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Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List Showing 16 to 30 of 54

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World Legacy - ▶︎ Deck 《World Legacy - "World Lance"》
japan しゃくれ
2018/03/17 20:24
Yugioh Icon
Longinus... Oh, it looks like someone's here.
Simply put, Honest and Carute for links. It's a bit confusing, but if either of the two fighting is his Link Monster, it can be activated, and if the opponent is Link, anything is fine. The descent value is also fixed at 3000, which is unusually high for an effect of this kind. Since it doesn't target, he also hits Borreload. It can be searched with "World Legacy - the World Chalice" or "Qliphort Genius". For some reason, he has 0 defense and is a DARK, so you can salvage him with 《Recurring Nightmare》. Is this really a hand trigger ability?
It's very efficient as a hand trigger, but it's difficult to put out as a monster. Currently, all "World Legacy" monsters are 5 stars or higher, so it takes some ingenuity to make the most of the effect of (2). Token generation is useful for deployment, but it will also be given to the other party, so if you do not process it, it will be used for deployment by the other party. After all, it would be enough to recognize the trigger to hit.
Inzektor Dragonfly ▶︎ Deck 《Inzektor Dragonfly》
japan しゃくれ
2018/03/17 10:23
Yugioh Icon
smile spell
dansel phone network
(A mantis is attached as an option.)
A few years ago, Braja-Kamen hentai dragonfly made Insect rise to the top of the world. However, no matter how you look at it, there are a lot of people who don't recognize him as an Insect because he's an uncle cosplayer and he's a fucking move of the past. A piece that engraves the weight of the words "once a turn" into the dueler's mind and body.
Due to the inflation of the environment, the name is not up now, but Kuso Move is alive and well. Once it starts moving, solitaire won't stop until it's completely burnt out.
A little while ago, Link's juniors came, but don't worry, Koch has a solid turn 1 limit (what?).
El Shaddoll Construct ▶︎ Deck 《El Shaddoll Construct》
japan しゃくれ
2018/03/17 9:53
Yugioh Icon
What were the Shaddoll Nephilim? Well, I can use him as a material and put out this one without a fusion card. Put that aside.
The Nephilim, released by Shaba for the first time in three years, are completely resurrected without any errata.
You all know the performance, but
・ Shaddoll's best 28 RBIs
・Fill in the "Shaddoll" card
- Catastol for Special Summoned monsters
・Recovery of his GY common to fusions
・You can send LIGHT from Deck to GY with 《Shaddoll Fusion
Last but not least, there are many options such as 《Electromagnetic Turtle》and Trick Crown.
Because of this guy's existence, he could only survive on business trips, so the significance of building a genuine Shaddoll has increased significantly. Instead, Midrash was put in the limit, but since this guy's return is sufficient, we should accept it as an unavoidable sacrifice.
again. Welcome back, Nephilim.
Red-Eyes Slash Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Red-Eyes Slash Dragon》
japan しゃくれ
2018/02/11 13:36
Yugioh Icon
Compared to Evil Dragon and Meteor Dragon, it feels like a orthodox crimson-eyed evolutionary form. However, it seems that the performance has gone back to the origin a little too much, and honestly it is unreliable compared to the Evil Dragon and Meteor Dragon that have undergone magical remodeling.
The negate effect, which has no turn limit and targets targets, is certainly powerful, but if you don't prepare an equipment card in advance, you have to go through battle, so it's easily removed by being chained to summons and effect activations. As a result, the deployment effect also dies with itself and turns into a skill.
"For Red-Eyes Fusion, you can drop any Warrior into his GY" sounds good, but in the all-important [Red Eyes] Deck, the only Warriors that can be hired are Gearfried, and in that case, Evil Dragon is overwhelming. Strong against
Rather than adopting it with [Red Eyes], it will shine in a dedicated construction with Warrior, which has this card as its main axis. Specifically, [HERO] who shares fusion support or [Noble Knight] who uses a lot of equipment cards. [HERO] is delicious as a fan deck in the sense of collaboration with Judai.
Infernoid Decatron ▶︎ Deck 《Infernoid Decatron》
japan しゃくれ
2018/01/28 17:03
Yugioh Icon
Infernoid The only NS capable monster and tuner. A piece that accurately compensates for the missing elements of Infernoid.
