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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck List  > "Book of Eclipse" Deck List

used "Book of Eclipse" Deck List (Yu-Gi-Oh!) Showing 91 to 120 of 483

used "Book of Eclipse" Deck List.
Rating Score Card Name Card-Type
Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Book of Eclipse ▶︎ Deck 8.2 26 Book of Eclipse Quick-Play Spell
Change all face-up monsters on the field to face-down Defense Position. During the End Phase of this turn, change as many face-down Defense Position monsters your opponent controls as possible to face-up Defense Position, then your opponent draws cards equal to the number of monsters changed face-up by this effect.

Deck Name category how to win view num Score Posted date
Zenmalink - Beatdown 682 20 17-05-18
ceremonial axis Blue-Eyed Blue-Eyed Beatdown 4988 36 17-05-07
Deep Love Ultimate Ceremony White Dragon Blue-Eyed Beatdown 4541 42 17-05-05
pure kozmo Kozmo Beatdown 6653 36 17-04-30
Trickstar Trickstar Lock, Burn 3760 16 17-04-28
[Murderous Mass] Zoodiac Trickstar Trickstar Beatdown 4949 33 17-04-28
Darkness! Prediction Princess Fan, Theme 2504 10 17-04-22
Ghostrick star Trickstar Lock, Burn 7974 172 17-04-15
Terra Knight Unfinished - Beatdown 615 0 17-04-14
Ritual Blue-Eyed Blue-Eyed Beatdown 4631 10 17-04-09
Switch Nekroz Nekroz Beatdown 3971 20 17-04-04
Rite Blue-Eyed updated with new rules from time to time - Beatdown 2148 0 17-03-23
Invoked type fantasy Meklord Fusion Monster Fan, Theme 2245 0 17-03-13
Ghostrick ~Greedburn~ Ghostrick Lock, Burn 4134 6 17-03-09
History's Strongest Destroyer Xyz Monster Special Victory 2721 20 17-02-21
WW the Melodious Diva Invoked LIGHT Beatdown 2149 3 17-02-17
wrathful flame eater FIRE Beatdown 1882 0 17-02-13
Bon mawashi-type gostri Ghostrick Special Victory 6059 38 17-02-10
50 tickets for Destiny Board (advice requested) DARK Special Victory 2219 13 17-02-07
Caiju Deck Iron Chain Special Victory 1850 26 17-02-03
Armed Steel Bronze Dragon Rebellion Dragon Beatdown 2307 10 17-02-03
Mechanical Stationery Deskbot Beatdown 6242 30 17-02-02
Murderous Intention One Kill Performapal Gatlinghoul - Beatdown 3247 26 17-01-31
The deadliest erosion bug ever Insect Beatdown 2554 0 17-01-31
Beast Man, Gear Giant Dragon, and Explosion Machine Beatdown 1907 0 17-01-30
Ritual Blue-Eyed Specialized Blue-Eyed Beatdown 6451 60 17-01-29
One kill! Zoodiac Lunalight! ! Lunalight Beatdown 3859 10 17-01-27
crescent moon beastman Ritual Monster Beatdown 2167 0 17-01-27
Invasion of the Great Evil God! ! Ritual Monster Beatdown 2295 40 17-01-26
ancient machine Ancient Gear Beatdown 9194 101 17-01-21

(4/17 pages) 91 - 120

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