to block the activation of all of his set Spells/Traps. Its control power itself is tremendous, but it is often blocked by hand triggers such as Veiler, and the self-destruction disadvantage is also worrisome.
Condemned Maiden ▶︎ Deck 《Condemned Maiden》
japan 光芒
2014/02/16 0:59
Yugioh Icon
The sister who touched her Forbidden items in the Forbidden series finally got the wrath of the gods.
It's nice to be able to activate her Quick-Play Spell from your hand during your opponent's turn, but that's only once per Duel, and the specs of this card itself are low, so it's still a difficult card to use. hey.
Nopenguin ▶︎ Deck 《Nopenguin》
japan 光芒
2014/02/16 0:56
Yugioh Icon
His Penguin support is steadily increasing. The revive effect itself can be activated easily, and if you revive by chaining it to the bounce effect of Penguin Soldier, Pensol's 2-card bounce effect will banish 2 cards at once. However, since this card is revived when the effect is activated, it is a mandatory effect, so be careful as it may also banish cards that benefit from banishment.
Beautunaful Princess ▶︎ Deck 《Beautunaful Princess》
japan 光芒
2014/02/16 0:47
Yugioh Icon
Naming with amberjack and furikko. Yu-Gi-Oh cards have a good sense of their own.
The effect is a simple and powerful effect, and if Fish is the main character, you should definitely include it. I was able to do a simple move like 《Rescue Rabbit》where 2 SS → Xyz, but unless I use 《One for One》etc., the summoning right is used up, so I can have 2 monsters. Let's use it in
Thestalos the Mega Monarch ▶︎ Deck 《Thestalos the Mega Monarch》
japan 光芒
2014/02/16 0:44
Yugioh Icon
After Earth Monarch and Ice Monarch, Fire Monarch evolves. His other Monarch evolves into a stronger form of the original effect, but this one adds burn damage in addition to handicap. I feel that he is FIRE in this kind of place. However, just like Grandmarg, is it necessary to release Testaros before evolution and Tribute Summon...
Majesty's Fiend ▶︎ Deck 《Majesty's Fiend》
japan 光芒
2014/02/16 0:38
Yugioh Icon
With the reprint of 《Vanity's Emptiness》in GS, Djinn began to shine. As an effect, Angel 07 became a high-class monster. It's one less sacrifice than over there, so he's the same as Monarch, so if you put him in your deck and protect it around March of the Monarchs, it's a really bad card.
Ancient Gear Box ▶︎ Deck 《Ancient Gear Box》
japan 光芒
2014/02/16 0:23
Yugioh Icon
Come here and the Ancient Gear is a resurrection nanone. The activation of the effect itself can be easily activated if searched, but if anything, this effect is for Karakuri and Geargia of the same EARTH · Machine rather than Ancient Gear. It plays an active role as a searcher for those decks, but I feel that it is difficult to say whether it is necessary to force this card in.

(21/54 pages) 301 - 315

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