As for the effect, his GY manure of the life line, removal by effect copying, level adjustment for Synchro Xyz materials, etc., so that the tactics are greatly effective.
Above all, thanks to this guy's appearance, the opponent was forced to make the ultimate choice of either 1 or 2 (Devifla) for the level declaration of excellent reasoning.
GY I don't want to be fertilized, but I can take it off and put out the ultimate dragon or Extrio... I can offer a really disgusting psychological warfare.
Monster Reborn Reborn ▶︎ Deck 《Monster Reborn Reborn》
japan しゃくれ
2018/01/26 16:56
Yugioh Icon
No longer a familiar name parody.
Since the target of resurrection is chosen by the opponent, the evaluation is divided depending on how you cover it with playing.
It's good to choose 3 monsters with the same name and revive one without fail, but it's also fun to choose 3 monsters you want to banish like "Painful Choice" and banish them. If you exclude Metaphys and Shiranui, it may be more active than the main family. In particular, when her Metaphys is removed, it returns to her Deck by itself, so it's even harder to add. Although it is a general-purpose card, it is not backward compatible, so it can be said that it is a good card.
……It has already been said, but I wonder what will happen to the overseas version of this card. Well, is it the most realistic to make the top one the overseas version?
Restoration of the Monarchs ▶︎ Deck 《Restoration of the Monarchs》
japan しゃくれ
2018/01/26 16:35
Yugioh Icon
Monarch version early burying sounds strong, but his Monarch does not use his GY of monsters so much, so it does not mesh subtly. The double cost effect is also slightly overpowered due to Idea Eidos. I have the name of "King of Monarch", so I can search for it, but I'm not sure if I should spend my valuable search on this card...
His Monarch, which incorporates Xyz, can easily prepare Rank 6 and 8 materials, so there may be room for adoption.
As usual, anything is fine as long as the status matches, so he also supports his Qliphort in the Pendulum version of Monarch. If this is also his Qliphort that uses Xyz, he can reuse his Qliphort that went to GY as a material. The double cost effect makes him a good target for Tribute Summon, so it's a good matchup.
Then 《Saqlifice》is fine? I think so too.
Batteryman Solar ▶︎ Deck 《Batteryman Solar》
japan しゃくれ
2018/01/05 21:46
Yugioh Icon
The long-awaited (?) Batteryman new feature supports not only categories but also all races. There is no way that the omission + token generation is weak, and frankly speaking, it is a performance that can be allowed because it is a minor Thunder.
The effect of (3) is also the best match in the Batteryman Deck, and if you line up the AA types with a runaway summon and borrow the name, you can hit even a god with 4000 RBI. The conditions for activating the neck were also greatly improved by his GY resurrection from the burrow, and the one-kill was further refined. To think that the dedicated GY resuscitation, which had been a little overdone since coming here, would come to life...
Like the last Batteryman Fuel Cell, Batteryman is very interesting because good new ones come when I forget. Hopefully, it won't be abused and regulated...
Gladiator Beast Augustus ▶︎ Deck 《Gladiator Beast Augustus》
japan しゃくれ
2018/01/02 13:31
Yugioh Icon
The only top-tier Gladiator Beast in the main deck.
Owatabius? what's the matter? (blurred)
It can be used as a combat member because it has a purely high hit point, but its main job is to Special Summon the extra Gladiator Beast that came to his hand and return him to the Deck with a fusion. The main targets are murmillos that have been stripped. Since he doesn't negate the effect, he can activate the effect of Gladiator Beast when Special Summoned. In addition, since you can draw yourself from your hand, you can connect to Rank 8 from there, so what you can do is quite strong.
Unfortunately, it doesn't mesh well with his Gladiator Beast's tactics, and it's often not adopted. First of all, his Gladiator Beast doesn't have a lot of extra cards in his hand, so he doesn't have a chance to activate it. Gladiator Beast Although it's easy to get out of Recruit, it's hard to deal with if it comes to your hand with the ultimate fate. Especially if you come with a pin, it's a tragedy.
It's not weak, but it's a monster that can't be denied that it's dexterous and poor. That being said, he's a good turner as long as he's in your deck, so why not include him?
