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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck List  > "Terraforming" Deck List

used "Terraforming" Deck List (Yu-Gi-Oh!) Showing 5,911 to 5,940 of 6,322

used "Terraforming" Deck List.
Rating Score Card Name Card-Type
Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Terraforming ▶︎ Deck 9.3 76 Terraforming Normal Spell
Add 1 Field Spell from your Deck to your hand.

Deck Name category how to win view num Score Posted date
Dragon Ruler Gusto (remake ver) Gusto Beatdown 4537 50 13-04-01
Huh! ! Gusto Gusto Beatdown 4544 16 13-04-01
Jewel Fire King Crystal Beast, Advanced Crystal Beast Beatdown 4231 16 13-04-01
The impregnable B.E.S. B.E.S. Meta-Control 7394 3 13-03-31
A Deck that may easily win against your opponent - Lock, Burn 4196 16 13-03-31
Kamikaze Dora Harpie Harpie Beatdown 5610 23 13-03-30
Ability to leave fate to the stars Fortune Lady Beatdown 10386 65 13-03-29
Dragunity Knight Dragunity Beatdown 5570 39 13-03-29
drag buster Dragon Beatdown 2233 6 13-03-28
SSGV - Beatdown 3256 19 13-03-28
end of life Fairy Beatdown 10351 46 13-03-28
Meta Bujin Bujin, Bujinki, Bujintei, Bujingi Beatdown 14331 51 13-03-28
bargain coelacanth Fish Beatdown 10936 82 13-03-27
Let's go with Amazoness Amazoness Fan, Theme 4580 0 13-03-26
Familiar-Possessed Wynn Spellcaster Fan, Theme 4173 10 13-03-26
New Archfiend Fiend Fan, Theme 15800 58 13-03-26
Kamikaze! Mecha Phantom Beast! Mecha Phantom Beast Beatdown 11616 92 13-03-25
Kamikaze Mecha Phantom Beast "It's not over yet!!" Mecha Phantom Beast Fan, Theme 6259 36 13-03-24
Darkness Archfiend Fiend Beatdown 5274 13 13-03-24
Sin Gandola Malefic Beatdown 5298 0 13-03-23
Dragunity (Dragon Ruler 2 types) Dragunity Beatdown 6349 79 13-03-23
Hero Burn Elemental HERO Lock, Burn 5946 59 13-03-23
=Genuine XYZ= Machine Fan, Theme 5879 0 13-03-23
Gravekeeper + Village + Sanctuary + Touch = Great Victory! (?) Spellcaster Fan, Theme 3836 0 13-03-22
Mecha Phantom Beast Beatdown Mecha Phantom Beast Beatdown 4920 20 13-03-22
Corresponding to new restrictions Beating in the Dark World Dark World Beatdown 5283 13 13-03-22
Earthbound Immortal + Bamboo Rock Earthbound Immortal Lock, Burn 7324 80 13-03-22
Darklord Dark the World - Beatdown 7366 9 13-03-20
dojirisu - Fan, Theme 2476 10 13-03-20
Earth Spirit Meklord EARTH Fan, Theme 2046 10 13-03-19

(198/211 pages) 5,911 - 5,940

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