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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck List  > "Heavy Storm" Deck List

used "Heavy Storm" Deck List (Yu-Gi-Oh!) Showing 7,321 to 7,350 of 7,598

used "Heavy Storm" Deck List.
Rating Score Card Name Card-Type
Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Heavy Storm ▶︎ Deck 9.9 114 Heavy Storm Normal Spell
Destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on the field.

Deck Name category how to win view num Score Posted date
Lyro beat Lightsworn Beatdown 4225 19 12-06-19
chaos dragon Dragon Beatdown 3978 0 12-06-19
Mokey Mokey hits and Emperor Monarch comes out - Fan, Theme 10245 53 12-06-18
Nefujubel DARK Fan, Theme 32316 222 12-06-17
Guardian - Fan, Theme 38639 114 12-06-15
Pure The Agent LIGHT Beatdown 5317 30 12-06-14
TG Quasar - Beatdown 15696 167 12-06-12
Herald of Perfection LIGHT Lock, Burn 5864 26 12-06-11
Topheni Monarch LIGHT Beatdown 8876 103 12-06-11
Evilswarm Lagia Evilswarm, Steelswarm Beatdown 4625 56 12-06-11
Redame Dragon Beatdown 5451 10 12-06-11
Moon Sakuri Field Control DARK Meta-Control 2817 0 12-06-08
Masked Hirobi Elemental HERO Beatdown 44541 263 12-06-08
Rabbit Gem-Knight Gem-Knight Beatdown 4207 30 12-06-08
Ice Barrier Rock Ice Barrier Lock, Burn 24656 225 12-06-08
Nandise Gagaga Deck (under renovation) Gagaga Fan, Theme 7013 87 12-06-05
Arcee watches from outside her Deck Fortune Lady Beatdown 8819 66 12-06-04
Black Mist Axis Xyz Beat - Beatdown 8842 50 12-06-04
T.G. Warrior Beatdown 3631 3 12-06-04
The Six Samurai Beat Six Samurai Beatdown 5659 20 12-06-03
T.G. Acting Angel Fairy Special Victory 4717 13 12-06-02
Miracle Synchro Fusion - Fan, Theme 12896 65 12-06-02
Rabbit Evilswarm Knight Gem-Knight Beatdown 5273 52 12-06-02
Necro Evilswarm Evilswarm, Steelswarm Beatdown 7042 66 12-05-31
Usagi Vanilla Revival Beat Mod - Beatdown 5494 30 12-05-31
Glyph Gusto Gusto Fan, Theme 6868 30 12-05-28
Armored Ninja Ninja, Ninjitsu Beatdown 65742 695 12-05-27
Water Axis Trap/Hands WATER Beatdown 6034 40 12-05-27
Kujador Synchro Synchron Beatdown 34343 293 12-05-26
Chaos Constellar Constellar Beatdown 7363 51 12-05-26

(245/254 pages) 7,321 - 7,350

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