Nine-Tailed Fox ▶︎ Deck 《Nine-Tailed Fox》
japan しゃくれ
2017/12/24 16:11
Yugioh Icon
×: FIRE・Zombie
⚪︎: Fire/Ghost type
The unlikely motif is finally made into a card. The effect is also strong. Using this kind of resurrection effect will mostly eliminate it, but I'm plain happy that it doesn't have that disadvantage. Regardless of the type of cost, you can revive even if you eat the token you made yourself. It's a 6-star release, so it's compatible with Holy Time.
Token generation does not matter where it is destroyed, so it is possible to discard cards from an isolated island as usual. Is hand destruction ad common sense anymore (confusion)
It's scary that it doesn't have a designated turn 1, and there's a danger that you'll be able to reuse it for solitaires like Bato Oni, but overall, it's an interesting monster that can be used in a variety of ways.
Doublebyte Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Doublebyte Dragon》
japan しゃくれ
2017/12/24 15:36
Yugioh Icon
Kind of like the Link Monster version of Wyrm. However, the current situation is that it is not as convenient as Wyarm.
At first glance, the material looks heavy, but with repeated horizontal jumps like the Torch Golem example, Akashic and Security can be easily put out of the material. ATK 2700 resistance. Not bad.
However, if you go that far, it's better to just put out a link 4 obediently. It would have been nice to have included a marker for the card itself...
Monster resistance other than Link is certainly strong, but it's also a headwind that Link already has a certain number of removal spells. In particular, he is Borreload's greatest enemy. If you put it out with difficulty and get taken down, you can't even look at it.
That said, the potential is by no means low, so you can expect more from the card pool in the future.
Return of the Monarchs ▶︎ Deck 《Return of the Monarchs》
japan しゃくれ
2017/12/22 20:00
Yugioh Icon
Kaigan! Perfect trimmer! (wrong)
A Continuous Spell that searches subsequent Monarchs during a Tribute Summon. It's charming that anything is fine as long as the status matches.
Monarch has a good reputation for trade-in, panshin and hand replenishment, but actually this is the only monster search. His basic Monarch style is to secure cards quickly and fight without running out of cards. EX is sealed, but if you don't use it in the first place, there is no problem.
As for the number of copies, it can be searched with 《Tenacity of the Monarchs》, so putting in two should be enough.
World Legacy - ▶︎ Deck 《World Legacy - "World Chalice"》
japan しゃくれ
2017/12/21 14:40
Yugioh Icon
Two-body recruit is powerful. With [the World Chalice], you can increase the summoning right with Imduk, so it's actually not that difficult. Guardragon (non-shogoryu) etc. can be put out and connected to further development.
EX removal is also plainly disgusting, and if you revive Flice with libide etc., it will be a restraint on the opponent's deployment.
Recently, the "World Legacy" category has increased, so the search effect is also being evaluated. Since the general-purpose card 《World Legacy Clash》has also appeared, it will probably be called upon as a search agent.
A good card that I am very much looking forward to getting promoted from this.
Pantheism of the Monarchs ▶︎ Deck 《Pantheism of the Monarchs》
japan しゃくれ
2017/12/21 14:17
Yugioh Icon
A broken card thrown into [King of Monarch].
・Monarch King Spell ・《Trade-In》with Trap as cost.
・Without GY, he searches King Monarch Spell/Trap.
Both can be activated in one turn, and instead of exchanging cards, one more card is added. Something is already wrong at this point, but the problem is that this card itself is too easy to search and salvage. Deck search in deep grudge. Exclusion salvage by idea. First of all why did Droso do it? Even the excuse of being a category exclusive can't be accepted by his King of Monarch, who was reasonably strong from the beginning.
It will be semi-restricted from January, but I honestly think that it will be fine with just one because it works well enough.
Dueltaining ▶︎ Deck 《Dueltaining》
japan しゃくれ
2017/12/20 13:04
Yugioh Icon
Each condition is so strict that it's not funny, but as far as the coin toss is concerned, if you have a second chance with 《Desperado Barrel Dragon》, it will definitely be decided, so it's easier to aim. Desperado himself can also draw 1 card with 3 cards on the front, and it is exhilarating to draw up to 3 cards. I can't deny that it's more romantic, but I've gotten rid of the fact that I can't use it completely.
Even so, it's not the entertainment itself that uses this effect, but the cheating American... In other words, cheating is entertainment? (confusion)

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