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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck List  > "One for One" Deck List

used "One for One" Deck List (Yu-Gi-Oh!) Showing 3,361 to 3,390 of 3,784

used "One for One" Deck List.
Rating Score Card Name Card-Type
Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
One for One ▶︎ Deck 9.3 49 One for One Normal Spell
Send 1 monster from your hand to the GY; Special Summon 1 Level 1 monster from your hand or Deck.

Deck Name category how to win view num Score Posted date
Kujador Synchro Synchron Beatdown 4102 16 13-08-31
6 axes Hieratic Dragon, Hieratic Seal Beatdown 3296 3 13-08-31
Jund Cannon 1 kill Synchron Beatdown 4276 13 13-08-30
Kamen Umbral Umbral Beatdown 5471 9 13-08-30
(Tournament format) Black and white Jund new limit ver Junk Beatdown 16167 46 13-08-30
White Dragon Deck ・Focus on Synchro Blue-Eyed Fan, Theme 11255 89 13-08-30
Strong and invincible! Dragon Beatdown 4624 10 13-08-29
Burst Stream of Destruction Dragon Beatdown 2186 3 13-08-28
Shooting Star Gale of Destruction Dragon Fan, Theme 1693 10 13-08-28
Synchro IF Infernity Beatdown 7460 33 13-08-27
Blue-Eyed Dragon Beatdown 3565 36 13-08-27
Level 1 Fulmon - Beatdown 3966 26 13-08-27
Psychic (Drag) Dragon Ruler Gusto Gadget Beatdown 3067 6 13-08-27
Marina Axis Deck Plant Beatdown 6244 0 13-08-27
(Fan Deck) Optical axis Blue-Eyed LIGHT Fan, Theme 3224 10 13-08-27
Blue-Eyed Sacred Time Hieratic Dragon, Hieratic Seal Beatdown 7100 19 13-08-26
Maiden with Eyes of Blue LIGHT Beatdown 20241 157 13-08-26
lion heartbeat - Beatdown 5281 36 13-08-25
Planetary-style limit over, accelerator synchro Synchron Fan, Theme 25668 28 13-08-25
Blue-Eyed (I need your advice) Dragon Beatdown 2212 3 13-08-25
Burn it down with magma flames! Laval Beatdown 3181 3 13-08-24
Scapegoat release commemorative ver2 Mecha Phantom Beast Beatdown 8588 19 13-08-24
Polished Jack Synchron Beatdown 2553 0 13-08-22
Flower-shaped Blue-Eyed on both hands (cologne + maiden) - Fan, Theme 7722 36 13-08-22
Coffin of Black Magic Resurrection (2014/6/18 Update) Spellcaster Fan, Theme 3835 0 13-08-22
Kuriboh Synchro DARK Beatdown 4573 20 13-08-22
Blue-Eyed Dragon and her Blue-Eyed Maiden Dragon Beatdown 10710 68 13-08-21
Commemorating the release of the scapegoat Mecha Phantom Beast Beatdown 7135 6 13-08-21
Maiden Axis Blue-Eyed Deck, beat with Blue-Eyed Dragon Beatdown 75827 160 13-08-21
Favorite Blue-Eyed (opinion request) - Beatdown 2052 0 13-08-20

(113/127 pages) 3,361 - 3,390

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