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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck List  > "T.G. Hyper Librarian" Deck List

used "T.G. Hyper Librarian" Deck List (Yu-Gi-Oh!) Showing 1,741 to 1,770 of 1,920

used "T.G. Hyper Librarian" Deck List.
Rating Score Card Name Card-Type
Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
T.G. Hyper Librarian ▶︎ Deck 9.8 47 T.G. Hyper Librarian Synchro Monster
Effect Monster
- 5 Spellcaster 2400 1800
1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters
If a monster is Synchro Summoned: Draw 1 card. This card must be face-up on the field to activate and to resolve this effect.

Deck Name category how to win view num Score Posted date
"Start counting...!" - Special Victory 3925 40 12-11-04
cased axle Vylon Vylon Beatdown 9534 20 12-11-04
Accident Fabled Fabled Meta-Control 3123 3 12-11-03
Genex Atlantean Mermail - Beatdown 13512 67 12-11-02
Fulmon Genex Beatdown 5620 6 12-11-01
Gusto Quick Junk Doppel Synchron Beatdown 5837 23 12-11-01
Sai Monarch Machine Fan, Theme 2595 0 12-10-22
witches and happy friends Spellcaster Fan, Theme 4314 6 12-10-21
simple miracin Spellcaster Fan, Theme 3952 20 12-10-20
Kintele Madolche 2013.3 Madolche Fan, Theme 6527 38 12-10-18
Skanova Jund Synchron Beatdown 10256 52 12-10-17
Bamboo Shoot Village Naturia Meta-Control 7562 20 12-10-17
Railway Monarch Genex Beatdown 4222 10 12-10-17
perdek board Fairy Special Victory 9701 41 12-10-16
Laval for new restrictions Laval Beatdown 12107 134 12-10-14
Double Summon Madou Spellbook Beatdown 3353 42 12-10-10
immortal world - Beatdown 5499 70 12-10-10
You want a quasar from the first turn, right? Synchron Fan, Theme 219806 1211 12-10-08
Rampage Quasar Quick Jund Synchron Fan, Theme 12458 66 12-10-08
3. Lord of the Aesir Returned Edition Nordic, Nordic Beasts, Lord of the Aesir, Nordic Relic Beatdown 19236 171 12-10-07
Elia-san with extra cards WATER Fan, Theme 2106 0 12-10-06
Vision-controlled excluded seafood Sea Serpent Fan, Theme 10113 49 12-10-06
Holy Time Synchro - Beatdown 5191 28 12-10-04
The Strongest Beat of Light! Dragon Beatdown 9801 92 12-10-03
Snast Fabled Fabled Beatdown 9786 125 12-10-02
Fabled Fabled Beatdown 8835 81 12-10-01
BF Road - Beatdown 9299 170 12-09-30
Confused Darkness Deck DARK Beatdown 8844 53 12-09-29
Blackwing - Beatdown 3213 30 12-09-29
Agent Chaos D Deck Destiny HERO Beatdown 17790 235 12-09-28

(59/64 pages) 1,741 - 1,770

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