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Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Rating List Showing 2,116 to 2,130 of 2,600

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Pain Painter ▶︎ Deck 《Pain Painter》
japan なす
2017/07/18 9:12
Yugioh Icon
A tuner with an effect that treats itself as Plaguespreader Zombie and a change effect that changes the level of up to 2 Zombies to 2.
Since 《Plaguespreader Zombie》was the limit at the time of implementation, it came in handy as a substitute.
Due to the level change effect, you can get Skull Archfiend normally, and you can also get Rank 2.
Archfiend Zombie-Skull ▶︎ Deck 《Archfiend Zombie-Skull》
japan なす
2017/07/18 9:01
Yugioh Icon
A Zombie Synchro that grants his Zombie resistance to effect destruction.
The material is limited to two Zombies, and although it was difficult to get out at first, it became easier to get out thanks to Pain Painter and the demon sword.
It is reassuring to be able to avoid torrent burials and abysses by imparting destruction resistance.
Doomkaiser Dragon ▶︎ Deck 《Doomkaiser Dragon》
japan なす
2017/07/18 8:47
Yugioh Icon
Zombie Synchro that revives his Zombie of the opponent GY to his own field.
If used in combination with 《Zombie World》, you can steal opponent GY's monsters that are not limited to summoning just by putting them out.
Since it is a Special Summon, it can be activated by the effect of a demon sword or resurrection.
Summoner Monk ▶︎ Deck 《Summoner Monk》
japan なす
2017/07/17 20:15
Yugioh Icon
It has the effect of recruiting level 4 with his spell in hand as a cost.
The cost is limited to his spell, but being able to immediately recruit a level 4 is very good. You can use yourself as a material to connect to Level 8 Synchro or Rank 4. The disadvantage of the recruit target is also very light as it cannot attack.
Jet Synchron ▶︎ Deck 《Jet Synchron》
japan なす
2017/07/17 17:37
Yugioh Icon
A tuner who can self-revive by sending a search and a hand card to his GY when sent to GY.
The search effect is mainly used to search for 《Junk Synchron》. You can revive yourself with a hand cost, and you can instantly connect to Synchro or Rank 1. Demerit exclusion is also not excluded if it is an Xyz material. Same name turn 1 limit and only one of them, but very easy to use.
It's strength is that it supports level 1 and machine support.
Axe of Despair ▶︎ Deck 《Axe of Despair》
japan なす
2017/07/17 17:24
Yugioh Icon
Equip Spell that can increase RBI by 1000 by itself.
There are no particular conditions, and the rise value is higher than "United We Stand" alone.
You can search not only with 《Hidden Armory》, but also with Trick Archfiend.
Armory Arm ▶︎ Deck 《Armory Arm》
japan なす
2017/07/17 17:22
Yugioh Icon
By equipping it as an equipment card with Level 4 Synchro without material restrictions, it has the effect of increasing the hit point by 1000 and giving the original hit point of the monster destroyed by battle.
The RBI of 1000 is large on its own, and in addition, you can expect even higher damage by destroying it in battle.
However, since it cannot be used as a substitute for the equipped monster, I would like to use it as a finisher as much as possible.
Hidden Armory ▶︎ Deck 《Hidden Armory》
japan なす
2017/07/17 17:16
Yugioh Icon
A spell that can search and salvage Equip Spells while sending Deck Top to her GY instead of Normal Summon.
Normal Summon is painful, but her Equip Spell's search and salvage is powerful as well as GY fertilization. Equip Spell If it's a main axis, I'd like to put it in as much as possible.
Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons ▶︎ Deck 《Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons》
japan なす
2017/07/17 13:57
Yugioh Icon
A level 8 synchro that uses a DARK tuner as a material, and has the effect of increasing the RBI by the amount of damage received and destruction resistance.
It has a high hit point of 3000 and is resistant to destruction, so it has a relatively good presence. In addition, since the RBI is permanently increased by the amount of damage received, Honest and 《Magic Cylinder》are only temporary. It can be dealt with by bounce and removal, but it's still a nasty monster when it comes out.
If you use DARK and Synchro, you'll want to include one.
Phantom of Chaos ▶︎ Deck 《Phantom of Chaos》
japan なす
2017/07/17 12:35
Yugioh Icon
It has the effect of excluding and copying his Effect Monster of his own GY.
Since it copies not only the card name but also the hit point and effect, it is possible to copy a monster with a powerful effect and use the effect instead of having difficult summoning conditions. Even if it's not, Effect Monster can be copied, so it has a wide range of uses.
However, since it cannot deal battles damage and can only be copied during the turn in which it is activated, I would like to use it as a material or cost during that turn.
Gale Dogra ▶︎ Deck 《Gale Dogra》
japan なす
2017/07/17 12:19
Yugioh Icon
It has the effect of sending extra deck monsters to his GY at 3000 LP.
Although the cost is not light, it has a wide range of uses, such as sending Herald of the Arc Light to get Herald of Perfection or Herald of Ultimateness, or sending Plain Coat to feed his Heraldic Beast to his GY. There is no turn 1 limit, so you can use it multiple times as long as you have the cost.
Gozuki ▶︎ Deck 《Gozuki》
japan なす
2017/07/17 2:10
Yugioh Icon
A monster with a Zombie-exclusive 《Foolish Burial》and a built-in hand expansion effect.
By feeding Plaguespreader Zombie and Batouki to his GY, it is possible to connect to Synchro, Xyz, etc.
After that, if he is sent to GY, he will be able to expand his hand, although he will need to exclude his Zombie in his GY other than himself. It works well with Shiranui, and can also be used as a return from a hermit and a removal from a priest.
Excellent as a Zombie GY fertilization and deployment aid.
Shiranui Solitaire ▶︎ Deck 《Shiranui Solitaire》
japan なす
2017/07/17 1:48
Yugioh Icon
A monster with the effect of releasing 1 Zombie, including itself, to recruit Zombie tuners with 0 DEF, and the effect of returning her Shiranui other than the same name when excluded.
Recruited "Uni-Zombie", Yoto, "Scapeghost" and released herself can be immediately connected to Synchro by reviving herself with Batouki etc. If excluded, she can return her Shiranui other than the same name, further development is possible. Possible. If you have a reincarnation team, you can return two bodies, and you can connect them to Synchro and Xyz.
Easy to handle in Zombie in general, especially thanks to the Recruit effect.
Shiranui Spectralsword ▶︎ Deck 《Shiranui Spectralsword》
japan なす
2017/07/17 0:37
Yugioh Icon
A level 2 tuner that uses GY to perform Zombie Synchro.
Although it can't be used immediately, his pseudo-synchronization with GY, which doesn't depend on the field or hand, is very useful.
The target is not only Shiranui, but also a Synchro that uses 《Plaguespreader Zombie》as a material, so it is easy to handle.
Advanced Ritual Art ▶︎ Deck 《Advanced Ritual Art》
japan なす
2017/07/16 23:09
Yugioh Icon
A Ritual Spell that makes the ritual more powerful by sending vanilla monsters from the Deck to her GY to ritual summon them.
It is necessary to match the level with the vanilla ready, but it is very good that he can be ritual summoned with the vanilla deck without consuming the hand. Another strength of this card is that it can be searched with 《Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands》.

(142/174 pages) 2,116 - 2,130

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